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blind as a bat. Having terrible eyesight

Example: What does that say? I’m blind as a bat without my glasses.

ghost town A deserted town with few or no inhabitants.

Example: This city’s like a ghost town on the weekends.

come back to hount (someone)

A decision that eventually causes problems to the person who made the decision.

Example: Forgetting to brush my teeth when I was younger was an error that came back to haunt me in old age

graveyard shift A shift that runs throughout the night, usually from midnight to 8am.

Example: I sleep all morning and afternoon because I work the graveyard shift.

devil’s advocate A person who presents the opposite side to stir up further discussion.

Example: I agree with you, but I’m going to play devil’s advocate so we can consider all the options.

make (someone)’s blood boil Making someone very angry.

Example: The injustice of that trial makes my blood boil.

digging one’s grave To do something that causes you harm.

Example: You dug your own grave when you made a joke about our manager in front of everyone.

night owl Someone who is usually awake and active at night.

Example: He is such a night owl, but I like to sleep by 11pm.

drop dead gorgeous Extremely beautiful or attractive.

Example: That girl is drop dead gorgeous. I want to ask her out on a date.

over my dead body

Used to say you’ll do whatever it takes to prevent something from happening.

Example: You want to marry him? Over my dead body!

scared stiff Absolutely terrified.

Example: I was scared stiff when I saw a shadow come up from behind me.

scaredy cat Someone who is easily scared.

Example: Don’t be such a scaredy cat. That’s just a Halloween decoration.

skeleton’s in one’s closet Keeping a shameful secret that could ruin a person’s reputation.

Example: Most couples have a skeleton in the closet.

smell a rat To suspect a trick or deception.

Example: Something’s not right. I smell a rat.

witching hour Midnight; the time that witches are believed to be most powerful.

Example: My parents arrived home right before witching hour.

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