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B2B Media and Information

Offices : Los Angeles (North America HQ), Taipei (Asia HQ)

Target Markets : Global

GeneOnline was founded in Taiwan in 2015 and expanded to North America in 2019. It offers
two platforms, GeneOnline Media and BIODND database, which aim to accelerate
connections between life science and startup companies by bridging cross-border funding
and cooperation opportunities.

GeneOnline's media platform is the most influential biomedical media platform in Asia which
collaborated with more than 300 biotech/pharma organizations and hit 500, 000 monthly
visits. The platform provides content in multiple languages, including reports on the latest
industry trends, research focus, and interviews with key opinion leaders.

BIODND is a global life science database that integrates biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and
medical technology. The database, covering pipelines, development stages, fundraising
stages, licensing, and cooperation, expedites the deal-sourcing process of investors or
pharmaceutical companies which used to be cumbersome due to the accessibility of the
information. BIODND platform will roll out globally in 2023, Q4.

GeneOnline 基因線上在台灣成立於 2015 年,並於 2019 年在美國成立北美總部,提供生

命科學產業一個專業獨立的媒體與資訊平台 GeneOnline Media 與 BIODND生技醫藥產業
GeneOnline Media 為亞洲最具影響力的生醫媒體,藉由多語言平台深入報導全球的生技醫
藥領域,最新產業動態、研發焦點,以及專訪全球重量級生醫領域人士,GeneOnline 的全
球合作媒體有 300 家以上,並達到每個月50 萬次的平台瀏覽量。
BIODND生技醫藥產業數據資料庫將於2023年 Q4全球推出,結合生物技術、製藥和醫療技

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