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How is oxygen formed? Oxygen is generated during photosynthesis by plants and many types of microbes.
Plants both use oxygen (during respiration) and produce it via photosynthesis generate oxygen as byproduct.
Oxygen from photosynthetic microbes eventually built up in the atmosphere, drastically changing our
planet’s environment.

How is oxygen mined? Oxygen is not mined it is chiefly obtained by liquefying air. Oxygen is the most
common element on the surface of the earth, and that can be found anywhere.

What is the process for Oxygen to be suitable for human use ? The lungs and respiratory system allow us to
breathe. They bring oxygen into our bodies (called inspiration, or inhalation) and send carbon dioxide out
(called expiration, or exhalation). This exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is called respiration. Most
living things need oxygen to survive. Oxygen helps organisms grow, reproduce, and turn food into energy.
Humans get the oxygen they need by breathing through their nose and mouth into their lungs. Oxygen gives
our cells the ability to break down food in order to get the energy we need to survive. Although other animals
may use different organs to breathe with, they all get oxygen into their bodies through respiration.

Cite ways to prevent or lessen the environmental impact that results from exploitation , extraction and use
of mineral resources.
1.Reduce Energy Consumption:
- Opt for energy-efficient mining and extraction techniques to lower greenhouse gas emissions.
-Promote the use of renewable energy sources in mining operation.
2. Recycling and Reuse:
-Encourage recycling and reuse minerals to reduce the need for new extraction.
-Develop recycling infrastructure for metals and minerals.
3. Water Management:
-Implement efficient water management practices to reduce water consumption and prevent pollution.
-Develop and use water treatment technologies to mitigate contamination.
4. Biodiversity Conservation:
- Protect and restore ecosystems affected by mining activities.
-Support habitat preservation and reclamation efforts.

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