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[\nxoanraa Li laene Sra, Poms Sista Se (EU a Maw Rimes con Gloene wn eneaneR aueccmT 5E ADVANCED SPELL POINTS SYSTEM vis Table Of Contents 1 Se Advanced Spell Points System 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Using Spell Points 1.3 Spell Points per Level 1.4 Can't find your class? 1.5 Launching spells with Spell Points 1.6 Recovering Spell Points 1.6.1 Natural Recovery (Druid -Cirele of Land) 1.6.2 Arcane Recovery (Wizard) 1.7 Gritty High Magic Variant 1.7.1 Runaing out of Spell Points 1.7.2 Casting Spells without spell points CREDITS Art and illustrations Gibran: Images on page 3 and 4 annewinf Cover and images on page 5, 7 and 8 Impagination The Homebrewery. Advanced Spell Points System 9 3 ipa ‘6 7 oT pT 7 8 8 8 INTRODUCTION ‘This set of rules replace the variant rules about Spell Points. (DMG pag.288 ). Nothing wrong with those rules, but my group and I needed something more flexible and easy to understand without big numbers and complex calculations during the gaming sessions, The Magic System here presented was tested and refined during @ 2 years campaign, it may not fit everybody taste, but T assure you that when your players starts getting used to it, they will see it as the most natural way of casting spells. Usually players enjoy spell points more, compared to spell stots, due to the higher flexibility and freedom they get casting spells. Be aware that the spell point system presented here will change the balance of the game, casters will fecl more powerful, at least at low levels, with more low level spells to cast per long rest. This will be balanced at higher Ievels, with less high level spells. Overall they will be able to cast less high level spells. The same happen with the variant presented on the DMG, but here there is ‘no hard limit to one 6th level spell or higher per dav. With this system an powerful mage could even decide to cast 2 level 8 spells in a row, but that will drain almost all his magic leaving him powerless for the rest ofthe day: Be sure to explain this to your players, if you wish to use this system, Want more power? Maybe you run 2 campaign in a High Magic setting or just if you lke ior your players need more power. You wil fine the Get High Magic Variant tothe cules at the end ofthis document, it wil allow magic user to cast even more spells, even when they run out of Spel Points, but the cost can be very pricey! Introduction - Using Spell Points USING SPELL POINTS Using the Advanced Spell Points System is easy and feels natural, you don't need to track Spell Slots, just the maximum and actual Spell Points. Just like Hit Points. You can never use more Spell Points than your maximum. You don't need to look throught a table to know hom much a spell points a spell costs, low level spells costs a number of spel points equal to the level ofthe spel, if you launch a Level 1 Cure Wounds it will cost 1 Spell Point, if you wish to cast it at higher evel (using an higher level slot as per basic rules) it will cost 2 SP launching a spell at 2nd level, 3 SP at 3rd level and so on. Highest level spells have their cost doubled or tripled. Here is all you need to remember to know the cost of your spells: Cantrips costs 0 spell points. Level 1 f0 5 spells costs an amount of spell points equall to the spell level Level 6 and 7 spells cost is doubled. Level 8 and 9spells cost s tripled. Every other rule about spelleasting remain the same as basic rules. There is no hard limit to the number of spells you ean cast but, as you will see may be almost impossible to east more than ‘one 9th level spell per Long Rest as the Spell Points are limited, and one 9th level spell costs 27 Spell Points and can drain most fof your magic power SPELL POINTS PER LEVEL Every class has a set number of Spell Paints per level, as shown in the following tables. Warlock and Pact Magic users use different rules, see Page 6, Use the following tables to determinate the base Spell Points depending on you class and your level in that class. Sum the number indicated and your Spelleasting Ability Modifier to obtain your total maximum Spell Points. For example a wizard will add his Intelligence Modifier, a Ranger the Wisdom Modifier and so on. The Casting Limit represent the maximum spell level you can cast at your current level. ‘Wizarp, Barp, Cieric, Daur, SoRcERER Caster Level Spell Points Ast 1+ mod. 2nd 2+ mod. ard 4+ mod, 4th 5+ mod, sth 84 mod. 6th 10+ mod. 7th 12+ mod. 8th 14+ mod, sth 18 + mod. loth 21+ mod. st 24+ mod. Vand 24+ mod. 13d 27 + mod. 14th 27+ mod 15th 31+ mod. 16th 31+ mod. 17th 36+ mod. 18th 38 + mod. 19th 41 + mod. 20th 45 + mod. Casting Limit Ast Ast and 2nd 3rd 3rd ath ath Sth Sth 6th 6th 7th 7th ath 8th Sth Sth 9th Wizard, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer RANGER, PALADIN Caster Level Spell Points Casting Limit Ast ° 2nd 1+ med. Ist 3rd 2+ mod. Ist 4th 2+ mod. Ist Sth 44 mod. 2nd 6th 44 mod, 2nd 7th 5+ mod, and 8th 5 + mod. and oth 8+ mod. 3rd Toth 8+ mod, 3rd vst 10+ mod, 3rd Vand 10+ mod, 3rd 13rd 12+ mod, 4th 14th 12+ mod, 4th 15th 14+ mod. 4th 16th 14+ mod, 4th 17th 18 + mod, Sth Vath 18 + mod, Sth 19th 21+ mod, Sth 20th 21+ mod, Sth Ranger, Paladin Arcane Trickster, ELpRiTcH KNIGHT Caster Level Ast ° 2nd ° 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th 8th oth Toth 1th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th Vath 19th 20th ‘WARLOCK AND Pact MAGIC A Pact Magic user with this system will get a number of Spell Points equal to theyr level, the spell cost is calculated as normal (cee page 3). So for example a Level 3 Warlock will get 3 Spell Points. ‘The Pact Magic feature is changed as follow. Pact Macic Your arcane research and the magic bestowed on you by your patron have given you facility with spells, CANTRIPS You know two eantrips of your choice from the warlock spell list, You learn additional warlock cantrips of your choice at higher Fevels, as shown in the Cantrips Known columa of the Warlock table. SPELL Ponts The Warlock table shows how many spell points you have. The table also shows your Casting Limit. You cannot cast a level is higher than your Casting Limit. To cast one of your poll if it's 6 Spell Points Casting Limit warlock spells of Ist level or higher, you must expend a number of ‘Spell Points based on the spell level (see nage 3) You regain all your expended Spell Points when you finish a Long Rest or a number of Spell Points equal to half your Level at the end of a Short Rest. For example, when you are Sth level, you have To cast the Ist evel spell Thunderwawe you must expend 1 Spell pell Points. Point, you can expend more Spell Points to cast Thunderwawe at an higher level. ELpRITCH INVOCATIONS AND SPELL POINTS When an Eldrtiteh Invocation requires you to expend a Warlock, Spell Slot, you will instead expend a number of Spell Points equal to your Casting Limit. ‘When an Eldrtiteh Invocation allows you to cast a spell without cexpendind Spell Slots you can cast that spell without expending Spell Points. Arcane Trickster, Dietrich Knight WARLOCK AND Pact MAGIC CLASSES Caster Level Ast 1 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th 8th oth Toth st Vand 13rd 14th 15th 16th 17th Vath 19th 20th CAN'T FIND YOUR CLASS? The tables you see above are just a fast reference for the most common classes in the PHB, you can easily calculate the spell points for every class, including homebrew or custom classes, here is how: MANUALLY CALCULATING SPELL POINTS Spell point calculation is based on your regular Spell Slots, you need to check how many spell slots you character should have ata given level based on his class, Every Spel level: a Asclevel spell sot has a value of 1 18 Ast-level spell slot has a value of 2: Slots has a value determined by i ‘a Sth-level spell slot has a value of 5; ‘a Sth-level spell slot has a value of 9 Get the value of every Spell Slot you have, sum all those values and than divide the total by 2 (rounding up). This will give you the Warlock Spell Points Casting Limit Ast Ist 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 4th 4th Sth Sth Sth Sth Sth Sth Sth 4th Sth Sth Sth Sth ‘base Spell Points. Now sum your Spelleasting. Ability Modifier and you are ready to go. The formula can be resumed this way: “Multiply every Spell Slt by its level Sum the results, Divide by 2 (rounding up) Example: Checking his class table, a Level 4 Wizard gets Four 1st level Slots and Three 2nd level Slots, That will give us 5 Spell Points, calculated as follow: Four Istlevel Slots (4x 1)=4 ‘Three 2ndlevel Slots (3x 2)= 6 ‘Sum all the previous results (6+4)=10 Divide the sum result hy two (10 *2)=5 Remember Warlocks ae excluded from this rule. They get a number of spel points equal theyr Warlock level CASTING SPELLS WITH SPELL POINTS You now know how many Spell Points you have, but how you east a spell with those points? When you want to cast a spell or use an ability that would normally consume a spell slot, follow every other rule about casting as normal, as we already anticipated just subtract the level of the spell from your spell points pool. Spell cost in Spell Points Spell slot Cost ‘Ist - 5th Slot Level x1 6th-7th Slot Level x2 8th- 9th Slot Level x3, For example ifyou cast a 4th level spell you will remove 4 Spell Point from your maxi A Tth level spell has Spelt Points. A 8th level spell has it’s cost tripled, casting it will drain 24 ‘Spell Points from your pool. 's cost doubled, casting it will drain 14 Just remember: You cannot cast a spell with a level higher than your limit sting You cannot cast a spell if you don't have enough spell points remaining. For example if you are a Dth-level wizard and want to east a Sth: level spel, but you only got 4 Spell Points remaining that day, you can't east it You can choose to cast a Ist, 2nd, 3rd or AU-level spel instead. RECOVERING SPELL POINTS Usually you recover all your expended Spell Points at the end of a Long Rest, some classes have unique features that allow them to recover Spell Slots after a Short Rest, those features are replaced as follow: Narurat Recovery (Drurp - Circte oF Lanp) Starting at 2nd level, you can regain some of your magical energy by sitting in meditation and communing with nature. During a short rest, you recover a number of Spell Points equal to your Proficiency Bonus. You can't use this Feature again until you finish a long rest. For example, when you are a dth-level druid, you ean recover 2 Spell Point. Arcane Recovery (W1zARD) You have learned to regain some of your magical energy by studying your spellbook. During a short rest, you recover a ‘number of Spell Points equal to your Proficiency Bonus. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest. For example, when you are a 4th-level wizard, you can recover 2 Spell Points. OTHER RULES Some class feature or privilege can affect how many spell slots you have or can create. Usually no other calculation is needed, just convert the slot level directly into spell points. For example the ‘Sorcerer Flexible Casting allow the creation of spell slots, if you are creating 2 Tst level slot you get 1 spell pair 2nd level slot you get 2 spell points and so on. If any ably or privilege requires to expend a spell slot you just expend a number of spell points equal the slot level you would if you are creating a Recovering Spell Points ei Gritty HicH Macic VARIANT admit, in my D&D group we'd always use this variant rule, for us ppart of the standard and not a variant, because itis fun and add some tisk for players. decided to present it here as a variant rule because it may not appeal everyone but I recommend using it, if you want to get the ‘most out of this spell point system. Remember that this variant will make your spelleaster more powerful, an high Fevel magic user could be able to cast 2 Sth-level spells per day You may want to limit that by setting an hard limit to a single ‘Sth-level spell per long rest. RUNNING OUT OF SPELL POINTS When you reach 0 Spell Points you are done, you can't cast any more spells. The day is over for you and you must hope no other big fight will occur and that you will est and dream peacefully to recover your magic, But.. you know. that's never the ease.. ‘Sometime you and your team are running out of resources, your party hit points are low, your spell points are almost over and all you need is to cast that spell that can save your friends life, you would do anything, even give your own fife to be able to call that magic hidden in your soul, "Now you can! CASTING SPELLS WITHOUT SPELL POINTS If you want to cast a spell but your spell points are not enough, ‘you can call the energy needed directly from your your life force. Your body is consumed, black veins appear on your skin, The effort to cast this way could kill you. You suffer a reduction of your hit point maximum and could get level of exhaustion. You still cannot cast a spell with « level higher than your casting Jimi ‘HIT POINT MAXIMUM REDUCTION You are casting spells using your own life, you sacrifice your hit point maximum equal the spell cost in Spell Points x 2, and risk one level of exhaustion. ‘When you cast a spell and you have not enough spell points to pay its cost, your eurrent spell points pool drop to 0 automatically. ‘Then you must reduce your hit point maximum accordingly to the full cost of the spell x 2. Docsnit matter how many spell points you have remaining, the hit point loss is always equal to the double of the spell cost. If your hit point maximum drop to 0 you die instantly! No saving throw! Recovering your Hit Point Maximum ‘When your hit point maximum is reduced this way, you can only recover part of it atthe end of a Long Rest, and you will recover @ number of hit points maximum equal to your Proficiency Bonus. Gritty High Magic Variant EXHAUSTION Every time you try to use your own life to power your spell, your ody and your soul are consumed by the effort, not only your hit point maximum is reduced, but you must make a Constitution Saving Throw CD 10 + hit point maximum reduction (remember this isthe full cost of the spell x 2) Afailure means you get I level of exhaustion. Example: Ifyou are a 9th level wizard and want to cast a Sth level spell, but ‘you only got 4 Spell Points remaining, you can still cast it. Your spell points drop to 0 and your hit point maximum is reduced by 10. ‘Now you make a Constitution Saving Throw CD 20 (10 +10). IF -you fail you also get I level of exhaustion. You will recover your exhaustion normally at the rate of 1 level of exhaustion per Long Rest, and your hit point maximum at the rate of 4 per Long Rest (since your proficiency bonus is 4 at 9th- level). At the end of your first long rest you will recover 1 level of exhaustion and 4 hit point maximum of the 10 lost. Founpry VIT MODULE A Foundry VET module exists that support this Spell Point system, if you use Foundry (0 play your campaigns online and enjoy this ‘magic system you can find it here: hitns:/ This module and this magic system are not in any way endorsed by Foundry Vit. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, DAD, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenlofi, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all ‘other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by Luca Tortora and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild, 10 Credits & Legal

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