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o their original state.

Here's a beginner's method to solve a Rubik's Cube layer by layer:

Step 1: Cross on the First Layer

1. Choose a Color: Start with one color as your base. Let's say white.
2. Make a Cross: Solve the edge pieces to form a cross on the first layer.
3. Complete First Layer Edges: Match the colors on the edges with the adjacent center

Step 2: Complete the First Layer

4. Complete Corners: Match the corner pieces to the adjacent edge and center colors to
complete the first layer.

Step 3: Second Layer

5. Build the Second Layer: Solve the middle layer's edges, making sure they match the
adjacent center colors.

Step 4: Orient the Last Layer (OLL)

6. Complete the Yellow Cross: Orient the yellow cross on the last layer.
7. Orient the Yellow Corners: Make sure all the yellow corners are facing up.

Step 5: Permute the Last Layer (PLL)

8. Permute the Last Layer: Position the last layer's pieces correctly.
9. Rotate the Corners: Turn the corners into their correct positions.

Additional Tips:

 Finger Tricks: Learn efficient finger movements to speed up your solving.

 Practice Algorithms: Memorize and practice the algorithms for each step.
 Consistency: Be consistent in your solving approach to build familiarity.

Remember, solving a Rubik's Cube takes practice. It's normal to take some time as you
learn the algorithms and develop your skills. There are different methods and
approaches to solving the Rubik's Cube, so feel free to explore and find what works best
for you.

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