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The Fountain of Youth Within power, and to illicit an adequate result, you have to

believe in it deep in your heart of hearts. Through

Any illness can be remedied with the power of the power of visualization, a person has the power to
positive thinking and proper breathing. One Japanese create a “miracle” from within.
centenarian doctor has proven this time and again —
and has become younger in the process! “The placebo effect is likewise stimulated by thoughts
and visualization, and its degree of efficacy also
In Japan, Dr. Nobuo Shioya has as much star appeal depends on the strength of guided imagery. Some
as a Robbie Williams or a David Beckham in Europe. people succeed and some do not, although they
But he did not get try equally as hard. However much you believe, or
such clout through not believe, is the difference between success and
a hit record or failure. People who are very lucky, and whose wishes
prowess on the are fulfilled often have a guided imagination twice as
football field - powerful as others.
though for his age,
he is a stupendous “Through guided imagery and visualization, one can
golf player. The access the inexhaustible powers of the universe. The
physician managed Chinese call it chi; in India, it is referred to as prana.
to win the Japanese This power can be integrated into your consciousness.
Golf Championship Allow me to illustrate this with a metaphor: To light
— 92 years after his a sheet of paper on fire with the use of sunlight, it
birth in 1902! is not enough to let the sun shine on it - you need a
convex lens as well. This concentrates the light, and if
Two months after is you aim the focus - the burning point - directly on the
100th birthday, won paper, it starts to burn.
his 9th Seniors Golf
Tournament title. “Instead of the lens, we use guided imagery and
At the age of 82, the newspapers started calling him visualization, or rather, the creative power of
“Dr. Uncanny,” because he could still drive a golf ball thoughts, and proper breathing methods. Sunlight is
200 yards (a good 180 meters). Fifteen years later, available in abundance, but because it is dispersed,
he humbly confessed, “Since then, I’ve been able to the paper does not burn. The inexhaustible power of
hit it even farther.” On television, Nobuo Shioya was the universe is likewise everywhere, but as long as it
able to win his third “Age Shoot” at the age of 94 - is not concentrated through the lens of notional and
i.e., hit all 18 holes of a golf course within 94 strokes figurative thinking on one point in the body, beaming
(corresponding to his age in years) Nobuo Shioya on a specific goal, then the power is not being
gained renown among spiritualists throughout the targeted to actualize thought. An important aspect of
world from the books of Masaru Emoto, the scientist unlocking this infinite power is correctly placing the
who photographed water crystals to demonstrate focus, namely, at the center of the body. “And what
how feelings and thoughts modify the basic structure happens if we take that same piece of white paper
of water (see ZeitenSchrift No. 1, page 46). In fact and cover it in black ink? The paper starts to burn
it was Shioya who in 1999 led the ceremony at Biwa much quicker than if it had been left white. This is
Lake, Japan, before a gathering of several hundred because the color black absorbs light much better
participants, where they prayed for world peace than white. The act of ‘covering with black ink’ is
and purification of the lake waters - successfully, as analogous to prayer. Perhaps now you can understand
substantiated by the images of the water crystals. why it is so important not just to ask for your wish,
but to heighten the power of that request by affirming
The Power of Visualization its certain fulfillment. “If you are recovering from
a serious illness, you should not say, ‘Please, heal
Future generations will not be remembering Nobuo me,’ or ‘I wish I were healed.’ If you want success
Shioya because he was an excellent golf player, at business, it won’t happen by saying ‘Let there be
but instead because he taught people how to heal success,’ or, ‘Please, make me a success.’ The key lies
themselves, both physically as well as spiritually. in the affirmation: ‘I am healed,’ or ‘I am a success.’”
Nobuo Shioya knows what he is talking about. In his
“The power of natural healing, which is instilled in book, he describes how the sole power of thought
every human being from the time of birth, is much made it possible for him to walk without a cane. For
stronger than people realize,” said the Japanese him, the pains in the hip and leg joints that typically
physician in his book, Dr. Shioya’s Fountain of Youth accompany the aging process disappeared into thin
(available only in the Japanese original and German air. He likewise dispelled the clouds of an increasingly
translation). “It has the power to vanquish any disease forgetful mind:
that exists. Still, in order to access this natural healing

I Don’t Want Alzheimer’s! the lungs were healed, and I had this completely
unfounded but immensely powerful self-confidence
“One day I decided I would cure myself of this absent within the depths of my heart that my mission
mindedness. I kept repeating over and over, ‘My brain in life was to work as a physician. And heaven
cells are rejuvenating,’ and I sent the thought to my would certainly not stop someone who pursues his
brain cells, saturating them. Through thought and mission with all his might! About a year later, the
feeling, I visualized the shape of the cells in detail, fevers stopped, and at some point, the tuberculosis
and clearly imagined their living function. The results symptoms disappeared completely.”
set in a short time later.
Thanks to his positive outlook on life, even though
“I am no longer at a loss for words, but instead can times were extremely difficult economically, Dr. Shioya
directly access the words that I need. It’s no longer successfully built up a flourishing practice, not the
exhausting to converse with other people, and I can least because of his progress in the field of remote
also hold my lectures without assistance. healing drew more and more patients from all over
Japan. The doctor discovered that the complaints
“70% of human brain cells are unused, and there is a from his patients disappeared much faster if he
theory which states they have no purpose whatsoever. imagined his patients as completely healthy.
That is not true. The human body is analogous to the
universe, and there is not one thing that is useless. What to Nobuo Shioya had long been a reality,
So it cannot be that 70% of the brain’s cells are thanks to his personal experiences, was proven
ineffective. It is much more likely that each individual as fact by Japanese scientists in one study under
brain cell indeed functions, using only 30 % of its stark experimental conditions: a Chi-Gong master
power. The remaining 70% are inactive. concentrated in Peking on a water glass that was
standing in laboratory in Tokyo, and by using the
“What would happen if you now imagined: ‘My brain power of thinking, directed his chi energy into the
cells are rejuvenating, they are unfolding all of their water. Upon examination, the scientists determined
capabilities to the fullest,’ and, using the proper beyond a doubt that the electric conductivity of the
breathing technique, inhale fresh oxygen and energy water had changed.
into the body? The inactive 70% would similarly
become active. Our bodies possess a vast number If water can be modified across great distances
of capabilities that are in a state of suspended merely through the power of thought, then remote
animation. If people could tap the source of these healing can no longer be dismissed as an inexplicable
powers and use them in their daily lives, then human “miracle.” Still, to some doctors it would border on
potentiality would extend beyond the infinite.” miraculous if cataracts or prostate disorders were to
disappear on their own, without surgical intervention.
Experience the Power of Self Healing But this is exactly what happened to Dr. Nobuo
Shioya’s own body.
Nobuo Shioya’s insights were borne of his own
suffering. He was very frail as a child. In fact, his Cataracts and Prostate Trouble
parents didn’t believe he would survive. His childhood
was marked by severe illness, yet while he was a “Around the age of 85 I noticed how my sight was
schoolboy, Shioya began trying out various breathing deteriorating. By the time I was examined by a
techniques that would improve his condition. Because doctor, the lenses of my eyes were actually clouded
he experienced the suffering of his own afflictions, he over. I was advised to have surgery on the ‘cataracts’
felt compelled to help others who were suffering in diagnosed. ‘Are there no other methods of healing
pain, and therefore became a physician. He studied besides an operation?’ I asked. No, there are none. -
western medicine and integrated it with his knowledge So I stopped seeing this doctor.
of eastern healing arts. His own case history made
obvious to his own eyes how important correct “Instead, I did my daily breathing exercises and
breathing is for health. While still a young physician, developed the conscious image wherein my cataracts
it so happened that he came down with tuberculosis. would heal, that they were already completely healed!
He cast all of the medical advice he was given to That is what I envisioned over and over.
the wind, and began intensive abdominal breathing,
which, instead of being gentle on his body, placed “In the meantime I noticed my sight gradually
extreme demands on his lungs. returning. And when I allowed myself to be examined
by another doctor this time, he said that minor
“I did something else ‘abnormal,’” remembered symptoms of cataracts were visible, but these were
Nobuo Shioya. “I used my guided imagination and only in the initial stages. But they weren’t really in
clung to the idea that a lung disease was not going the initial stages - they were well on their way to
to get the best of me. I continuously imagined that being healed! Of course I did not allow myself to be

operated on, and now the cataracts have completely “Or to put it better: I not only believe it, but in fact
disappeared. I know it, because all around me I have seen people
sick from cancer, and through my methods, they have
“Shortly after that, I began to be plagued by prostate stopped the further spread of cancer cells, or even
enlargement. I could only urinate with difficulty, and lowered their numbers. That is a prime example of the
constantly felt like I had a full bladder. So I proceeded fact that a sufficient supply of cosmic life force called
the same way as with the cataract, and envisioned chi, and oxygen is not only a defense against cancer,
the prostate as completely healed. But this did not but can also be a true means of healing.
lead to any good results, and the symptoms started
getting worse. When I turned 90, I could hardly “Of course, even the psyche can have a strong
urinate any more. “After going around in circles trying influence on the occurrence of cancer. It has been
to understand why my methods had not worked, I proven that a positive, optimistic attitude, laughter,
finally recognized the reason: The strength of the and humor strengthen the immune system.”
guided imagery, and the means by which I called forth
this vision, were not adequate! It became clear to me Many readers of Dr. Shioya’s book, which has been
that the power of the guided imagery able to heal on the Japanese market for more than a decade, have
cataracts was insufficient to heal prostatitis. confirmed that his methods had a successful effect
even on osteoporosis, stroke and heart disease. At
“So I intensified the guided imagery even more. I the age of 103, he is himself in excellent physical
convinced myself that I was healed, and concentrated and mental health, still has all his own teeth, and the
on a vision of the urine being expelled in full strength blood pressure of a young man in his prime. If all
and with a full stream. And what happened then? The old people were as healthy, we would not be dealing
next morning there was a dribble as thin as a cotton with today’s wildly out-of-control healthcare costs. In
fiber, which became increasingly thicker - and after a addition to a basic positive disposition, it only costs
week, I was completely healed.” a few minutes each day to maintain your own health
through proper breathing. Through this, one takes in
100 Years in the Best of Health five times the amount of oxygen than with superficial
breathing. The effects are irrefutable:
“Everyone wants to live a long life, but no one wants
to get old. This sentiment hits the nail on the head. At the age of 74, Nobuo Shioya took part in a trekking
Because it is possible for everyone, same as me, to tour on Mount Everest. At first, given his age, no one
live a long life, and to maintain physical fitness. On wanted to take him along at all, because it was feared
the basis of my medical knowledge, I am convinced he would get altitude sickness and perhaps even die
that the human being has a physiological life span from it. Most of his fellow travelers were between
of up to one hundred years. And there is no reason twenty and thirty years old - only one was 52. Still,
why one cannot enjoy each and every one of these Shioya was the only who did not come down with
years in complete health,” writes Nobuo Shioya, who altitude sickness: indeed, the “old geezer” wound up
asserts from his own experience that he has become tending to and taking care of the youngsters!
ever younger and healthier since the age of 60. “Body
and mind can be rejuvenated by the power of thought. Free Will against Determination
This is what I have written; however, it is naturally
impossible for the condition and cells to become Based on the wealth of his experiences, Dr. Nobuo
younger in actuality. We don’t make ourselves younger Shioya believes that a person is capable of healing
through the power of imagination, but rather return even innate genetic defects through the positive power
ourselves to a target state of health. of the consciousness. In his book, he writes, “The
existence of DNA leads to the generally accepted
“If, additionally, we draw sufficient oxygen into our notion that living beings subject to a certain kind of
bodies through proper breathing, our resistance to pre-determined fate. For instance, cancer or diabetes
disease increases, and the life expectancy of the is more likely to appear in some families than in
individual cells is extended. I believe that a person others. That is to say, the information in the cells is
can protect themselves from 90% of the symptoms of already determined before birth, and can later only
senility by the creative power of thinking, and proper be modified with much difficulty. In other words: One
breathing. cannot alter congenital traits.

“This is precisely how one also prevents cancer: “I still believe: Congenital traits can be altered! I think
cancer is a symptom generated by diseased changes that one can take in the infinite power of the universe
to cells. Diseased cells multiply uncontrolled, and into the body through the creative power of thought
inhibit the functions of healthy cells. I believe that the and correct breathing, and be able to transfer this
causes lie in a chronic deficiency of oxygen. power to the genes. It is then possible to shift innate
genetic information into a positive direction.”

A German physician confirmed his Japanese Repeat above 1 through 5 for 25 times.
colleague’s thesis many years ago: Dr. Ryke Geerd Definite statement and image practice During above
Hamer, founder of the New Medicine movement 1 to 3, try to speak to yourself and have a vivid image
(Germanische Neue Medizin), was in a position to of your desire.
help a little girl suffering from mongolism overcome
her genetic disease by freeing her from her psychic When you breathe in, speak to yourself and have a
conflicts. The insights gained from this case could vivid image as follows. Infinite forces of the universe
fundamentally change our understanding of genes, have been put into lower abdomen, then the forces
because it is obvious that the genes, indeed, do not have spread over the whole body.
have the last word. When you hold the breath, speak to yourself and have
a vivid image of your desire.
Now that you have read numerous inspiring success This should not be “I want to be…”, but should be “I
stories, the time has come for you to become active have gained…”. For example, if you get lung cancer,
for yourself. In the following passage, Dr. Nobuo your talking should be like “I have recovered complete
Shioya explains to you how you can make yourself health” and your image should be like “I am in good
look and breathe like a young and healthy individual: health” or “Clear blood circulate in and out from my
lung organs”.
Your desire should not be necessarily relate to your
health. For example, if you hope your business will go
well, speak to yourself so and have an image that you
have been already busy with your business.
And your desire does not necessarily relate to you. For
example, if you want to cure other person’s illness,
it is O.K. for you to do the practice. Or if you want to
find a good job for your daughter, it is also O.K. for
you to do so.
If you have 5 wishes, have each one talking and image
through each 5 times. If you have 2 wishes, have one
Shioya-shiki Seishin Chosoku-ho talking and image through 15 times, have another
Breathing practice with right mind devised by
through 10 times.
Medical Doctor Nobuo Shioya
Dr. Shioya says this practice will make all of your
Breathing practice ( Chosoku-ho ) Close your eyes. desires realized. But if the desire were not consistent
with general happiness of the mankind or earth, you
1. Breathe in slowly for 5–7 seconds. Push air into would take some negative reactions on the realized
the lower abdomen (Tanden) under the navel. desires someday after you attain your wish.
Lower abdomen should swell and become like a
balloon or ball. When you breathe out, speak to yourself and have a
vivid image as follows: ”Waste materials of the body
2. Hold the breath and close your anus for 5–10 have been breathed out. My whole body has been
seconds. Strain your lower abdomen muscle and purified. I have become younger.” (The last one is not
make your abdomen balloon hard. Please do not needed if you are young.)
forget to close your anus. You must not strain
If you do not have time to do above breathing practice
your abdomen too much. You must not strain your
25 times at once, it is O.K. to do it by 5 times
upper body at all.
respectively. You can do it anytime in anywhere. Of
3. Breathe out slowly for 5–10 seconds. Lower course, it is a little bit better to do 25 times at once,
abdomen should shrink and draw back. Relieve but to do it time by time will still give you a merit.
all of your muscles. Try to exhale longer than Posture requirement is to relax, but not bend forward
inhaling. too much or backward too much. You can do it in
4. Breathe in naturally. sitting on the chair or floor or standing or lying.
5. Breathe out naturally. Suzu no In
Except lying posture, the position of the hands is
Above-mentioned length of the breathing is just a
right hand over the left hand in front of your navel at
rough standard, so you can do it in your own capacity.
the distance of one fist. Left hand sits horizontally.
If you do it too much extremely, you will lose softness
Put your right hand over your left hand vertically.
and get tense. Try to hold your breath and breathe
Grasp both hands each other as if you hold the small
out longer in your capacity. In doing this, your brain
egg within them. Cross your right thumb over your
wave will become, that is to say, you will be in a very
left thumb. The angle of both your arms are at 90
relaxed status of your body and mind.
degrees. Both of your arms touch your body softly.

This hands posture is called “Suzu no In” (sign of the
When you practice in the lying posture, you can just
put both your hands beside your body with palms
facing down.
There might be many detailed questions against
above requirements. You do not have to stick to the
detailed so much. For example, if you can not follow
above instructions for image practice due to lack of
concentration, it is O.K. for you to do only breathing
practice. Only breathing practice will give you big
merits. While you practice day by day in the relaxed
situation, you will come to notice that you attain your
When you finished above 1 to 5 for 25 times (if you
want to do more, it is O.K. to do till whenever you like
to stop), to breathe in and out 10 times naturally, but
slowly. In this time, try to speak the next phrase when
you breathe out.
“Having focused infinite forces of the universe, the
time of perfect peace has come on earth”.
You can speak it in your mind or speak out if
circumstances allow it.
First 25 times, image and talking is only for you or
your family or friend. In above declaration, the peace
means the peace for earth and all sentient beings. So
if you declare above mantra, it means you pray that
world peace attain for all sentient beings.
Right Mind (Seishin)
Right mind status means as follows:
1. Think positively and take everything that happens
around you positively.
2. Never forget to be thankful to surroundings.
3. Do not complain.
Above right mind status will generate right things at
your surroundings. Negative and dark mind status will
generate such surroundings. In your daily life, try to
keep right mind status so that you could bring forth

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