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What does gender equality mean to me?

Gender equality to me, means never feeling less worthy, never feeling invalidated or scared because
of one’s gender. Gender equality means that you are not being judged for whom you are born as,
“women, men, non-binary” and whomever you identify yourself as. Being treated equally regardless
of the specific gender or a stereotype of one’s gender. Understanding and being kind to one another.
Everyone has their own struggles in life that no one should disregard them. Man, woman, non-binary
etc. has their struggles where everyone can voice out their opinion.
Did you grow up being exposed to gender stereotypes? If so, how has it impacted you?

Growing up, I was expected to dress more feminine. I love wearing oversized t-shirts and baggy
pants, I just feel so much more comfortable in those. However, my parents would always comment on
how I dressed like a man and that I should dress more like a woman. I hated wearing dresses, they
made me feel so uncomfortable, but of course, I had to listen to my parents and now I’m much more
comfortable wearing dresses. I have always seen on the internet how women should stay at home
and take care of the family while men go out and be the breadwinner of the family. Thankfully, I do not
have parents that would force their daughters to do what they want them to be like. Being able to
express who I am and being able to express how I feel has made me comfortable in my body. I hope
that the world becomes a better place where no one is. judged for what they identify as and people
are equal and fair to one another.

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