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Petty Cash Report

Company "Iman, S.A" on 05/04/2022 establishes a petty cash fund for Bs1,000.- Ch355530. Bco.
De Venezuela; on 15/04/22 the petty cashier requests reimbursement for __________ cleaning
and repairs, issued with Ch. Bco. De Venezuela.

Commercial San Lorenzo" on April 15, 2022 presents the following Accountability Report:


No. 01/04/2022

Officer: Mendoza Francisco

Petty Cash Received: Bs 1,000.00


Rec.No.035 of 4/04/22 for Office Cleaning Bs 70.00

Rec.No.046 of 6/04/22 for motorcycle messenger repair Bs 6.00

Rec.No.087 of 9/04/22 for school donations Bs 8.00

Inv.No.4538 of 9/01/22 from workshops Royal for repair of a pruning machine. Bs 160.00

Inv.No.040 of 12/04/22 for gasoline purchase for vehicles Bs 100.00

Inv.No.780 of 14/04/22, for water pump repair Bs 120.00

Inv.No.180 of 14/04/22 from Toyota Garage vehicle repairs Bs 310.00

Total Bs 774.00

_________________________ _________________________

Cashier Approved by

[Note]: When it comes to closing a period, the existing balance in the custody of the petty cash
custodian must be deposited into the company's bank checking account or recorded as a cash
receipt by the person responsible for the General Cashier or Main Cashier.

[Requested]: Make the corresponding table of expense breakdown complying with the legal
provisions of the 16% tax credit on the invoice, and record the entries in the corresponding
accounting entries for this case.

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