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Interviewer: Hayden Yip

Prince: Evan Chu

Interviewer: Hello this is 60 mintues on 9 news. Hello my name is Hayden yip and today I have the
honor of interviewing the mighty Prince Escalus. From what we have herd the recent events in
Verona was devastating and many people died. Could you tell us more about the event?

Prince Escalus: Of course, I would love to. It is true recent events in Verona were truly devastating
and many people have died due to it. This event was due to Montague and Capulet fighting but I am
glad they made up at the end.

Interviewer: That is great to hear sir. What are some of your thoughts about this event that just

Prince Escalus: The recent feud between the Montagues and Capulets has brought much tragedy to
our city. It was a hassle to get them to stop and I had to work even harder to make them stop

Interviewer : That was an excellent job of yours. What do you think were the consequences of the
Montague and Capulet feud? Death has obviously been a massive consequence but was it the main

PE: The main consequences of the feud was that several individuals died such as Romeo, Juliet,
Tybalt, and Paris. It was very unfortunate as Romeo and Juliet loved each other very much. These
unnecessary deaths of two star crossed lovers really highlights the consequences of all this
immature fighting both families should think about their past actions and ponder on the lesson to be
learnt from all this.

I:Yes indeed there is a large lesson to be learnt from the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. How did the
feud impact Verona’s society/community?

PE: The impact the feud had on the society of Verona is that it disturbed the peace of Verona. The
citizens of Verona want to live in peace, but the Capulet and Montague families kept on fighting on
the streets and kept on disturbing the citizens.

Interviewer (I): The feud between the Montague and Capulet families has been ongoing for
generations. Can you share how long you think this feud has been going on for?

Prince Escalus (PE): This feud has indeed been going on for a long time. The Capulet and Montague
conflict in the past has been unclear, but gladly Montague and Capulet made up over some
devastating events.

I: That’s good to hear. How has the feud impacted both families?

PE: The feud has impacted both families by killing their only children over their own goals. It has
also killed the Capulet's beloved Tybalt. Since they started the feud, the people despise them and
want them to stop.

I: If the Capulets and Montague houses were watching right now what would your message to them

PE: This would be my message. To the Montague and Capulet families I am sorry for your losses of
your loved ones but hope you will learn your lesson and will never fight again.

I: In these recent events do you think the people of Verona have supported you.

PE: Yes, the people of Verona supported me throughout these tough times and are still supporting
me as we build the future of Verona.
I: Thank you for your time Prince

PE: Thank you for having me

I: The prince's words are filled with hope, The prince knows the road to peace will be long
and tough, but the prince still remains calm and makes the best decisions for the future of
Verona. The prince acting in the Capulet and Montague feud really outlines the braveness and
willingness of the prince to step in and risk his life. The prince is a true prince and continues
keeping Verona peaceful.

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