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Supervised by the Lasallian School Supervision Office

Ramon M. Durano Foundation Compound
Guinsay, Danao City
Tel. No. (032)344-4709

College of Nursing/Midwifery
Nursing Care Management 104
First Semester - Midterm Summative
School Year 2023-2024

Name: ____________________________________________Program & Year: __________Date: ________

General Instruction: Observe HONESTY and neatness in answering the exam.


Directions: The following situations are the application of your knowledge pertaining to family health
nursing and community health visits. Read and analyze each item below. Encircle the letter of the correct
answer. (1 point each item)
1. In conducting an initial assessment to determine the presence of any health problem, we use the tool of;
A. 1st level of assessment C. 2nd level of assessment
B. Initial data base D. typology of nursing practice
2. In categorizing of health problems identified, we make use of the tool:
A. Typology of nursing practice C. 1st level of assessment
B. A scale for ranking D. 2nd level of assessment
3. It is a type of family nursing interventions which refers to actions that remove barriers to appropriate
health action, such as assisting the family to avail of maternal and early child care services.
A. Supplemental type C. facilitative type
B. Developmental D. all of the three choices
4. It is a term related to the planning of care which requires that the nursing care plan fits the unique
situation of a family; its needs, style strengths, and patterns of functioning
A. Defining self C. principle of mutuality
B. Coordination D. principle of personalization
5. It promotes the nurse’s awareness of own behaviors. Recognition of having an idea or behavior that may
affect effectiveness, allows the nurse to address the issue appropriately
A. Defining self C. principle of mutuality
B. Coordination D. principle of personalization
6. It refers in determining the value of nursing care that has been given to family.
A. Implementation C. evaluation
B. Assessment D. planning
7. It is the step when the family and/or the nurse execute the plan of action.
A. Implementation C. evaluation
B. Assessment D. planning
8. It involves priority setting, establishing goals and objectives, and determining appropriate interventions
to achieve goals and objectives.
A. Formulating the plan of care C. family health care plan
B. Implementation of care D. evaluation of care
9. It is the blueprint of the care that the nurse designs to systematically minimize or eliminate the identified
family health problem thru explicitly formulated outcomes of care and deliberately chosen set of
interventions, resources, and evaluation criteria, standards, methods and tools.
A. Formulating the plan of care C. family health care plan
B. Implementation of care D. evaluation of care
10. It is determining the sequence in dealing with identified family needs and problems which is necessary
because the nurse cannot possibly deal with all identified family needs and concerns all at once.
A. Formulating the plan of care C. priority setting
B. Implementing of care D. evaluating of care
11. These helps the practitioners identify the health status of individual members of the family and aspects
of family composition, function and process in which the nurse collects as much information about a
family as is feasible and practical
A. Household C. family health assessment guidelines
B. Family health assessment D. family health assessment form
12. It refers as a guide in data collection for this purpose. This should serve as a guide only,
as a means to record pertinent information about the family that will assist the nurse in working with the
A. Household C. family health assessment guidelines
B. Family health assessment D. family health assessment form
13. It is term applied to a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of persons who sleep on
the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food.
A. Household C. family health assessment guidelines
B. Family health assessment D. family health assessment form
14. It refers to a way of obtaining information for the family health assessment can be derived from a review
of records like charts, health center records, and/or other agency records or from communication with
other health workers or agencies who have worked with the family.
A. Genogram C. ecomap
B. Secondary data D. family tree
15. It Is a tool that helps the nurse outline the family’s structure. Can be used during an early family
interview, starting with a blank sheet of paper and drawing a circle or a square for the person initially
A. Genogram C. ecomap
B. Secondary data D. family tree
16. It is a tool that is helpful to the community health nurse which provides a mechanism of recording the
family’s medical and health histories
A. Genogram C. ecomap
B. Secondary data D. family tree
17. It refers to another classic tool that is used to depict a family’s linkages to its suprasystems which depicts
the important nurturant or conflict-laden connections between the family and the world.
A. Genogram C. ecomap
B. Secondary data D. family tree
18. It refers to a medium for providing family intervention and this goes with assessment tool in which the
nurse uses general systems and communication concepts to conceptualize the health needs of families
and to assess families’ responses to events such as birth, retirement, or chronic illness
A. Therapeutic question C. family interviewing
B. Therapeutic conversations D. manners
19. It is done by comparing findings with accepted standards for individual family members and for the
family unit
A. Family health assessment C. family health care plan
B. Family data analysis D. family health intervention
20. It is the practice of nursing directed towards maximizing the health and well-being of all individuals
within a family system
A. Family health nursing C. family nursing
B. Family nursing practice D. family health assessment
21. It is a systematic method of planning, delivering, and evaluating individualized care for clients in any
state of health or illness using the scientific method of problem solving. It constitutes the foundation for
nursing practice.
A. Family health nursing C. family nursing
B. Family nursing practice D. family health assessment
22. These helps the practitioners identify the health status of individual members of the family and aspects
of family composition, function and process in which the nurse collects as much information about a
family as is feasible and practical
A. Family health nursing C. family nursing
B. Family nursing practice D. family health assessment
23. It is common social behaviors that set the tone for the interview and begin the development of a
therapeutic relationship
A. Manners C. therapeutic conversation
B. Therapeutic question D. commending family strengths.
24. It is the process whereby existing and potential health conditions or problems of the family are
A. Family health assessment C. 1st level of assessment
B. 2 level of assessment D. scaling
25. It is a typology of nursing practice which refers to a conditions that disease or injury and prevent people
from realizing their health potential.
A. Ranking C. FNCP
B. Health threats D. health deficits
26. It refers to the anticipated periods of unusual demand on the individual or family in terms of adjustment
or family resources.
A. 1st level of assessment C. Health threats
B. Health deficits D. foreseeable crisis
27. It refers to the nature or type of nursing problems that the family encounters in performing the health
task with respect to a given health condition or problem, and Etiology or barrier to the family’s
assumption of these task.
A. Family health assessment C. 1st level of assessment
B. 2 level of assessment D. scaling
28. It serves as a common framework of expressing human responses to actual and potential health
A. Family data analysis C. family health care plan
B. Family health assessment D. family nursing diagnosis
29. It refers to the instances of failure in health maintenance.
A. 1st level of assessment C. Health threats
B. Health deficits D. foreseeable crisis
30. It refers to the criteria in ranking a health problem which refers to the nature and magnitude of future
problems that can be minimized or totally preventive if intervention is done on the problem.
A. Salience of the problem C. preventive potential
B. Modifiability of the problem D. nature of the problem presented
31. For the following examples, which assessment views the “family as context?”
A. The family’s demands on the client based on his role performance
B. The client’s ability to understand and manage his own dietary needs
C. The adjustment of the client and family to changes in diet and exercise
D. The family’s ability to support the client’s dietary and recreational needs
32. In completing a client’s family assessment, the nurse should begin by:
A. Testing the family’s ability to cope C. Determining the family’s form and attitudes
B. Evaluating communication patterns D. Gathering the health data from all family
33. Assessment can be defined as:
A. A tool nurses use to obtain important family information in less than 15 minutes
B. An instrument family nurses use to give a quantifiable result when examining a particular
C. The process of assigning numbers or symbols to variables to assist nurses in measuring particular
characteristics of family members
D. A continuously evolving process of data collection to assist nurses in using information from the
past and present to predict the future.
34. Typically, a genogram includes
A. One generation B. Two generations C. Three generations D. Four generations
35. Nurses use an ecomap to assess
A. The tension among family members
B. Multigenerational patterns and health conditions
C. Relationships between family members and the community
D. A and C only
36. The Family Reasoning Web assists nurses in:
A. Visually diagramming family members across three generations
B. Visually diagramming relationships within and external to the immediate family
C. Obtaining comprehensive data regarding family structure, development, and function
D. Organizing data into categories and identifying relationships that fit with family diagnoses
37. The Family Assessment and Intervention Model is based on
A. Orem's Self-Care Theory. C. Rogers' Theory of Unitary Human Beings
B. Neuman Systems Model of Health Care D. Bronfenbrenner'sBioecological Systems Theory
38. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) identified people face which of the following because of
systemic and policy-related stigma and barriers
A. They are far more likely to delay accessing health care
B. They are less likely to receive preventative screens, such as mammograms
C. LGBT adolescents experience much higher rates of homelessness, prostitution, and substance use
D. All of the above
39. The definition of family
A. Is consistent across communities
B. Can include only biological family members
C. Varies from community to community and from state to state
D. Is defined by our government to include all current family structures
40. A homeless woman is more likely than other women to have all of the following characteristics except:
A. To have grown up in foster care C. To be employed
B. To have less than a high school education D. To have had an abortion by age 16
41. Genetic diseases
A. Refer to X-linked disorders
B. Always refer to diseases caused by environmental factors family members share
C. Refer to diseases caused by biological and environmental factors family members share
D. Always refer to diseases caused by biological conditions inherited from one family member to
42. If a disease is present in more than one generation, then
A. A genetic disease is present
B. The family does not have a genetic disease
C. The family should be assessed for environmental risk factors affecting multiple generations
D. The family may have a biologically based or environmentally based genetic disease, or a
combination of biological and environmental factors affecting the health of family members
43. Many factors help determine whether a family is involved in health promotion. Which of the following
factors may influence promotion of a family's health?
A. Type of family C. Developmental level of family
B. Quality of family interaction D. All of the above
44. The traits of a healthy family include all of the following except
A. Adaptable to transitions and change C. Shares responsibility among members
B. Is a member of an organized religion D. Communicates and listens effectively to all
45. According to the Model of Family Health Promotion, healthy behaviors are learned
A. Lifelong efforts to nurture family members
B. Lifelong efforts to strengthen the family as a unit
C. Lifelong efforts to sustain or improve quality of life
D. All of the above
46. Family rituals can be described as
A. The process of getting back together again after conflict
B. The process of family members learning to do things together
C. Receptive behaviors or activities between two or more family members that occur with regularity in
the activities of daily living
D. The family keeping the family heritage, keeping respect for the family history, and learning from the
conflicts of members from the previous generation
47. An example of an external influence on family health promotion is
A. Child care B. Chronic illness C. Marital dyad D. Sibling subsystems

48. A nurse is working with parents of a 6-year-old who is dying of cancer. The nurse would help the family
decide whether the 13-year-old sibling should be present during the death. Important aspects to consider
when making this decision include all of the following except
A. The hospital visiting hour policies
B. The developmental age of the sibling
C. The quality of the relationship between the two children
D. The cultural practices within the family regarding death and dying
49. Asking a family about space arrangement for an expected baby helps the nurse assess whether the family
A. Is meeting the baby’s basic needs C. Is accepting the reality of the expected baby
B. Has fears about the survival of the baby D. All the above
50. Nurses assess whether families are planning space for an anticipated infant. Reasons families may not
have planned space include which of the following
A. Families may be denying that the birth is impending
B. Families may be too busy with other responsibilities to allow time for planning space for the infant
C. Families may have a cultural belief that planning for space should not occur until after the birth of a
healthy infant
D. All of the above
51. A risk for conflict between nurses and clients during childbearing can arise from
A. Agreement between fathers and mothers
B. Agreement between grandparents and nurses
C. Acute illness occurring in the pregnant mother
D. Different advice from family members versus nurses
52. When considering feeding management for childbearing families, it is important to
A. Inform all mothers that they should breastfeed
B. Assist all parents in forming a nurturing relationship surrounding feeding of an infant.
C. Encourage mothers to bottle feed their infants to guarantee proper nutrients are provided to the infant
D. Encourage fathers to leave feeding up to mothers, because mothers are naturally better at
breastfeeding and bottle feeding of an infant
53. Risks of attachment include
A. Family stress C. Family violence
B. Maternal depression D. All of the above
54. Families find communication from nurses most helpful when communication is
A. Brief
B. Sensitive and honest
C. Vague to avoid conflict with other health care providers
D. Limited to superficial topics because technical care is what families really need nurses for
55. The amount of stress any one family experiences because of the hospitalization of a family member
varies depending on
A. The timing of the hospitalization C. The extent of perceived or actual loss
B. The availability of resources to the family D. All of the above
56. The nurse is transferring to a care area that focuses on family nursing practice. What should the nurse
realize about this approach to care?
A. Interventions in family care address the future plans for the family.
B. Family members must be present before the implementation of family care.
C. Resources are placed to support an ill family member with the greatest chance for recovery.
D. The nurse and family together define the family and where therapeutic energy should be placed.
57. The nurse notes that a client has been previously married and participates in raising the current spouse's
children from a previous marriage. How should the nurse document this family type?
A. Cohabitation B. Extended C. Nuclear dyad D. Reconstituted
58. The nurse prepares an in-service program on family nursing for new graduate employees. Which
definition of family is the best one for the nurse to use?
A. Members of a family are self-defined
B. People who share strong emotional ties
C. A family is defined by blood ties, adoption, and marriage
D. A group of people who live together with or without legal or biological ties
59. The nurse prepares to assess a client whose family is being used as a resource. Which approach to
family nursing care is the nurse implementing?
A. Family as client C. Family as context
B. Family as system D. Family as component of society
60. During a home visit the nurse teaches the client and family about actions to reduce the spread of
infection between the family members. Which role is the nurse implementing?
A. Counselor B. Care deliverer C. Health teacher D. Family advocate

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