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Inside a dimly lit cave, a timeless figure stood with an aura of ancient wisdom and boundless

experience. Jambavan, the celestial being present since the dawn of creation, bore witness to the rise
and fall of countless empires. His powerful frame exuded an air of strength, and his golden eyes, like
pools of cosmic knowledge, held the secrets of the multiverse.

Having retired from the epic battles of the past, Jambavan now embraced a life of serene soltitude,
choosing the path of monk-hood. He donned simple orange robes that billowed gently with each
movement. Yet, the echoes of his legendary adventures lingered, speaking of time when he stood
alongside Bhagwan Rama and Vanar Sena and when he clashed with Bhagwan Krishna.

As he meticulously sharpened his sword, the reverberating sound echoed through the caves, a
resounding testament to his bravery, even in his life of solitude and reflection. Suddenly, a soft
fluttering sound of wings caught Jambavan’s attention. Without turning back, he sensed the presence of
a familiar soul. A knowing smile graced his lips as he spoke, “Welcome, my old friend. It’s been many

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