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Once upon a time, in the beautiful land of Peru, there lived a young shepherd named Juan. He
spent his days tending to his flock of llamas, guiding them through the rugged mountains and
lush valleys. One sunny morning, as Juan led his llamas to graze near a crystal-clear lake, he
noticed a shimmering light emanating from the water.

Curiosity piqued, Juan approached the lake cautiously. To his astonishment, a magical creature
emerged from the depths. It was a majestic mermaid with sparkling turquoise scales and
flowing golden hair. The mermaid introduced herself as Mariana, the guardian of the lake.

Mariana explained to Juan that she had chosen him as the recipient of a precious gift. She
revealed a small, intricately carved gourd, known as a "mate," filled with a special tea called
"mate de coca." This tea, she explained, possessed mystical properties that granted strength,
vitality, and wisdom.


Overwhelmed with gratitude, Juan thanked Mariana and promised to cherish the gift. From
that day forward, he brewed and drank the mate de coca, experiencing its magical effects. His
energy soared, enabling him to traverse the highest peaks and navigate treacherous terrains
with ease.

Word of Juan's newfound vigor spread throughout the land. People from far and wide sought
his advice and guidance. He became known as the Wise Shepherd, renowned for his wisdom,
compassion, and unwavering dedication to his llamas.

As the years passed, Juan's fame reached the ears of the Inca emperor himself. Impressed by
the tales of Juan's wisdom, the emperor summoned him to his grand palace. There, Juan
shared his insights and offered guidance on matters of governance and harmony.


Under Juan's counsel, the empire flourished, and peace reigned supreme. The legend of the
Wise Shepherd spread across Peru, and his name became synonymous with wisdom and

To this day, the gourd and the mate de coca are cherished symbols of Peru's rich heritage and
the wisdom imparted by the mystical mermaid, Mariana. And the spirit of the Wise Shepherd
lives on, inspiring generations to seek knowledge, embrace nature's gifts, and nurture the
bonds that connect us all.

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