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Charles Emil Q.


BS Psychology


Bees are the pollinators; they collect nectars to makes every plant pollinated.

Therefore, bees are very important in the sense of making our environment healthy

while making delicious honey at the same time. The webinar itself educate us on how to

properly approach bees, to appreciate them because they have a major role in the eco

system. The webinar did also teach me to properly handle the situation whenever I

encounter a beehive or whenever I encounter an “apis cerana” type of bee. The speaker

also did also mention that bees can also be used for business, because the honey

collected can be sold at a generous amount of money, if the fertilization happen in a

good type of plant. The webinar also compared the bees to a civilization, wherein bees

are divided to their roles to fulfil, that they are just like humans following such orders

from the person in charge. To sum up everything that has been stated, bees are more

likely not just an insect, but rather a species that can harm anyone if we wouldn’t know

what we are doing, if we did harm the society they are building. Therefore, education

towards bees and their colony is what we need to not harm ourselves nor their species.

 Bees are pollinators, they fertilize plants

 Bees worked hard to build their society, their home, which is why taking care of

them means appreciating the hard work they’ve done.

 Bees produces honey, the collected honey can be used as an ingredient or can

be sold for money

 Bees only attacks when they feel they are in danger, they aren’t predators, they

are just simply a creature just like us who wants to live peacefully.

 Bees helps the environment as a whole, bees has a major role in the ecosystem.

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