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SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CCN#: 23185160 Arrest Number: 022321884 GERSTEIN AFFIDAVIT District of Columbia vs BEWLEY, JOHN Officer Sousa 12786, Anthony, CAD# 12786, personally appeared on 11/11/2023 and under penalty for making a false statement, set forth the below statement regarding the named defendant as true and/or as based upon information s/he believes to be true, and that the events occurred in the District of Columbia, The event occurred on 11/11/2023 at approximately 03:30 at 1645 CONNECTICUT AVENUE NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20009, BWC Activated, Pictures uploaded to This report was drafted without reviewing any Body Worn Camera (BWC) footage of the event. Therefore, without being able to review all of the collected and documented evidence/tatements in police custody at the time of this report, this report is not a verbatim or complete account of the event and is not meant to reflect the entirety of the event. Furthermore, this report is not be considered a complete or finalized statement of the event until the BWC footage is able to be reviewed. This report is not to supersede any additional evidence collected (i. €. BWC footage, surveillance footage and victim, witness or suspect statements), but to work in tandem with all collected evidence. The offense occurred in PSA 208 on November 11th, 2023 at approximately 0330 hours at 1645 Connecticut Ave NW in Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Ofe. Sousa (5364) was operating as a 10-99 unit, using call sign 2081M and assigned to scout ear 2087, in full uniform working the midnight tour of duty. At approximately 0315 hours MPD officer's were investigating a DUI and the female that was stopped. stated her boyfriend who she was on the phone with was a MPD officer. Ofc, Givens then observed a marked MPD police cruiser (#8726) driving southbound on Connecticut with their overhead lights activated turn left on R ST and park their vehicle. D-1 was not in uniform and in a off duty status. John Bewley hereafter known as D-1, then exited the vehicle and approached officers while conducting SFST on said female. D-1 made multiple attempts to interfere and obstruct Ofe. Griffin and her DUI suspect (CCN- 23185156) by approaching and yelling at the suspect and telling her to leave the scene with him, D-1 repeatedly walked past officers and up to Ofe. Griffin and the DUI suspect after Ofe. Griffin and other officers told him to stay away from the scene. D-1 was placed in handcuffs at this time. At this time Officer's noticed a strong odor of alcohol coming from D-1. D-1 was asked if he was willing to take submit to SFST to determine his sobriety and D-1 replied "no." D-I was placed under arrest for resisting arrest and driving under the influence. D-1 was identified by his D.C. Driver's license as Bewley, John, DOB: 06/17/1986. sous. 12786, ANTHONY (11/11/2023) E-SIGNATURE, Police Officer NGUYEN 6883, PHUSON / 6883 (11/11/2023) E-SIGNATURE Wimess / Assistant Attomey General for the District of Columbia SOUSA 12786, ANTHONY / 12786 NGUYEN 6883, PHUSON / $-573 / 6883 Printed Name / CAD? Printed Name of Witness/ Deputy Clerk The foregoing statement was made under erly of rina posceuton an punishment or fe tems pssant to D.C. Coe 222408 Pg 2of2

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