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Before we start... WHAT IS BOY SCOUTING? — x The Scout Oath Explained... To Do My Duty to God and My Country... We, who belong to the Scout Movement believe in God. We may not all worship Him in the same way, but we are one in our faith and belief that He is the Supreme Being, our Lord and Master. SUS CONT ens ae CS ONT sy ntoem Our country, the Philippines deserves our full love and dedication And To Obey the Scout Law... In trying to live up to the Scout Oath — you will need the Scout Law to guide POM econ cose eee eR Reon ce merc EUG ome om eOLtTe TURES TT mes tceytTe LW He Ideals of Scouting Boy Scouts of the Philippines THE SCOUT BADGE THE SCOUT SIGN Pigeon cere icomt oa colt al Eos THE SCOUT LAW Be meetin THE IDEALS OF SCOUTING — _ xy a thet ial LET’S HAVE AN ICEBREAKER — x Scouting in the Philippines THE SCOUT MOTTO AND SLOGAN — _ xy ale once lee oh vect OL tL aas THE SCOUT OATH THE SCOUT SALUTE & HANDSHAKE — _ xy The Scout Oath Explained... On My Honor... POROe Sac sucOU RMR een ee One Manto NG Scariacrt name, your integrity and good reputation. I Will Do My Best... Rees RMN eek OER ede eR UN eRe Cena re One ce a ce Cnet cence ere personal challenge. Always strive to do your best in everything you do, The Scout Oath Explained... CC bac) ree His reflexes, his responses, his movements must always be ready to respond to Patera TEC R CepoCee ROMO CRTC YE (Oa And Morally Straight... A Scout must be a model of moral uprightness. His norm of conduct must be beyond reproach. His thoughts, words and deeds should always reflect his high BORE Tate cotter Breton) RCT Te Thank you for listening! oer ea Source: Troop Leaders’ Manual The Ideals of Scouting — _ The Scout he Scout | Oath Law | The Scout fj} The Scout | Slogan Badge The Scout Salute The Scout Law Explained... A Scout is Trustworthy. A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is part of his code of conduct. People can always depend on him. A Scout is Loyal. Geta eea nC e iit by friends, Scout Leaders, school, nation, and world Cnt A Scout is Helpful. A Scout is concerned about other people. He willingly volunteers to help TER ieee sess Danone Five Sectional Programs KID - Kabataang Imumulat-Diwa Age Group —4 to 5 years (Kindergarten I & II) Scout Motto —“Laging Masaya” KAB — Kabataang Alay sa Bayan Age Group 6 to 9 years old (Grade I, II, III) Scout Motto “Laging Handa” Scout Slogan —“Gawin ang Makakaya” The Scout Law Explained... A Scout is Obedient. A Scout follows the rules of his family, school and troop. He obeys the laws of his eon ene Rect ge ee ecm Neen cro Tc UTS SLUT La CENA CUCO EE UU Reo omeLCGnE Eee ee trolley Reo ma aeRO oS Renn Rene Reena RS Lh Bs Res eR Cnr CoO Toea Ey PMc a aio A Scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves for the future, He protects and conserves natural resources, He carefully uses his time and property. What is Boy Scouting? Boy Scouting is a program for boys 10 to 17 years of age who join Scouting Troops sponsored by schools and by civic, fraternal, services and religious organizations. The Scout Oath On my Honor, RAI Cop aya rete To do my duty to God and my country, the Republic of the Philippines, and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; Bree oo ery t omy Neila ba eKe Loe mentally awake, BUC COcT nacre a The Scout Law 1. Trustworthy Pa er Sams itll Pesca POL aCe ee Stitel 7. Obedient Pam rouitll 9. Thrifty Ta Ne) 1. Clean 12. Reverent Five Sectional Programs Kah orale Boy Scoutin; AL eo of 8 isto NRE ee mi ening Reon ai rete) —“Laging Handa” Scout Slogan —“Do a good turn daily” Age Group — 13 to 17 years (High School) Scout Motto “Laging Handa” Siena ecu) Ol Tesi ect ae UC meee Royer Scouting (for young men and women) Age Group TRCPE Re ren (onl ere caro} Scout Motto “Laging Handa” cr ec a Coa OS reruns aar Pus a, Luzon Panty aes & Gage ciel THETHREE POINTS Peetrenetecn kota Pa seer eT a ee Perera TREFOIL SINGLE BAND eee i hae oS ea Preetiven tte GE Recesreneern rrr PR ee ry foto POs 2i te Pt ee nl ele reminds us that we should Bee rec ken rae The Scout Sign ITS MEANING: The three fingers pointing up symbolize the three points of the Oath. They also signify that a Scout COT Se aC Vat RCO LOr-c-Coume UCU Sra CGLaRULULT SoM TO COD Cove Teoam LEN ceeSRIecUAS MCU esTeaL LOS eM ODOLUMeLa eee UCI ele O i RUC anSr Recent tog 9 OR BR ES Teer econ eon ey solemn pledge, while reciting the Scout Oath and Law, as well as the Panunumpa saWatawat, It is also used as a greeting of recognition sign among Scouts and Scouters all over the world, S fy Y) oe © 5 Ss The Scout Law Explained... Poco eB seca ood Prem et ea neo rc ECan Reena what he thinks is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him, A Scout is Clean. A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean, He goes around with those who Des Ne a eee sed en Cee Ree eo olen A Scout is Reverent. A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He Byer) Tee ERE Nea TS Co RO Mt Na The Scout Salute The Scout Handshake AYU en MMi corer Mae Coir ttc Scouts all over the world use the Scout eerie none trane mat atrrany LEFT HANDSHAKE. the Flag and the National Using it makes one feel that he belongs to Anthem. It is also used between _ the world of brotherhood of Scouting and Aa eer cna een ants Scouts in various parts of the world ee coy ac UI Xe rely Cu Reece Con RCT cole OAT era er EER Rare ccm) Scouts and Scouters as a sign of The Scout Oath Explained... To Help Other People At AllTimes... Oe Re aT Rec pa cea are ed the willing support of the public. Scouting merits this support because Scouts have demonstrated that they are useful members of society. BUD Core R orm atten) bates teem SISTA Ce Cod aor WET om enh RT Rar CVE R em On oa ae oes Cen mn Une keep yourself physically healthy and strong, The Scout Law Explained... A Scout is Friendly. A Scout is a friend to all. He secks to understand others. He respects those Ute WG Coc ee Tate Meni ceyu Me cLTerTede Coxe Coouow HT Roh gt Poole CeO a cel ce A Scout is polite to © SO ee ee em cee ce) manners make it easier for people to get along together. Poon Otte GOS CUCU ORR OR cera RMS Tao Cos CRC CT ECTS wants to be treated. He does not harm nor kill any living creature needlessly Letras rash com Or Acer ToC ool Core ae Bs Lvn Core Con

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