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public static Node<char> Slice(Node<char> head, int start, int end)

{ // this methos changes the original list

for (int i = 0; i < start; i++)

head = head.GetNext();

Node<char> p = head;

for (int i = start; i < end; i++)

p = p.GetNext();


return head;

public static Node<T> Slice<T>(Node<T> head, int start, int end)

{ // this methos changes the original list

for (int i = 0; i < start; i++)

head = head.GetNext();

Node<T> p = head;

for (int i = start; i < end; i++)

p = p.GetNext();


return head;

public static bool Equal<T>(Node<T> l1, Node<T> l2)

while (l1 != null && l2 != null && l1.GetValue().Equals(l2.GetValue()))


l1 = l1.GetNext();

l2 = l2.GetNext();

if (l1 == null && l2 == null)

return true;

return false;

public static Node<T> Union<T>(Node<T> l1, Node<T> l2)

Node<T> p = l1;

while (p.HasNext())

p = p.GetNext();


return l1;

public static Node<T> Intersect<T>(Node<T> l1, Node<T> l2)

Node<T> newList = null;

Node<T> l2_copy = l2;

while (l1 != null)

while (l2 != null)

if (l1.GetValue().Equals(l2.GetValue()))

newList = new Node<T>(l1.GetValue(), newList);


l2 = l2.GetNext();

l1 = l1.GetNext();

l2 = l2_copy;

return newList;

public static Node<T> Intersect_Unique<T>(Node<T> l1, Node<T> l2)

Node<T> newList = null;

Node<T> l1_copy = l1;

Node<T> l2_copy = l2;

while (l1 != null)

while (l2 != null)

if (l1.GetValue().Equals(l2.GetValue()))

newList = new Node<T>(l1.GetValue(), newList);

int index = Index(l1_copy, l1.GetValue());

l1_copy = Dell(l1_copy, index);

index = Index(l2_copy, l2.GetValue());

l2_copy = Dell(l2_copy, index);


l2 = l2.GetNext();

l1 = l1.GetNext();

l2 = l2_copy;

return newList;

public static void Unique<T>(Node<T> head)

Node<T> p;

Node<T> pre = head;

while (head.HasNext())

p = head.GetNext();

while (p != null)

if (p.GetValue().Equals(head.GetValue()))

pre.SetNext(p.GetNext()); // delete p from list

p = p.GetNext();


pre = pre.GetNext();

p = p.GetNext();

head = head.GetNext();

pre = head;

public static void Unique(Node<int> head)

Node<int> p;

Node<int> pre = head;

while (head.HasNext())

p = head.GetNext();

while (p != null)

if (p.GetValue() == head.GetValue())

pre.SetNext(p.GetNext()); // delete p from list

p = p.GetNext();


pre = pre.GetNext();

p = p.GetNext();

head = head.GetNext();

pre = head;

public static Node<T> Max<T>(Node<T> head) where T : IComparable<T>

Node<T> max = head;

Node<T> p;

while (head.HasNext())

p = head.GetNext();

if (max.GetValue().CompareTo(p.GetValue()) < 0)

max = p;

head = head.GetNext();

return max;

public static Node<int> Max(Node<int> head)

Node<int> max = head;

Node<int> p;

while (head.HasNext())

p = head.GetNext();

if (max.GetValue() < p.GetValue())

max = p;

head = head.GetNext();

return max;

public static Node<T> UnionSort<T>(Node<T> l1, Node<T> l2) where T : IComparable<T>

Node<T> newHead;

if (l1.GetValue().CompareTo(l2.GetValue()) > 0)

newHead = l1;

l1 = l1.GetNext();


newHead = l2;

l2 = l2.GetNext();

Node<T> tail = newHead;

while (l1 != null && l2 != null)

if (l1.GetValue().CompareTo(l2.GetValue()) > 0)


l1 = l1.GetNext();

tail = tail.GetNext();



l2 = l2.GetNext();

tail = tail.GetNext();

if (l1 != null && l2 == null)


else if (l2 != null)


return newHead;

public static Node<double> UnionSort(Node<double> l1, Node<double> l2)

Node<double> newHead;
if (l1.GetValue() > l2.GetValue())

newHead = l1;

l1 = l1.GetNext();


newHead = l2;

l2 = l2.GetNext();

Node<double> tail = newHead;

while (l1 != null && l2 != null)

if (l1.GetValue() > l2.GetValue())


l1 = l1.GetNext();

tail = tail.GetNext();



l2 = l2.GetNext();

tail = tail.GetNext();

if (l1 != null && l2 == null)


else if (l2 != null)


return newHead;

public static int commonValue(Node<int> head)

int[] arr = new int[101];

while (head != null)


head = head.GetNext();

int max = arr[0];

int index = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)

if (max < arr[i])

max = arr[i];

index = i;

return index;

public static bool Consistent<T>(Node<T> head) where T : IComparable<T>

Node<T> p1 = head;

Node<T> p2 = head.GetNext();

int compare1 = p1.GetValue().CompareTo(p2.GetValue());

if (compare1 == 0)

return false;

while (p2.HasNext())

p2 = p2.GetNext();

p1 = p1.GetNext();

int compare2 = p1.GetValue().CompareTo(p2.GetValue());

if (compare1 * compare2 <= 0)

return false;

return true;

public static bool Consistent(Node<int> head)

Node<int> p1 = head;

Node<int> p2 = head.GetNext();

int compare1 = p1.GetValue().CompareTo(p2.GetValue());

if (compare1 == 0)

return false;

while (p2.HasNext())

p2 = p2.GetNext();

p1 = p1.GetNext();

int compare2 = p1.GetValue().CompareTo(p2.GetValue());

if (compare1 * compare2 <= 0)

return false;

return true;

public static Node<T> Zipper<T>(Node<T> l1, Node<T> l2)

Node<T> head = l1;

Node<T> tail = l1;

l1 = l1.GetNext();

while (l1 != null && l2 != null)


tail = l2;


tail = l1;

l2 = l2.GetNext();

l1 = l1.GetNext();

if (l1 != null)


else if (l2 != null)


return head;

public static Node<int> SumOfsubList(Node<int> L)

Node<int> head = new Node<int>(L.GetValue());

Node<int> tail = head;

int pre = L.GetValue() - 1;

L = L.GetNext();

while (L != null)

if (L.GetValue() > pre)

tail.SetValue(tail.GetValue() + L.GetValue());


tail.SetNext(new Node<int>(L.GetValue()));

tail = tail.GetNext();

pre = L.GetValue();

L = L.GetNext();

return head;

public static bool isTripleList(Node<int> L)

if (L == null)

return false;

int count = 0;

Node<int> p1 = L;

while (p1 != null)


p1 = p1.GetNext();

if (count % 3 != 0)

return false;

p1 = L;

Node<int> p2 = L;

for (int i = 0; i < count / 3; i++)

p1 = p1.GetNext();

p2 = p2.GetNext();

p2 = p2.GetNext();

for (int i = 0; i < count / 3; i++)

if (L.GetValue() == p1.GetValue() && L.GetValue() == p2.GetValue())

L = L.GetNext();

p1 = p1.GetNext();

p2 = p2.GetNext();


return false;

return true;

public static void addSort(Node<int> L, int n)

Node<int> node = new Node<int>(n);

if (L.GetValue() > n) // add node after L and swap values






Node<int> pre = L;

L = L.GetNext();

while (L != null)

if (n > L.GetValue())

pre = L;

L = L.GetNext();





pre.SetNext(node); // add node at last

public static Node<int> sortList(Node<int> L)

Node<int> head = new Node<int>(L.GetValue());

L = L.GetNext();

while (L != null)

addSort(L, L.GetValue());

return head;

public static Node<int> BuildDigit(Node<int> lst)

// make first number

int num = lst.GetValue();

Node<int> head = new Node<int>(lst.GetValue() % 10);

Node<int> tail = head;

num = num / 10;

while (num > 0)

tail.SetNext(new Node<int>(num % 10));

num = num / 10;

tail = tail.GetNext();

tail.SetNext(new Node<int>(-9));

tail = tail.GetNext();

lst = lst.GetNext();

while (lst != null)

num = lst.GetValue();

while (num > 0)

tail.SetNext(new Node<int>(num % 10));

num = num / 10;

tail = tail.GetNext();

lst = lst.GetNext();

tail.SetNext(new Node<int>(-9));

tail = tail.GetNext();

return head;

public static Node<int> BuildDigit2(Node<int> lst)

Node<int> head = new Node<int>(-1); // will be deleted at end

Node<int> tail = head;

while (lst != null)

int num = lst.GetValue();

while (num > 0)

tail.SetNext(new Node<int>(num % 10));

num = num / 10;

tail = tail.GetNext();

lst = lst.GetNext();

Node<int> temp = new Node<int>(-9);

tail.SetNext(new Node<int>(-9));

tail = tail.GetNext();

return head.GetNext(); // return without first node

public static int maxSortedSubList(Node<int> lst)

int max = 1;

int count = 1;

int num = lst.GetValue();

while (lst.HasNext())

lst = lst.GetNext();

if (lst.GetValue() > num)


if (count > max)

max = count;


if (count > max)

max = count;

count = 1;

num = lst.GetValue();

return max;

public static Node<double> Positive(Node<double> lst)

Node<double> lst2 = lst;

Node<double> head = new Node<double>(0);

Node<double> tail = head;

while (lst2 != null)

if (lst2.GetValue() > 0)

Node<double> temp = new Node<double>(lst2.GetValue());


tail = tail.GetNext(); // tail = temp

lst2 = lst2.GetNext();

head = head.GetNext(); // if (head.hasNext())



return head;

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