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Mexican Cession 1848 Gadsden Purchase = 1853. = Treaty of Paris 1783 Original_13 Colonies Annexation 1845 Florida Treaty. 1819 New Hampshire § <— Earlier 9200-8000 sc Clovis culture 9100-8000 sc Sandia & Folsom cultures 8000-4500 sc Plano culture 5000-1000 sc Archaic culture a | 200 ec - 700 Ap Hopewell mound builders] 1752 Franklin flies kite during storm 650-1400 Mississippian-Cahokia builders | 1754-1763 French and Indian War 1000-1002 Leif Eriksson explores 1765 Stamp Act 1492-1504 Christopher Columbus explores 1766-1768 Jonathan Carver explores MN 1497-1498 John Cabot explores east coast 7 A 1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa explores Panama L76 7-12.79 Daniel Boone explores: Kentucky 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon explores Florida 1770 Boston Massacre 1519-1521 Herman Cortez conquers Aztecs 1773 Boston Tea Party 1534-1542 Jacques Cartier expolores Canada 1775 Midnight ride of William Dawes & Paul Revere 1539-1543 Hernando de Soto explores southeast 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill (actually Breed’s Hill) 1540-1542 Francisco de Coronado explores 1775-1782 American Revolutionary War 1578-1579 Francis Drake explores west coast 1776 Declaration of Independence 1584-1587 Sir Walter Raleigh explores Carolina 1776 General Washington crosses Delaware River 1607 John Smith founds Jamestown 1777 Continental Congress adopts Stars & Stripes 1609 Henry Hudson explores Hudson River 1778 France signs treaty to aid U.S. 1620 Pilgrims settle Plymouth under Mayflower Compact 1634 Jean Nicolet explores Lake Michigan 1664 British troops seized New Netherland (NY) 1673 Marquette & Jolliet explore Wisconsin macs, 1679-1680 Daniel Duluth explores Minnesota 1787 John Fitch iments steamboat 1680 Louis Hennepin explores Minnesota 1789 U.S. Constitution in effect 1692 Salem witchcraft trials 1789 George Washington ist president under the Constitution 1783 Noah Webster publishs Spelling Book 1787 Shay’s Rebellion 1787 Constitutional Convention meets 1732 Benjamin Franklin publishes Poor Richard's Almanack Important Dates in M. - om Major Periods & Important Dates in American History Colonial Period 1607-1763 = Chesapeake: Jamestown (1* slaves & House of Burgesses; Bacon’s Rebellion) = New England; Mayflower Compact & Fundamental Orders of Connecticut = Diversity of the Middle colonies = Salutary neglect; colonial assemblies » Navigation Acts, mercantilism = French and Indian war 1754-1763 Revolutionary Period, 1763-1789 = War debts; End to salutary neglect after French & Indian War, 1763 « Sugar & Stamp Acts; Townshend Acts * Sons of Liberty; No taxation without representation, Committees of correspondence Lexington and Concord, 1775 Second Continental Congress Declaration of Independence, 1776 Saratoga; Battle of Yorktown Treaty of Paris, 1783 Early Republic, 1789-1824 * Articles of Confederation ratified, 1781 & the “Critical Period, 1781- 1788" Land Ordinance; NW Ordinance Constitution Ratified, 1789 Washington, Adams, Jefferson presidencies Proclamation of Neutrality Marbury v Madison Louisiana Purchase War of 1812, 1812-1815 “Era of Good Feelings,” 1816-1824 Compromise of 1820 (Missouri Comp) Market Revolution, 1816-1845. * Clay's American System, 1816 * Tariff of 1816; 2 BUS * Roads, canals (Erie Canal), some railroads * Growth of cotton in the Deep South; commercial farming in West; textiles in North Age of Jackson, 1828-1840 * Universal white manhood suffrage * “Corrupt Bargain” of 1824 * Andrew Jackson elected, 1828 * Bank War; Specie Circular . . Nullification Crisis Indian removal 2™ Great Awakening & reform movements (temperance, abolition, Seneca Falls, 1848) Late Antebellum Period, 1840-1860 = Manifest Destiny, 1840s = Mexican War, 1846-48 =» Compromise of 1850 * Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854 * Formation of the Republican Party = Dred Scott case, 1857 » Lincoln Douglas Debates, 1858 = John Brown at Harpers Ferry = Election of Lincoln, 1860 Civil War, 1861-65 Confederate States of America, 1861 Fort Sumter attacked, 1861 Antietam, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Atlanta Emancipation Proclamation, 1863 Confederate Surrender, 1865 Lincoln assassinated, 1865 Reconstruction, 1865-77 * Reconstruction Amendments (13"-slavery abolished, 14"-citizenship & rights, 15"-manhood suffrage) * Weak presidents: A Johnson, Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes (2 corrupt bargain) * Nation reunifies « End of Reconstruction; Jim Crow laws The Gilded Age (1870-1900) « Settlement of the West, 1877-1900 « Destruction of Native Americans, Farming, Ranching, Mining, Populism * Industrial Revolution (ROSE) = New forms of marketing and business organization, holding companies & trusts « The Jim Crow South, disenfranchisement of blacks, sharecropping & crop lien « Depression of 1893 * New Immigrants U.S. Imperialism, 1890-1914 Spanish-American War, 1898 Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines Philippine War Panama Canal Big Stick, Dollar, Moral Diplomacies Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Pancho Villa 1791 Bill of Rights adopted 1792 U.S. Mint established 1793 Eli Whitney invents cotton gin 1794 Whiskey Rebellion 1798 Alien & Sedition Act passed 1800 Federal government moved to Washington DC 1801-1805 Tripoli war 1803 Lousiana Purchase a third of U.S. from France 1804 Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton 1804-1806 Lewis & Clark explore northwest 1806 Noah Webster publishes Webster Dictionary 1807 Embargo Act bans trade with foreign countries 1811-1812 New Madrid, MO earthquakes 1812-1815 War of 1812 1814 Francis Scott Key wrote Star Spangled Banner 1816 year without summer 1819 Spain ceded Florida to U.S. 1820 Missouri Compromise passed 1823 Monroe Doctrine established 1825 Erie Canal opened 1831 Nat Turner's rebellion 1831 Joseph Henry invents telegraph 1832 Black Hawk War 1836 Texans beseiged at the Alamo 1838 Cherokee Trail of Tears march 1838 Samuel Morse invents Morse code American History Timeline [Berton Tea Party auton and Reoroendation i 2 Contiegetal Congress Serres arian Tad industrial Revolution famroas tre Tecan tea a Tess eary Feed George Weerngnoe ton ae Howenent Aniirent ACE Chosing the Frontier wrerted Knee Warnaete Spach American War Mark Tain peeerracr ty ol 1860-1861 Pony Express service starts & ends i i f 1886 Coca-cola invented 17 | telegraph c uehaaeeos Ne eeu 1886 Geronimo surrendered 1886 Haymarket Riot in Chicago oo alles Aes ; 1886 Sears started in MN 5 ee ancipation Proclamation 7 1841 Wagon trails head to California 1863 USS Monitor & CSS Merimack ironclads 1886 Statue of Liberty dedicated 1845 Texas admitted into the union 1864 Sand Creek massacre of Cheyenne & Arapaho 1888 George Eastman invents 1846-1848 Mexican-American War 1865 President Lincoln assassignated consumer camera ; 1847 Mormons settle in Utah 1867 Alaska bought from Russia 1889 Johnson, PA flood kills 2,200 1848 Gold discovered in California 1869 Transcontinental railroad completed 1851 Moby Dick by Herman Melville published 1871 Chicago fire 1851 New York Times newspaper begins 1872 Boston fire 1851 San Francisco fire 1872 Yellowstone is 1st national park 1851 University of Minnesota founded 1873 Levis jeans invented 1852 Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe published 1876 Bell telephone begins 1854 Walden by Henry David Thoreau published 1876 Custer killed at Battle of Little Big Horn 1857 Dred Scott decision - slaves did not become free in a free state 176 Heinz Ketchup begins 1858 First Atlantic cable completed 1876 Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain published 1858 Minnesota enters the union 1878 Thomas Edison starts electric company 1859 John Brown seized Harper's Ferry armory All trademarks are copyright by thelr respective owners. Date 6—7 April 1862 Late April 1862 Late June-early July 1862 30 August 1862 17-19 September 1862 11-15 December 1862 31 December— 2 January 1863 2 May 1863 1-3 July 1863 4 July 1863 19-20 September 1863 25 November 1863 Battle Pittsburgh Landing (Shiloh) Fall of New Orleans Seven Days Second Manassas (Bull Run) Sharpsburg (Antietam) Fredericksburg Murfreesboro (Stones River) Chancellorsville Gettysburg Vicksburg Chickamauga Chattanooga Victor North North South South North South North South North North South North

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