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eee <> Q Oa ART ¥STYLE QUESTIONS Examiner: Do you look lke any other people in your family? Carlo: No... not atl... take my brother for example... he has short cropped hair and has quite a pointed face ... he's also quite fair-skinned ‘Compared to me Examiner: Tel me about your family. ‘Andrea: My fathers getting on a bit. he's in his 60s ... but he looks very young for his age ... he stil does lots of exercise and is quite well-built Examiner: What does your bestfriend look ike? "Mandy: She's the same age as me ... she has shoulder 4ength hair... far hair .. she has a slim figure and is medium height ART 2STYLE TASK Describe a person whose appearance you like. You should say ‘who this person is ‘what their relationship is to you what they look tke and say what itis about their appearance you tke Monique: OK ... 'd ke to tak about my aunt .. her name's Marta and she's quite a character ... she's middle-aged but has a very youthful appearance... she's aitle overweight | suppose but nat too much ... she has a friendly round face framed by thick blonde hai... he has a lovely complexion and she's always wellturned out .. she actually aivays looks like she's going out forthe evening to somewhere special there's never a hair out of place ... lve always thought she bears a striking resemblance to someone on TV ... | cant remember the name ow ... she wears glasses and always seems fo have a diferent pair on every time | see her ... | ke the way she looks because she wears clothes that are right for her age and manages to look glamorous without it looking lke she's too done up ... yes... Ibe happy if llook ike her ‘when mer age pT 3 STYLE QUESTIONS Examiner: Is itimportant to dress well whenever we go out? Mark: It depends where you're going ... know some people get done up just to goto the shops ... bt don't see the point... you shouldnt go cut looking scruffy with disheveled hair but | really dont see the point in getting dressed up to the nines unless you're going somewhere special Examiner: Do people worry too much about their appearance as they get older? Mira: Im sure they do... yes ... Butt happens to all of us doesnt... we all go grey eventually and get hard of hearing ... we star to lose our ‘igure .. that's why plastic surgery is so popular... personally | think we just need to grow old gracefully and not worry too much about how we look Examiner: Is attractiveness a qually worthwhile aiming for? Phoebe: Id Ike to say no ... it shouldn't mattor what we look Ike in terms of our physical appearance ... but unfortunately it seams women especially are taken more seriously if they are good looking witha slender figure with perfect make up and so on. Lal ogc Lut, CHO HEM HlU GI ‘DONG KHUM THE THI PHAI XEM CAI NAY 1 NHE. +, GIAINGHIA TU VUNG TONG HOP GIAO TRINH CES) z TRONG BAI (ENG-ENG) TSTUO-7.5+ che Ban : GEITGED GEIIIEND “(> eee <)> Q Ooa DEFINITIONS + tobeara striking resemblance; to look very similar to + cropped hair: very short hair + dishevoted hair: untidy hair + todress up to the nines: to dress very smarty or glamorously + fair hair: ightcoloured hair + tobe fair-skinned: ght skinned + to.get done up: to dress smartly + tobe getting on a bit: to be getting old + to.go grey: to have hair that is tuning grey + tobe good looking: o be attractive + to grow old gracefully: to actin a way that emibraces the fact you are getting older + tobe hard of hearing: to find it dificult tohear + Inhisther 308/40s: to be 20/30 something + scruffy: dressed untidy + to look young for your age: to ook younger than you are + tolose one's figure: to have a figure that has lost toned shape + complexion: natura skin colour and texture + make up: cosmetics + medium height average height + middle-aged: approximately between 45-65 + tonover have a hair out of place: perfectly styled hair + tobe overweight: to weigh more than is regarded as heathy + pointed face: the opposite of a round face + shouldderdength hair: hair that comes down tothe shoulders and no further + slender figure: a figue thats tall and sim + slim figure: attractively thin + thick hair: alot of hair + towear glasses: fo use spectacles + tobe well-built: to be muscular + tobe welltumed out: to look smart + youthful appearance: to look young oR ouge cxU NAO VAO AU cua HA sew XEM THEM MAY CAI NAY MA LUYEN D1 NHE: + HUGNG DAN LAM TONG HGP GIAO TRINH aces J WML BAL ELTS READING rion res cle wa : ID GED «GY

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