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The British Empire’s Growth Through Colonization.

History k.a. made by: Namya, 8I


- In my opinion, I would say the empire grew of lands gained rather than
resources. There are many reasons for my opinion, obvious/simple ones, and less
obvious/more complicated ones. By expanding their country and colonizing others,
Britain was able to gain power, fame, and wealth. These are the three most
important factors when wanting to grow your empire. Out of the three, power is
definitely the most important factor since it can help the empire in many
different ways, both for personal and business reasons. In this report I will
speak about why I think this.
Main body

- The British Empire grew significantly due to its ability to colonize so many
countries and gain numerous resources back in the 16th century. At its height in
the 19th and early 20th centuries, it was the largest empire in history and was the
foremost global power for over a century. An empire is an extensive group of
states or countries ruled by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign
state. By 1920, it covered 35.5 million km2 (13.7 million sq mi) which is 24% of
the Earth's total land area. As a result, its constitutional, legal, linguistic,
and cultural legacy is widespread. To colonize has many different meanings
depending on how you use it, the meaning I’m using is to take control of an area
or a country that isn’t yours. This is usually done using force and by sending
people from your own country to the country being colonized. Britain has
colonized many countries such as:
Large parts of North America such as British East India Company), Burma,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Ceylon, Malaysia, and Singapore;
Island, Connecticut, New York, Africa, such as Cape of Good Hope
Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Colony at the southern tip of Africa
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and annexed the adjacent coastal
South Carolina, Georgia Australia; region of Natal. Britain has also
Parts of Asia such as India (via the colonized small parts of Central and
South America along with New Zealand.
- It was During this time, the peak of its power, it was described as "the empire
on which the sun never sets", as the Sun was always shining on at least one of
its territories. The British Empire also got resources from their colonies too.
Britain founded the East Asia Company, and as it expanded, its political control
increased and the company introduced raw materials such as jute and rubber back
to the UK.
- This means that having power and authorization is necessary since this also
means you get to own things like the country’s strength e.g., their men
(military). Having wealth is necessary because this can be used to buy power,
e.g., buying weapons, trading ships, or even buying people. And although having
fame is not as important as the first two, it is also fairly advantageous. Having
fame is necessary because this means they can make connections with other
powerful people. The empire may have also grown thanks to the resources gained
but it is not as effective as gaining territory and land, for when there is land,
there is power.

In summary, gaining more lands and colonies allowed Britain to increase its
power, wealth and fame - the key ingredients for growing an empire. Britain's
primary aim, in my view, was therefore to expand its territory rather than simply
access resources, though the latter was certainly a valuable byproduct.


Speaker and writer: Namya Harjono, 81

Main source of information: Google & Wikipedia

Other links that helped me:

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