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Task: Assignment – What's their daily routine?

STUDENT : Magno Percy Hoyos Moreno

Milagros Tito Ramírez
Miracles: Hello! How are you?

Magno: Hello! I'm fine thanks. And you?

Milagros: I'm great, thank you. Hey, have you noticed that Lisa and Mary always do everything
together at the same time? Do you want to know more about their daily routine?

Magno: Sure! I would love to know what they do throughout the day.

Milagros: Well, in the morning they get up at 7:00 a.m. Then they bathe and dress. Then they
have breakfast together at 7:30 am. They like to have coffee with toast.

Magno: Sounds like a good way to start the day. And what do they do after breakfast?

Milagros: At 8:00 a.m. They walk to school together. They have all classes together until noon.
They like to study mathematics and science.

Magno: And after school?

Milagros: After school, 4:00 p.m. m., they go to the gym together to exercise. They like to run
on the treadmill and do yoga.

Magno: How fun! And what do they do after exercise?

Milagros: After exercise, at 6:00 p.m., they return home and prepare dinner together.

Magno: Impressive! But what do they do after dinner?

Milagros: After dinner they usually watch a movie together or play board games.

Magno: What a busy day you have! But I noticed you didn't mention that they exercise first
thing in the morning or that they study languages.

Milagros: You're right! They do not exercise early in the morning and prefer to exercise after
school. And they don't study languages either, they only focus on mathematics and science.

Magno: Thank you for sharing your daily routine with me! It's quite interesting to see how they
do everything together.

Milagros: You're welcome, it's always fun to learn about other people's routines.

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