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Java Composite Application Platform Suite

- Sun Certified Java CAPS Integrator (310-502)

Mock test

Change History

Version Date Author Comment

0.1 02-07-2008 Pankaj Gupta Initial version


1. Setting a message subscribes concurrency property to serial insures that:__

a. Messages will be received by that collaboration in FIFO order.
b. Message will be committed by that subscriber in transactional fashion.
c. Messages will be committed by instances of that collaboration in the order
d. The subscriber pool will not experience a concurrent overflow, at the
expense of throughput speed.
e. None of the above.

2. When creating a web page for collecting or displaying data to users which of the
following tools should be used?
a. eVision Page Layout.
b. eVision Page Link.
c. eInsight Business Process Designer.
d. eVision Page Flow.

3. The em-cmdline-client utility allows command-line or script execution of which of

the following tasks? (Select all that apply)
a. Periodic backups of the Java CAPS repository
b. Observe, resolve & delete alerts in a given environment.
c. Querying of message throughput statistics for a given collaboration.
d. Automated download of configuration changes.
e. Interaction (start/stop/status) with given components in the runtime
f. All of the above.

4. Changes to a business process which are built and deployed will take effect __
a. Immediately for all new and inflight instances of the BP in the runtime.
b. When the runtime is restarted.
c. Immediately for all new instances of the BP in the runtime, inflight
instances will continue with there initialized code.
d. At a designated time as configured by the scheduler during deployment.

5. Message selectors can be used to:__

a. Filter messages that a subscriber receives from a Topic / Queue.
b. Dynamically define alternate data sources for a subscribing collaboration.
c. Conditionally publish messages to alternate Topics / Queues.
d. Define a round-robin subscription behavior for load balancing.

6. Which type of web service should be used to trigger a JCD or BP to execute

automatically at a specific interval?
a. Scheduler
b. This must be done programmatically within a particular service
c. Batch inbound
d. Timer event

7. The Java CAPS 5.1 suite utilizes a centralized s\w distribution model. Which of
these serves as the distribution source?
a. Domain.
b. Enterprise Manager
c. Repository.

d. Enterprise Directory.

8. Which modeling element can be used to allow an activity to continue execution

after waiting for specified amount of time for correlations to arrive?
a. The timer event is used to set the expiration time.
b. Enclose the activity in a wait activity.
c. The event based decision element.
d. This is not possible.

9. A business process manager business rule can exist __(Select all that apply)
a. Within a specific business rule activity.
b. Within any activity elements.
c. In any fault handler called via compensation.
d. On links between activity elements

10. A JCD can publish data to:__ (Select all that apply.)
a. The Topic / Queue specified in the CMAP via the send() method.
b. Any Topic / Queue defined in the same project via the sendTo() method.
c. Any Topic / Queue deployed to the same environment via the sendTo()
d. Any Topic / Queue deployed to the same Message Server as the default
Topic / Queue via the sendTo() method.

11. Which of the following JCAPS components can be run as a service / daemon?
(Select all that apply)
a. Repository
b. Enterprise Manager
c. Enterprise Designer
d. Domain

12. Java CAPS documentation can be accessed : (Select all that apply)
a. By uploading the docs to the repository & viewing then through the
enterprise manager.
b. By decompressing the capsDocs.sar file to a directory of your choice.
c. In the installed tree structure on the repository.
d. From the help screen dialog box.
e. From the documentation CD.
f. From the website.

13. In order to allow one of several possible paths to execute based on which link a
user has selected which eVision page Flow designer element should be used?
a. The assign element.
b. The reply modeling element.
c. The event based decision element.
d. This must be configured manually.

14. Un-deployment of an ear file can be achieved using? (Select all that apply)
a. The deployment profile.
b. The enterprise manager.
c. The deploy command line
d. The domain manager.

15. Which of the following applies to identically named topics or queues in different
a. They always refer to the same object at runtime.
b. They always refer to the same object at runtime if deployed to the same
message server.
c. They never refer to the same object at runtime.
d. They always refer to the same object at runtime if deployed to the same

16. Which of the following most accurately describes the lifecycle of a compensation
a. It lives from the start of the scope to which it is attached until its end.
b. It lives from the start of the business process in which it appears, until the
end of the business process.
c. It lives from the start of the scope to which it is attached until the end of
the business process.
d. It lives from the start of the scope to which it is contained until its end.
e. It lives from the end of the scope to which it is attached until the end of
the business process.

17. A domain is:

a. A J2EE-compliant application server
b. An instance of the Java CAPS runtime integration server & message server
c. A description of a physical machine present in the runtime environment.
d. A description of where a business process activity will execute in a given

18. Which Java CAPS product would be the most effective choice to develop a
human-interactive interface as a part of a workflow solution?
a. eGate.
b. eInsight.
c. eVision.
d. eXchange.

19. In order to preserve business logic coded directly in a business process in the
event that the process flow is changed in which of the following elements would
that logic be best created?
a. A business rule added to a link between activities in the flow.
b. Code cannot be preserved if the flow is changed.
c. A business rule element.
d. Create the logic in a service within the cMap.

20. For a successful import of a project, which dependencies might the import
require? (Select all that apply)
a. Components that were created in the other projects that have been
referenced in the project.
b. All the components installed in the original project’s repository.
c. Seebeyond products & adapters used in the project.
d. The environment used in the project
e. All the above.

21. The purpose of the connectivity Map is to:

a. Define the logical flow of the business process

b. Define the data path among business process.
c. Map data between fields on an eVision page and an OTD.
d. Define elements of a projects and describe there interrelationship.

22. OTD in Java CAPS:

a. Describes the various environment hosts available to a message.
b. Encode connectivity parameters to external, application, such as oracle
c. Serve as a master list of components in a given Java CAPS project.
d. Describe the ack/nak protocol between collaboration & a JMS IQ manager.
e. None of the above.

23. In order to represent the structure of a particular db in Java CAPS, which of the
following components must be created?
a. An eWay.
b. A Java Collaboration Definition.
c. An OTD.
d. An oracle External Application.

24. During installation, the productList.sar file can be changed to update:

a. The components available to upload.
b. The components available to download.
c. The installed components.
d. The registered components.

25. Orchestration of various web services should be designed using which of the
following tools?
a. eVision
b. eInsight
c. eGate
d. Domain

26. The most effective choice for writing simple data transformations in a BP is which
of the following?
a. Create a JCD.
b. Create a prepared statement.
c. Create a business rule within the eInsight editor.
d. Create a page layout using eVision.

27. In a single Deployment Profile, where can services be deployed? (Select all that
a. To a single integration server in a single logical host (One Integration
server per logical host)
b. To multiple integration servers in a single logical host (multiple Integration
servers per logical host)
c. To multiple logical hosts each with a single integration server (One
Integration server per logical host)
d. To multiple logical hosts each with multiple integration servers (multiple
Integration servers per logical host)
e. All of the above.

28. The JMS client:___

a. Links a JMS Topic / Queue with the appropriate JMS IQ Manager at
deployment time.
b. Provides connectivity between a service (JCD / BP) and a JMS Topic or
c. Links JMS Topic or Queue deployed across environments.
d. Provides access to messages in a JMS Topic or Queue from the enterprise
e. Enables all of the above.

29. The timer modeling element in eInsight represents:__

a. An activity that will time out the process if it expires.
b. A watch dog timer over a parallel path.
c. An exception timer to realize overdue event errors.
d. An event-based decision path to catch latent processes.

30. In order to have more than one activity executing concurrently in a business
process, which eInsight modeling element should be used?
a. The event based decision element.
b. The reply modeling element.
c. The join modeling element.
d. The flow modeling element.

31. What the difference is between undeploy & disable in the enterprise manager?
a. Undeploy temporarily stops the EAR; Disable removes it from the domain.
b. Undeploy removes the EAR from eManager, Disable doesn’t.
c. Undeploy removes the EAR file from the domain, Disable stops it
d. None of the above.

32. Links can be created between activities within a business process for the purpose
a. Determining the activity flow order.
b. Defining business message persistence.
c. Providing roles for activity relationships.
d. Signifying which portType should be used.

33. How can asynchronous request-response transaction be tracked in a business

a. The reply modeling element.
b. Correlation IDs.
c. Message Selectors.
d. None of the above.

34. A deployment profile:__

a. Maps logical components of a project to representations of the physical
resources that will execute them at runtime.
b. Represents the placement of the business logic processes within a project.
c. Is a representation of a real external system that participates in the
d. Specifies the logical connection information for an external application.
e. None of the above.

35. Which answer best describe the difference between an external application & an
external system?
a. An External Application is a running program (eg Oracle, or SAP) and an
External System represents a remote file system.
b. An External Application is accessed via various eWays and an External
System can only be accessed by the Batch eWay.
c. An External Application represents a logical connection and an External
System represents the physical resources to support that connection at
d. An External Application represents a logical eWay connection and an
External System represents the host system on which an application runs.

36. Which Java CAPS component determines the fields within a message that can be
accessed by a Java Collaboration?
a. Business Process
b. Connectivity Map
c. Object Type Definition
d. Activity

37. To utilize a component from one Project in another, you can: (Select all that
apply.) _____
a. export the component from the source Project and import it to the target
b. copy the component from the source Project and paste it to the target
c. include the remote component in the Deployment Profile of the target
d. drag-and-drop the component onto the target Projects Connectivity Map
e. you can not share components among Projects

38. What Java CAPS elements below are required for code to be Executed and
Monitored in Production?
Enterprise Manager
2. Enterprise Designer
3. Repository
4. UDDI Server
5. Domain
6. An .ear file

a. 3, 2, 6 & 5 only.
b. 4 to discover services, 3, 1 & 5.
c. 4 to discover services, 6, 5 & 1.
d. 1, 5 & 6 only.
e. 3 to discover services, 5, 6 & 1.

39. How can you add Java Script to extend the functionality of eVision?
a. Using the eVision code editor.
b. Using the properties of eVision components.
c. Using the Text Input filed component.
d. This cannot be done.

40. What will happen to an exception that is deliberately thrown by a JCD invoked
within a business process when no attempt is made to catch it?

a. The JVM will catch it and exit the business process.
b. A critical Alert will be raised in the enterprise Manger.
c. The Business process will have an opportunity to catch it.
d. The BPEL interpreter will suppress it and nothing will happen.

41. An activity modeling element in eInsight is best suited for containing which of the
following functions?
a. Web service operation invocation via WSDL documents.
b. Business rule activation via XSLT and XPath.
c. HTML page application via department workflow activity.
d. An Undo operation as the result of a SOAP fault.
e. A Compensation operation as the result of a WSDL fault.

42. What are the necessary steps, in order, for using an external .JAR file in a JCD?
i. Create the JCD
ii. Type in the java method
iii. Import the JAR file to the JCD.
iv. Import the JAR file into a project.
a. 1,2,3,4
b. 1,3,2,4
c. 3,4,1,2
d. 4,1,3,2

43. What is a process level Handler?

a. A compensation handler attached to the outermost scope.
b. An exception handler attached to the innermost scope.
c. An exception handler which is not attached to any scope or within another
d. An exception handler which is not attached to any scope but is within
outermost scope.
e. A compensation handler which is not attached to any scope or within
another scope.

44. Changes to the runtime (Integration / Message server) configuration are made by
(Select all that apply) __
a. Changing the logical host properties in the environment explorer of the
enterprise designer.
b. Modifying the relevant properties file for the Domain in question.
c. Changing the properties on each domain administration console and
restarting the domain.
d. Rebuilding the logical host directory structure by deleting and re-creating
it from the Domain Manager.

45. Which of the following addition product must a customer have in order to use
eVision tool?
a. eView
b. eBam
c. eTl
d. eInsight

46. Why must a web service (created as JCD) within JCAPS that is invoked within a
BP be placed in an additional container within the CMAP? (Select all that apply.)

a. The JCD needs its own container in order to execute.
b. BPEL cannot invoke an EJB that is not already running.
c. This is not necessary because the eInsight engine will execute the web
d. Only web services running externally to JCAPS require a service in the

47. What is a page flow?

a. A structured series of web pages combined to form a web-enabled
business process.
b. A web page designed to collect information from a user.
c. The tab order of controls on a web page.
d. The order in which screen elements are rendered in the Sun Portal Server.

48. In what order do you start JCAPS elements during development?

i. Enterprise Manager
ii. Enterprise Designer
iii. Repository
iv. UDDI Server
v. Domain
a. 1 then 2 prior to development, 3&4 prior to deployment, 5 whenever
b. 3 then 2 prior to development, 4&5 prior to deployment, 1 whenever
c. 1 then 3 prior to development, 2&5 prior to deployment, 4 whenever
d. 3 then 5 prior to development, 2&4 prior to deployment, 1 whenever

49. Building deployment profile results in which of the following?

a. The selected CMAP are checked into the repository.
b. The selected CMAP are copied to the logical host.
c. The selected CMAP are compiled and an EAR file is generated.
d. The management agent downloads configuration changes to the running

50. An exported subproject will include which of the following?

a. Elements of that subproject and its external references only.
b. Elements of that subproject, its parents and its siblings
c. Elements of that subproject and its parent
d. Elements of that subproject and its environment.

51. How can a BP be configured so that it is capable of responding to more than one
type of error at a time?
a. BPEL doesn’t support the ability to catch multiple exceptions.
b. Create a scope and drag down as many catch Named Exception elements
as needed.
c. Create a catch block to handle as many exceptions as necessary.
d. Select multi option in the BP error handling properties dialog.

52. Which JCAPS component determines the external application(s) to which JCD can
publish data?

a. an eWay OTD included in the JCD as an OTD
b. a deployment profile
c. an External application
d. any eWay in the current project.

53. Which of the following add-ons are required when attempting to exchange
messages with a JMS Message Server external to Java CAPS?
a. the JMS eWay
b. the eGate API Kit
c. JMS Message Selectors
d. this can be done programmatically without additional products

54. When running the Java Collaboration Definition wizard, the option to create a new
Web Service operation or Implement an existing Web Service operation names
which of the following?
a. the data source for the Collaboration
b. the trigger for the Collaboration logic
c. the template for the Collaboration
d. the means to invoke the Collaboration as a Web Service

55. Deployment of an ear file can be achieved using?

a. The deployment profile.
b. The enterprise manager.
c. The deploy command line.
d. All of the above.

56. An exported Project will include which of the following?

a. All Elements of the Project and its environment.
b. All Elements of the Project, except the deployment profile.
c. All checked –in Elements of the Project.
d. All checked –in Elements of the Project, plus those in the current user’s
workspace (except the deployment profiles).

57. To parse incoming data in a JCD or BP, the unmarshall() should be called from:
(Select all that apply.)
a. The source OTD.
b. The target OTD.
c. The Input folder.
d. The operation drop down menu.

58. Which of the following apply to the Sun SeeBeyond project in the Enterprise
Designer? (Select all that apply.)
a. It is user-modifiable.
b. It contains eWay specific OTDs & services.
c. It is created automatically during Enterprise Designer installation.
d. It should only be used as a template and not directly referenced in
another project.
e. All of the above.

59. Which outcome can be achieved by building a web page using eVision?
a. To view the status of each instance of a business process in eInsigt.
b. To achieve human interaction within a BP
c. To send & receive data from the web in Java CAPS

d. To dynamically reconfigure a BP.

60. What happens to JMS Messages for a non-durable Topic Subscribers that are
delivered when the subscriber is offline?
a. Messages are included in an alert raised in the Enterprise Manager.
b. Messages are deleted as if expired or already delivered to all subscribers.
c. Messages are stored until the subscriber is available.
d. Messages are spooled to a file which can be used to resend them later.


1-c 2-a 3-b, e 4-c 5-a 6-a 7-c

8-a 9-a, d 10-a, d 11-a, b, d 12-a, c, f 13-c
14-b, c
15-b 16-e 17-b 18-c 19-c 20-a, c
22-e 23-c 24-a 25-b 26-c 27-e 28-b
29-b 30-d 31-c 32-a 33-b 34-a 35-c
36-c 37-b, d 38-c 39-b 40-c 41-a
43-c 44-b, c 45-d 46-a, b 47-a 48-b
50-a 51-b 52-a 53-b 54-b 55-d 56-d
57-b, d 58-b, c 59-b 60-b


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