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KL Deemed to be) UNIVERSITY FRESHMAN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ‘A Project On:- MODERN PERIODIC TABLE.! SUBMITTED BY: T'd Number ‘Student Name 2000010100 Pachipala Yamini Harshitha. UNDER THE ESTEEMED GUIDANCE OF Mr.G.K.Chakravarthy ASST. PROFESSOR Green fields, Vaddeswaram — 522 502 Guntur Dt, AP, India. CERTIFICATE ‘This is to certify that the project based laboratory report entitled “Modern Periodic Table” submitted by Pachipala Yamini Harshitha bearing Regd. No.2000010100 to the Department of Basic Engineering Sciences-1, KL University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of a project based Laboratory in “Computational Thinking for Design” course in I B Tech I Semester, is a bonafide record of the work carried out by him under my supervision during the academic year 2020-2021. PROJECT SUPERVISOR HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT Mr.G.K.Chakravarthy Dr.D.Haritha It is great pleasure for me to express my gratitude to our honorable President Sri. Koneru Satyanarayana, for giving the opportunity and platform with facilities in accomplishing the project based laboratory report. J express the sincere gratitude to our director Dr. A Jagadeesh for his administration towards our academic growth. J express sincere gratitude to our Coordinator and HOD-BES Dr. D.Haritha for her leadership and constant motivation provided in successful completion of our academic semester. | record it as my privilege to deeply thank for providing us the efficient faculty and facilities to make our ideas into reality. J express my sincere thanks to our project supervisor Mr.G.K Chakravarthy for his/her novel association of ideas, encouragement, appreciation and intellectual zeal which motivated us to venture this project successfully. Finally, it is pleased to acknowledge the indebtedness to all those who devoted themselves directly or indirectly to make this project report success. SUBMITTED BY-- Ld Number ‘Student Name 2000010100 Pachipala Yamini Harshitha. ABSTRACT ‘The Modern Periodic Table project is a simple console application built without the use of graphics. It is developed using the C programming language for the purpose of storing name, symbol, atomic number, atomic weight, and some important properties as well as to display them as per requirement of the user. This project will help you to understand file handling in C i.e. creating a file and accessing the stored data in the file, modifying and removing the stored data. It will also help you to understand the use of functions as well as different parameters of C programming language. INDEX S.NO TITLE PAGE NO 1 Intraduction 6 2 Aim of the Project 8 21 Advantages 8 22 Disadvantage 8 23 Future Implementation 8 3 System Requirements 9 4 Algorithm 10 5 Data Diagram 12 6 Implementation 13 7 Integration and system Testing 23 8 Conclusion 26 INTRODUCTION Problem definition: The problem is used to find elements by using atomic weight, atomic number,element symbol in the modern periodic table Introduction to periodic table : We have used * Elements * Atomic weight Atomic number * Element symbol For solving problem For implementation C language: void add() : This function is used to input or add the information of new element to the program. void explor() : This function is used to explore the stored information in the file created. void mainscreen() : It is included in source code of project file in order to print the text style and to control its color. void mainscreen() : This function is used to print the main screen or menu of the project. ‘The key features of Modern Periodic Table mini project in C are briefly described below: Storage of Element Information: In the project, you can add any new element with its name, symbol, atomic number, atomic weight and its some important properties. When new element information is to be added to this Modern Periodic Table, you have to enter 1 in the main menu and input information in given format. These information are stored in file created on the hard disk of computer by program itself. Exploration of element Information: Another main function of this project is to explore or to display the stored information. You can search an element by using any of the following method: . By name of element pe . By symbol of element . By atomic number of element . By atomic weight of element Rw © ‘Ifyou press 3 in the main menu, the program will be terminated AIM OF THE PROJECT To design a program for creating modern periodic table search by using GDB online compiler which helps the new users also to search easily the required elements by typing its name,symbol, atomic number, atomic weight of elements. 2.1 Advantages:- ‘This project will help you to understand file handling in C i.e. creating a file and accessing the stored data in the file, modifying and removing the stored data. It will also help you to understand the use of functions as well as different parameters of C programming language. 2.2 Disadvantages:- ‘There are no disadvantages in particular If you want to search by Atomic weight,you have to mention the exact weight 2.3 Future enhancements:- With this program we can easily search any element and know about its properties. We don’t need to reach any book for that. The major software requirements of the project are as follows: Language : Online GDB compiler Operating system : Windows 10 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: ‘The hardware requirements that map towards the software are as follows: RAM : 86GB Processor : Intel i5 processor Step1: Start. Step 2: Enter new element, explore, exit program. Step 3: If section is correct it goes to step 4 otherwise step 5. Step 4 ; Enter information of elements, name, symbol, atomic number, atomic weight. Step 5: If section 2 is correct it goes to step 6 otherwise step 7, Step 6: Enter the corresponding numbers, search by name, Search by symbol, search by atomic number, search by atomic, Weight, return by main menu. Step 7: Selected name, if steep 7 is correct it goes to step 8 otherwise step 9. ‘Step 8: Enter the name of the compound. Step 9: Selected symbol, if step 9 is correct it goes to step 11 Otherwise step 10. Step 10 : Selected symbol, if step 10 is correct it goes to step 11 otherwise step12. ‘Step 11: Enter the symbol of compound. Step 12 : Selected atomic number, if step 12 is correct it goes to step 13 otherwise step 14. Step 13: Enter the atomic number of compound. Step 14 : Selected atomic weight, if step 14 is correct it goes to step 15 otherwise step 16. Step 15 : Enter the atomic weight of compound. Step 16: Section 6. Step17 : If step16 is correct it goes to step 18 otherwise step19. Step 18 : Go to stop. Step 19: Section is 3, if step 19 is correct it goes to step 18 Step 20 : print “thank you bye”. Step 21: Stop. a #include #include IMPLEMENTATION #include int get_option(); int atomic_number(); intatomic_symbol(); int atomic_nameQ; intatomic_weightO; void show(int); char name{112] [20]={"Hydrogen’,"Helium","Lithium", "Beryllium","Boron',"Carbon", "Nitrogen”,"Oxygen” ,"Flourine","Neon", Sodium", "Magnesium" ", "Silicon", "Phosphorus", "Sulphur", "Chlorine", "Rubidium","Strontium","Y ttrium" um","Ruthenium","Rhodium","Palladium", erium”,"Praseodlymium”,"Neodymium’,"Promet hium","Samarium”,”Europium’,"Gadolinium”,"Terbium","Dysprosium’, “Holmium","Erbium","Thulium”, rbium","Lutetium", "Hafnium","Tantalum","Tungsten","Rhenium","Osmium","Iridium","Platinum","Gold "Mercury","Thallium","Lead m”," Astatine”,"Radon! "Francium”","Radium”,"Actinium","Thorium","Protactinium", m","Neptunium ","Plutonium","Americium","Curium","Berkelium", "Californium","Einsteinium" ,"Fermium","Mendelevium","Nobelium","Lawrencium", "Rutherfordium”,"Dubnium","Seaborgium","Bohrium","Hassium","Meitnerium","Darmstadti um","Roentgenium","Copernicium"}; char symbel[112)[5]=("H","He "Na","Mg","Al Zr","Nb","Mo","Te","Ru’,"Rh,"Pa","Ag","Cd',"In","Sn","Sb"s"Te", La","Ce","Pr","Ni ","Sm","Eu","Gd",” y","Ho","Er","Tm","Yb","Lu" ""Re","Os" "Ir "Bo"; "FeYTRa","Act'TI p "Cm","BR"CP","Es","Fmn" "SM d°,"No"/'Lr", “RE'"Db","Sg","Bh’,"Hs","Me,"Ds"Rg","Cn"}; float weight(112|={1.00,4.00,6.94,9.01,10.81,12.01, 14.00, 16.00,20.00,20.18,23.00,24.31,26.99,28 08, 30.97, 32.06, 35.45, 39.09,40.07,44.95,47.86,50.94, 51.99,54.93,55.84,58.69,58.93,63.54,65.39,69.7,72.64,74.92,78.96,79.90,83.80,85.46,87.62,8 8.90,91.22,92.90,95.94,98.00,101.07, 102.90, 106.42,107.86,112.41,114.81,118.71,121.76,127.6,126.90,131.29,13.90,137.32,138.9 0,140.11,140.90,144.24,145.00, 150.36,151.96,157.25,158.92,162.50,164.93,167.5,168.93,173.04,174.96,178.49,180.94,183. 84,186.20, 190.23, 192.21,196.07,196.97, 200.59,204.38,207.20,208.98,209.00,210.00,222.00,223.00,226.00,227.00,231.03,232.03,237 .00,238.03,243,244,247,247,251,252,257,258, 259,261 ,262,264,266,268,272,277,276,281,280,285}; inti-999,qption; do { option=get_optian(); switch (option) case 2: i-atomic_symbol(); break; case 3: i=atomic_name(); printf("%6d",i); break; case 4: imatomic_weightQ; break; case 5: exit (0); default: system("cls"); printf(*\n\n\t\\\tWrong Choice!\n"); printi("\nlt\t\tLet's try it again, Shall we ?\n\n"); printi(\n\t\tthtLet's try it again, Shall we ?\n\n"); system("cls"); printf("w\ct\e\eOops ! \nle\t\tittNo Such element present !\n"); printf(Wt Make a right choice this time !\n\n"); } else if (i==999) continue; 4 while (1); int option; printf(""\wn\nEnter the corresponding number :\n\n"); printf("1. Search by ATOMIC NUMBER\n"); printf("2. Search by ATOMIC SYMBOLI\n"); printf("3. Search by ATOMIC NAME\n"); printf("4. Search by ATOMIC WEIGHT\n’ printf("s. QUIT\n"); printf("\nEnter Your Choice sean{("%6d" option); return aption; int atomic_number{void) { int n; FILE*{p; fp = (fopenc(’ "ys if(ip!=NULL); printf("\nEnter the Atomic Number you want to search for : "J; scan{("%ed",&n); 17 a if (u>=0 && n-112) return n; return -1; felose(ip); int atomic_name(vaid) t char x[20]; int i,flag=0; FILE*fp; fp = (fopen("C:\Matomic_weighta.txt", "w")); if({p!-NULL); print{("\nEnter the Atomic Name you want to search for :"); scanf(" %s",x); for (i t if (stremp(x,name|i))==0) t flag=1; break; } if (flag-=1) return else return -1; fclosefip); int atomic_symbol{void) { char x[5]; int i,flag-0; FILE*fp; fp = (fopen("C\\atomic_weightasxt", "w")); if(fp!=NULL); printf("\nEnter the Atomic Symbol you want to search for :"); { } felose(fp); if (flag==1) return i; return 1; float x; int i,flag=0; FILE*{p; fp = (fopen("C:\\atomic_weighta.txt", "w")); if({p!=NULL); print{("\nEnter the Atomic Weight you want to search for :"); scanf("%6f",&x); for (i=0;i<112;i++) { if (weight{i]==x) t flag=1; break; I } if (flag==1) return i; else return -1; felose(tp); } void show(int i) { printf("\n\t\i\t\t HERE'S YOUR SEARCH RESULT\nin' print{("\n\t\t\\t\tAtomic Number: %d\n",(i+1)); printi("\W\\\tAtomic Symbol: %s\n" symbollil); print{("\itwitAtomic Name: %s\n",namefil); printf("\itt\itAtomic Weight —: %.2f\n",weightli)); printf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tThank You ! \n\n\n"); 2 Outputs :- INTEGRATION AND SYSTEM TESTING nding numer Brae ceny 23 eee Panny Your choi Ategie sysbol you want ore or eee ae te) ere ere ett pee reg eg coerce Pe esse cee eee ee ay ee casei ECC rco em ve ta over esta ce quit Perea ee ee ee ce co cor Pees cee Tred Porat ese Ct Pere ean Oe Me ere eae core coe: search by RTOMTC pease Sag Coad re crea ere ee ek tc ee ec eer) Pree ae ae ela aL oe eee Pera corresponding number + Feber ae ce Ce Te CSE rao ie ce CoE 1a Search by ATOMIC NAME ae ce eae qur CER CSL Inter the Atomic Symbol you want to search for : Gf sh: 1: els: not tound coal Pe stan a Sora Cert Se as est’ CONCLUSION A program for modern periodic table is complete From this project we have used algorithm and data structure to understand the modern periodic table And prepare the implementation, it use full for new users and it also helps in finding elements by its name,symbol,atomic number and weight of elements.this project helps the chemist and chemistry teachers in easy way by this software . In future if they invent new elements they can simply add element in code so that they can update the software check the elements easily You can search an element by using any of the following method: By name of element By symbol of element By atomic number of element By atomic weight of element

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