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Civil law is a broad term that encompasses various legal principles and systems.

It is one
of the two main legal traditions in the world, the other being common law. The term
"civil law" can have different meanings depending on the context:

1. Legal Tradition: In the context of legal traditions, civil law refers to a legal
system derived from Roman law, codified in comprehensive and systematic legal
codes. Countries with a civil law tradition typically have a written legal code that
serves as the primary source of law. Examples of countries with civil law systems
include France, Germany, Japan, and most countries in continental Europe and
Latin America.
2. Private Law: In a more general sense, civil law can refer to the body of law that
deals with private disputes between individuals or organizations. This includes
areas such as contracts, property law, family law, torts, and other private matters.
Civil law is concerned with the resolution of conflicts between private parties and
the compensation or redress for harm or injuries suffered.

Key characteristics of civil law systems include:

• Codification: Civil law systems are characterized by comprehensive legal codes

that outline the rights and obligations of individuals. These codes serve as the
primary source of law.
• Inquisitorial Process: Civil law systems often use an inquisitorial legal process,
where the judge plays an active role in investigating the case and determining
the facts. This is in contrast to the adversarial system used in common law
• Legal Precedent: Unlike common law systems, where judicial decisions set
precedent, civil law systems rely less on precedent and more on statutory law.

It's important to note that the term "civil law" can have different meanings in different
contexts, so the interpretation may vary. When discussing legal traditions or systems, it
often refers to the Roman law-derived system with comprehensive codes. In the broader
sense, it refers to the body of law governing private disputes.

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