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The director of each museum fights to have real exhibits in its halls. This is
how people usually think, but in fact it is not. In the city of Kuric (кюриц)
(Germany) there is a very unusual museum of lies, the director of which is
proud and absolutely does not hide the fact that all the exhibits of his museum
are fake. The name of the director of the museum of lies is Reinhard Tzabka.
In his past, he is a famous German artist who believes that the line between
truth and lies is very thin, especially when it comes to art. This thought led him
to create a museum of lies in Germany. The building in which the museum is
located looks like it is 200 years old. As you already guessed, this is also a fake,
the building does not have much time. “Don't believe your eyes,” says the
motto of the museum of lies. And visitors more and more often have to
remember this phrase, walking around 10 rooms of the museum. In them you
can see a mop that belonged to Stalin's father, Van Gogh's severed ear, a radio
from the Titanic, a flying carpet-flying and even Hitler's mustache. All these
exhibits are a lot of controversy and controversy. Someone thinks that Tsabka
is a genius and a cheerful person, and someone thinks that he is crazy, all the
exhibits of the museum are abandoned and unnecessary to anyone. Before
entering the museum, visitors will also find a little deception. They manage to
taste the healing potion that makes any person forever young, but in fact it is a
simple tea, as well as a "delicious" plastic cake. All the exhibits of the museum
of lies, Tsabka claims, came from the great-granddaughter of Baron
Münghausen. Whatever conflicting opinions about the museums of lies, he
forever dispelled the myth that the museum is something boring and
uninteresting, where all the exhibits are covered with dust and impregnated
with antiquity. In this case, the opposite is true.

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