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Revision Worksheet No- 2

Grade: 4 Subject: Maths

Topics- Multiplication,

I Fill in the blanks.

a. 4567 X 100 = ______________.

b. 9654 X 0 = ______________.

c. 8524 X ______________ = 8524.

d. 741 X 896 = ______________ X 741.

e. The product of any number and 1 is always the ______________.

f. 354 X 1000 = ______________

g. We cannot divide a number by ______________.

h. 45823 ÷ 100, Q = ______________, R = ______________

i. 96400 ÷ 1000, Q = ______________, R = ______________

j. 500 ÷ 10, Q = ______________, R = ______________

k. Dividend = Divisor X Quotient + ______________

II Solve the following.

a. 85412 X 6

b. 9631 X 34
c. 7245 X 87

d. 8474 X 630

e. 7894 X 251

f. 5432 ÷ 20

g. 18430 ÷ 15

III Divide the following and verify the division operation.

a. 5875 ÷ 9
b. 4984 ÷ 6

IV Solve the following.

a. A total number of 39624 volunteers are divided equally into 52 groups. How
many volunteers are there in each group?

b. There are 792 books which are equally packed in 24 packets. How
many books are there in each packet?

Birla Open Minds International School (BOMIS) 2

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