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An Endless Obsession

By: Joseph Matthew Hermoso

Once upon a time in a bustling city, there lived a young man named
Josef. He spent months obsessed with this girl named Alecs. From the
moment he laid eyes on her om their school, he was captivated by her
beauty and charm. Josef couldn’t help but be drawn by her personality
and kind heart. Josef couldn’t focus on anything else. His friends
noticed his distant and preoccupied behavior, realizing that he was in
love. They encourage him to approach Alecs, to confess his feelings
to put an end to his endless obsession. But fear held Josef back. He
was terrified of rejection, afraid to lose the one thing that brought him
a glimmer of happiness.
He continued to love in his fantasy world, hoping that somehow,
someday, Alecs would notice him. Josef’s obsession only intensified.
He gathered information about her, observing her from a distance. He
couldn’t help himself his desire for love had consumed him
completely. One day, fate intervened. Josef accidentally bumped into
Alecs at the school library. As the books and papers fell to the ground,
their eyes locked. Josef’s heart raced and for a moment, time stood
It was a perfect opportunity to finally confess his love. Summoning
every ounce of his courage, he stutter out his feelings, telling her how
he had been loving her secretly for so long. Alecs, surprised yet
flattered by his words, listen attentively. To Josef’s surprise, Alecs
confessed that she had also noticed him all those months, and that she
developed a fondness of him as well. She appreciated his gesture of
love, but she explained that she had her own reservation, her own
reason for not reaching out sooner.
In that moment, Josef realized that his endless obsession had
prevented him for not seeing the bigger picture. He had become so
obsessed on Alecs that he had neglected to explore other
opportunities, to be open to new experiences and relationships.
From that day forward, Josef and Alecs built a genuine connection
that surpassed admiration. Their love grew stronger as they learn to
embrace each other’s flaw and their individuality. Josef realized that
his obsession had been a hindrance, but it also taught him a valuable
lesson about self-reflection and the importance of letting go.
And so, Josef and Alecs love story continued to unfold, no longer
overshadowed by an endless obsession, but instead fueled by
understanding, trust, and a newfound journey they had taken together.

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