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Our Outsourced Solutions for Tax Professionals

Business benefits consultants is an outsourced solution for you to work with
when seeking out high deductible tax strategies for your business owner
clients. We possess a unique set of skills in helping to develop the best plan
design when looking at defined benefit, and cash balance plans as a benefit
to your clients.

You might not be aware that every actuary has different plan designs, and
there are many different combinations which produce VERY different results.
Our specialization in this space provides YOU with a consulting firm to
outsource implement, and manage these plans. We bring all these
resources together so you can provide the Tax Advisory services that you
focus on.

How do we get paid?

We get paid the same way as the actuary or TPA. You are positioning us as
YOUR specialist.

What are we going to do?

We are going to help you gather the necessary information, conduct due
diligence on multiple designs and structures, and prepare a simplistic
proposal to present. We will do the heavy lifting, while you demonstrate the
significant tax savings to your client.

Business Benefits Consultants, LLC is not an actuary, advisor, recordkeeper, or accounting professional. We encourage and work with any of your
advisors prior to implementing any strategies. All items presented are only estimated numbers based on concept. We are not rendering advice.
The information contained is provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for obtaining accounting, tax, or financial
advice from anyone. Presentation of the information is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, a client relationship in any way.

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