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Question 1 (10 points)

Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Selected:d.
What .3 to a percent 30%
Find 25% of 200. 50
3. Selected:j.
Change .03 to a percent 3%
4. Selected:f.
What number is 20% of 102? 20.4
The movie theater has 250 seats. 225 seats Selected:c.
were sold for the current showing. What 10%
percent of seats are empty?
A survey of 1,000 people was done by the
New York Times.
80% of the people did not know the name
of their representative in Congress.
How many of the 1,000 people knew the
name of the Congressman?
7. Selected:e.
3/8 to percent. 37.5%
8. Selected:g.
7/11 to percent. 63.6%
9. Selected:a.
1/2 to percent. 50%
10. Selected:b.
4/9 to percent. 44%
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