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namespace Akeneo\Connector\Executor;

use Akeneo\Connector\Api\Data\JobInterface;
use Akeneo\Connector\Api\JobExecutorInterface;
use Akeneo\Connector\Helper\Authenticator;
use Akeneo\Connector\Helper\Config as ConfigHelper;
use Akeneo\Connector\Helper\Output as OutputHelper;
use Akeneo\Connector\Job\Import as JobImport;
use Akeneo\Connector\Logger\AttributeLogger;
use Akeneo\Connector\Model\Job;
use Akeneo\Connector\Model\JobRepository;
use Akeneo\Connector\Model\Processor\ProcessClassFactory;
use Akeneo\Connector\Model\ResourceModel\Job\Collection;
use Akeneo\Connector\Model\ResourceModel\Job\CollectionFactory;
use Akeneo\Connector\Model\Source\Filters\Mode;
use Akeneo\Pim\ApiClient\AkeneoPimClientInterface;
use Exception;
use Magento\Framework\Event\ManagerInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Exception\AlreadyExistsException;
use Magento\Framework\Message\ManagerInterface as MessageManagerInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Phrase;
use Magento\Framework\Serialize\SerializerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

* @author Agence Dn'D <>
* @copyright 2004-present Agence Dn'D
* @license Open Software License
(OSL 3.0)
* @link
class JobExecutor implements JobExecutorInterface
* This constant contains a string
public const IMPORT_CODE_PRODUCT = 'product';
* Description $jobRepository field
* @var JobRepository $jobRepository
protected $jobRepository;
* Description $processClassFactory field
* @var ProcessClassFactory $processClassFactory
protected $processClassFactory;
* This variable contains a ConfigHelper
* @var ConfigHelper $configHelper
protected $configHelper;
* This variable contains an int value
* @var int $step
protected $step;
* This variable contains an array
* @var array $steps
protected $steps;
* Current executed Job object
* @var Job $currentJob
protected $currentJob;
* Current executed Job object
* @var JobImport $currentJobClass
protected $currentJobClass;
* This variable contains a AkeneoPimClientInterface
* @var AkeneoPimClientInterface $akeneoClient
protected $akeneoClient;
* This variable contains a boolean
* @var bool $status
protected $status;
* This variable contains an OutputHelper
* @var OutputHelper $outputHelper
protected $outputHelper;
* This variable contains a mixed value
* @var ManagerInterface $eventManager
protected $eventManager;
* This variable contains a bool value
* @var bool $continue
protected $continue;
* This variable contains a string or Phrase value
* @var string|Phrase $message
protected $message;
* This variable contains an Authenticator
* @var \Akeneo\Connector\Helper\Authenticator $authenticator
protected $authenticator;
* Description $identifier field
* @var string $identifier
protected $identifier;
* Description $output field
* @var OutputInterface|null $output
protected $output;
* Description $jobCollectionFactory
* @var CollectionFactory
protected $jobCollectionFactory;
* Description $messageManager field
* @var MessageManagerInterface $messageManager
protected $messageManager;
* Description $json field
* @var SerializerInterface $json
protected SerializerInterface $json;
* Description $lastSuccessExecutedDate field
* @var string[] $lastSuccessExecutedDate
protected array $lastSuccessExecutedDate;

* @param JobRepository $jobRepository
* @param ProcessClassFactory $processClassFactory
* @param ConfigHelper $configHelper
* @param OutputHelper $outputHelper
* @param ManagerInterface $eventManager
* @param Authenticator $authenticator
* @param CollectionFactory $jobCollectionFactory
* @param MessageManagerInterface $messageManager
* @param SerializerInterface $json
public function __construct(
JobRepository $jobRepository,
ProcessClassFactory $processClassFactory,
ConfigHelper $configHelper,
OutputHelper $outputHelper,
ManagerInterface $eventManager,
Authenticator $authenticator,
CollectionFactory $jobCollectionFactory,
MessageManagerInterface $messageManager,
SerializerInterface $json
) {
$this->jobRepository = $jobRepository;
$this->processClassFactory = $processClassFactory;
$this->configHelper = $configHelper;
$this->outputHelper = $outputHelper;
$this->eventManager = $eventManager;
$this->authenticator = $authenticator;
$this->jobCollectionFactory = $jobCollectionFactory;
$this->messageManager = $messageManager;
$this->json = $json;

* Load steps
* @return void
public function initSteps()
/** @var array $steps */
$steps = [];
if ($this->currentJobClass->getData('steps')) {
$steps = $this->currentJobClass->getData('steps');

$this->steps = array_merge(
'method' => 'beforeImport',
'comment' => 'Start import',
'method' => 'afterImport',
'comment' => 'Import complete',

* Set current step index
* @param int $step
* @return JobExecutorInterface
public function setStep($step)
$this->step = $step;

return $this;

* Get current step index
* @return int
public function getStep()
return $this->step;

* Description execute function
* @param string $code
* @param OutputInterface|null $output
* @return bool
* @throws AlreadyExistsException
public function execute(string $code, ?OutputInterface $output = null)
if (!$this->configHelper->checkAkeneoApiCredentials()) {
/** @var Phrase $message */
$message = __('API credentials are missing. Please configure the
connector and retry.');


return false;

/** @var string[] $entities */

$entities = explode(',', $code ?? '');
if (count($entities) > 1) {
$entities = $this->sortJobs($entities);

/** @var string $jobCode */

foreach ($entities as $jobCode) {
$this->execute($jobCode, $output);

return true;

$this->output = $output;

/** @var Job $job */

$job = $this->jobRepository->getByCode($code);
if (!$job->getData()) {
/** @var Phrase $message */
$message = __('Job code not found');

return false;
$this->currentJob = $job;
$this->currentJobClass = $this->processClassFactory->create($job-

if (!$this->checkStatusConditions($job)) {
return false;

// If product import, run the import once per family

if ($code === self::IMPORT_CODE_PRODUCT) {
try {
/** @var array $productFamiliesToImport */
$productFamiliesToImport = $this->currentJobClass-
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->setJobStatus(JobInterface::JOB_ERROR, $this->currentJob);

return false;

if (!count($productFamiliesToImport)) {
$message = __('No family to import');

return false;

/** @var string $firstFamily */

$firstFamily = $productFamiliesToImport[0];
/** @var string $lastFamily */
$lastFamily = end($productFamiliesToImport);
$this->lastSuccessExecutedDate = [];
if ($this->currentJob->getLastSuccessExecutedDate()) {
try {
$this->lastSuccessExecutedDate = $this->json->unserialize(
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $invalidArgumentException) {
$this->lastSuccessExecutedDate = [];

/** @var bool $isError */

$isError = null;
/** @var string $family */
foreach ($productFamiliesToImport as $family) {
['executor' => $this, 'family' => $family]

$this->run($family, $firstFamily, $lastFamily);

if ($this->currentJob->getStatus() === JobInterface::JOB_ERROR) {
$isError = true;

>getFamily()] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$mode = $this->configHelper->getFilterMode();
// If last family, force proceed with after run steps
if (array_slice($productFamiliesToImport, -1)[0] === $family
&& $mode == Mode::ADVANCED
) {
$this->continue = true;

if ($this->continue) {

return true;

// Run the import normally

if ($this->continue) {

return true;

* Description resetStatus function
* @param int[] $ids
* @return void
public function resetStatus($ids)
/** @var Collection $collection */
$collection = $this->jobCollectionFactory->create()-
>addFieldToFilter(JobInterface::ENTITY_ID, ['in' => $ids]);
/** @var JobInterface $job */
foreach ($collection->getItems() as $job) {
$this->setJobStatus(JobInterface::JOB_SCHEDULED, $job);

* Description sortJobs function
* @param string[] $jobCodes
* @return array
protected function sortJobs($jobCodes)
/** @var Collection $collection */
$collection = $this->jobCollectionFactory->create();

$collection->addFieldToFilter(JobInterface::CODE, ['in' => $jobCodes]);

$collection->addOrder(JobInterface::POSITION, 'ASC');

/** @var array $sortedCodes */

$sortedCodes = [];

/** @var Job $item */

foreach ($collection->getItems() as $item) {
$sortedCodes[] = $item->getCode();

return $sortedCodes;

* Run the import
* @param string|null $family
* @param string|null $firstFamily
* @param string|null $lastFamily
* @return bool
* @throws AlreadyExistsException
protected function run($family = null, $firstFamily = null, $lastFamily = null)
try {
if ($family) {
if ($firstFamily) {
if ($lastFamily) {

while ($this->canExecute()) {
if ($this->currentJob->getStatus() === JobInterface::JOB_ERROR) {
return true;
/** @var string $comment */
$comment = $this->getComment();


/** @var string $message */

$message = $this->getMessage();

if ($this->currentJob->getStatus() === JobInterface::JOB_ERROR) {

} else {

if ($this->isDone()) {
} catch (Exception $exception) {

return true;

* Count steps
* @return int
public function countSteps()
return count($this->steps);

* Description getCurrentJob function
* @return JobInterface
public function getCurrentJob()
return $this->currentJob;

* Description getCurrentJobClass function
* @return JobImport
public function getCurrentJobClass()
return $this->currentJobClass;

* Check if import may be processed (Not already running, ...)
* @return bool
public function canExecute()
if ($this->step < 0 || $this->step >= $this->countSteps() - 1) {
return false;

return true;

* Function called to run import
* This function will get the right method to call
* @return void
public function executeStep()
if (!$this->canExecute() || !isset($this->steps[$this->step])) {
return $this->outputHelper->getImportAlreadyRunningResponse();
/** @var string $method */
$method = $this->getMethod();
if (!method_exists($this->currentJobClass, $method)) {

return $this->outputHelper->getNoImportFoundResponse();

if (!$this->akeneoClient) {
$this->akeneoClient = $this->getAkeneoClient();

if (!$this->akeneoClient) {
return $this->outputHelper->getApiConnectionError();

['import' => $this]
'akeneo_connector_import_step_start_' . strtolower($this->currentJob-
['import' => $this]


try {
} catch (Exception $exception) {

['import' => $this]);
'akeneo_connector_import_step_finish_' . strtolower($this->currentJob-
['import' => $this]


* Get method to execute
* @return string
public function getMethod()
return $this->steps[$this->getStep()]['method'] ?? null;

* Increment the step
* @return JobExecutor
public function nextStep()

return $this;

* Get the prefixed comment
* @return string
public function getComment()
return isset($this->steps[$this->getStep()]['comment'])
? $this->outputHelper->getPrefix() . $this->steps[$this->getStep()]
: $this->outputHelper->getPrefix() . get_class($this) . '::' . $this-

* Init status, continue and message
* @return void
public function initStatus()

* Set continue
* @param bool $continue
* @return JobExecutorInterface
public function setContinue($continue)
$this->continue = $continue;

return $this;
* Get Akeneo Client instance
* @return AkeneoPimClientInterface|false
public function getAkeneoClient()
try {
/** @var AkeneoPimClientInterface|false $akeneoClient */
$akeneoClient = $this->authenticator->getAkeneoApiClient();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$akeneoClient = false;

return $akeneoClient;

* Set import message
* @param string|Phrase $message
* @param AttributeLogger|null $logger
* @return $this
public function setMessage($message, $logger = null)
$this->message = $message;
if ($logger && $this->configHelper->isAdvancedLogActivated()) {

return $this;

* Description setJobStatus function
* @param int $status
* @param Job|null $job
* @return void
* @throws AlreadyExistsException
public function setJobStatus(int $status, $job = null)
if (!$job) {
$job = $this->currentJob;

if ($status === JobInterface::JOB_SCHEDULED) {

$job->setScheduledAt(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));

* Description beforeRun function
* @return void
* @throws AlreadyExistsException
public function beforeRun()
['import' => $this->currentJobClass, 'executor' => $this]
'akeneo_connector_import_start_' . strtolower($this->currentJob-
['executor' => $this]
$this->currentJob->setLastExecutedDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));

* Description afterRun function
* @param bool|null $error
* @param bool|null $onlyStop
* @return void
* @throws AlreadyExistsException
public function afterRun(bool $error = null, $onlyStop = null)
$this->continue = false;

if ($onlyStop) {

if ($error) {
['executor' => $this, 'error' => $this->getMessage()]
'akeneo_connector_import_on_error_' . strtolower($this->currentJob-
['executor' => $this, 'error' => $this->getMessage()]

if ($this->currentJob->getCode() === JobExecutor::IMPORT_CODE_PRODUCT) {

$this->currentJob->setLastSuccessDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));

if ($this->currentJob->getStatus() === JobInterface::JOB_ERROR) {


if ($error === null && $this->currentJob->getStatus() !==

JobInterface::JOB_ERROR) {
if ($this->currentJob->getCode() !== JobExecutor::IMPORT_CODE_PRODUCT)
$this->currentJob->setLastSuccessDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
['executor' => $this]
'akeneo_connector_import_on_success_' . strtolower($this-
['executor' => $this]

['import' => $this->currentJobClass, 'executor' => $this]
'akeneo_connector_import_finish_' . strtolower($this->currentJob-
['executor' => $this]

* Description isDone function
* @return bool
public function isDone()
if ($this->continue) {
return false;

return true;

* Return current message with the timestamp prefix
* @return string
public function getMessage()
return (string)$this->outputHelper->getPrefix() . $this->message;

* Return current message with the timestamp prefix
* @return string
public function getMessageWithoutPrefix()
return (string)$this->message;

* Display messages from import
* @param string[] $messages
* @param AttributeLogger|null $logger
* @return void
public function displayMessages($messages, $logger = null)
/** @var string[] $importMessages */
foreach ($messages as $importMessages) {
if (!empty($importMessages)) {
/** @var string[] $message */
foreach ($importMessages as $message) {
if (isset($message['message'], $message['status'])) {
if ($message['status'] === false) {
$this->setMessage($message['message'], $logger);
} else {

* Set additional message during import
* @param string|Phrase $message
* @param null $logger
* @return $this
public function setAdditionalMessage($message, $logger = null)
$this->message = $this->getMessageWithoutPrefix() . PHP_EOL . $message;
if ($logger && $this->configHelper->isAdvancedLogActivated()) {

return $this;

* Set import identifier
* @param string $identifier
* @return JobExecutorInterface
public function setIdentifier($identifier)
$this->identifier = $identifier;

return $this;

* Get import identifier
* @return string
public function getIdentifier()
if (!$this->identifier) {

return $this->identifier;

* Display comment in console
* @param string $message
* @return void
public function displayComment(string $message)
if (!empty($message) && $this->output) {
/** @var string $coloredMessage */
$coloredMessage = '<comment>' . $message . '</comment>';

* Display error in console
* @param string $message
* @return void
public function displayError(string $message)
if (!empty($message) && $this->output) {
/** @var string $coloredMessage */
$coloredMessage = '<error>' . $message . '</error>';


if (!empty($message)) {

* Display info in console
* @param string $message
* @return void
public function displayInfo(string $message)
if (!empty($message) && $this->output) {
/** @var string $coloredMessage */
$coloredMessage = '<info>' . $message . '</info>';


if (!empty($message)) {

* Description init function
* @param string $code
* @return void
public function init(string $code)
/** @var Job $job */
$job = $this->jobRepository->getByCode($code);
$this->currentJob = $job;
$this->currentJobClass = $this->processClassFactory->create($job-

* Check conditions to launch or schedule a job
* @param JobInterface $job
* @param bool $isMassAction
* @return bool
public function checkStatusConditions($job, $isMassAction = null)
/** @var int $jobStatus */
$jobStatus = (int)$job->getStatus();
if ((int)$jobStatus === JobInterface::JOB_SCHEDULED && ($isMassAction ||
$this->output)) {
$this->displayError((string)__('The job %1 is already scheduled',

return false;

if ((int)$jobStatus === JobInterface::JOB_PROCESSING) {

$this->displayError((string)__('The job %1 is already running', [$job-

return false;

return true;

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