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Read the article below and answer the questions; you need to highlighting the correct

1. The colonel is… years old.

a. Seventy-five
b. Seventy-one
c. Seventy-three
2. He worked in the army for… years.
a. 51
b. 56
c. 61
3. He has been to Australia…
a. Many times
b. 5 times
c. More than 5 times

4. He has been to Russia…

a. One time
b. Once
c. Once time
5. He didn’t like Russia because…
a. It’s big.
b. It’s not cold.
c. It’s cold.
6. He has had … wives.
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
7. He has been on TV…
a. Many times
b. Once
c. Never
8. He has been on a radio program about
a. His wives
b. His work
c. His television
9. He has met The Prime Minister
a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t know
10. He has met the American president many times
a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t know
Paste the link here:
Abiud, P. [@profeabiud4974]. (2020, junio 18). Past participle (Have/has). Youtube.

Lo que debes saber del presente perfecto en inglés - Muy fácil | Clases inglés. (2017, julio 8).

Present Perfect - reading comprehension worksheet. (s/f). Recuperado el 7 de

julio de 2023, de

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