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Healthy Exercise

Name: Ramiyah Calvin

Date: 10/30/23

Hour: 5th hour

Class: Health – Ms. Jones

To me, healthy eating is all about making smart food choices for both your body and mind. First, it

means having a mix of foods. You don’t have to eat the same thing every day. You should enjoy fruits,

veggies, whole grains, some lean meats or even some plant-based proteins. This variety gives your

body all the good stuff it needs. But it's not about being too strict – there's room for your favorite

“treats”, but in moderation. Not to much junk food, though, and stay hydrated with water. Staying

hydrated is vital. It helps you focus in school, keeps your skin looking good, and prevents you from

feeling hungry when you’re actually thirsty. Drinking an adequate amount of water helps maintain

bodily functions, aids in digestion, and can prevent overeating by reducing feelings of hunger. Healthy

eating isn't just about looking good; it's about feeling great, being alert, and having the energy to

tackle challenges such as homework. In addition to what you eat, healthy eating is about how you

prepare your meals. Cooking methods that preserve nutrients, like steaming or baking, are preferred

over deep frying. Reducing added sugars and lots of salt, also crucial in promoting overall health. It’s

not about dieting or being super strict; it’s about making smart food choices. Lastly, healthy eating

isn’t a one-time thing. It’s a lifestyle. For me specifically, if I try to make something healthy to eat, I like

to have fun with it. Maybe some healthier deserts, or even snacks with “pepper sprinkles” as I cal it,

can create some excitement into eating something healthy. Which goes into listening to your body.

LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! It knows what it’s talking about. Paying attention to when you’re hungry and

when you’re full. It’s okay to eat when you’re hungry, and it’s okay to stop when you’re full. Your body

is pretty good at telling you what it needs. healthy eating is about giving your body the right fuel to
grow, stay active, and be your awesome self. Be YOU and love YOU. It’s about making choices that you

can stick with in the long run. So, fuel your body with the good stuff, like fruits and vegetables and

you'll be ready for anything!

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