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UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE SAN JUAN FACULTAD DE FILOSOFIA, HUMANIDADES Y ARTES DEPARTAMENTO DE LENGUA Y LITERATURA INGLESA CARRERAS: Profesorado de INGLES para el Tercer Ciclo de EGB, Polimodal y Nivel Superior. Licenciatura en INGLES. ASIGNATURA: LENGUA INGLESA I Afio LecTIVo: 2013 EQUIPO DE CATEDRA: Mag. Prof. Marfa Rosa MARCOVECHIO (Titular) a Prof. Graciela Galli (ITP) HUMANIDADES PROGRAMA DE EXAMEN Ubro hase: “LIFE - Upper Intermediate” (B2) Student’s book de P. Dummett, J. Hughes, y H. Stephenson, National Geographic Learning, Heinle Cengage, 2013, y su correspondiente Workbook. Unidad 1: Contenidos teméticos pare las habilidades de habla y escritura. * “Relationships” (between: people, animals, people and animals, people and technology}. * “Big issues” (immigration; overpopulation; the water problem; globalization of the food market; natural resources: oil, trees/plants; climate change; the three R’s approach) “Entertainment, Art and Creativity” (fairy tales; movies; urban art; graffiti; music; photography; magazines; newspapers) Unidad 2: Contenidos tematicos para \as habilidades de habla y escritura. " (the dog and the orang-utan, elephants, rhinos, the parrot, penguins) ¢ “Anima Senna; the Grimm brothers; Mr Acosta; Dr Pepperberg: Nell * “People” {Ayrtor ‘Armstrong; Hatshepsut; Cleopatra; Peter Burkill; the shaman; The Afghan girls Emerging Explorers; the Nochmani; Hayat Sindi) * “Science and technology” (Overpopulation. Augmented ‘reality; appropriate technology; the hydroelectric plant) habilidades de habla ye: “places” (China and the changes happening there; Melbourne and Sydney; Dubal; Monterey Bay; Madagascar; Japan, Norway; East Timor; “ae no Ful) ES COPIA rich en EFA DPTO. BE ALUMNOS RHA - UB. ee | tic help; the mahout; shamans; the ethnobotanist, the pilot; ancient * “Jobs” (dom: rulers; pho graphers; } © “Travel” (staycations; couch surfing; unusual hotels; voluntourism;) * “The news’ (different perspectives; kinds of newspapers and magazines) TES Unidad 4: Contenidos tematicos para las habllidades de habla y escritura, * “Development and economy” (Dubai; Kerala; Laos; Japan) “Education, Culture, Knowledge and Learning, Customs and Behaviour” (Aquarium on wheels; good/bad manners; eating habits; body language; weddings; medicinal plants; mothers’ approaches to child rearing; teaching animals: the parrot, elephants; memory) © “Economy” (poverty and wealth; the servant economy; gift economies; the slave economy) BIBLIOGRAFIA Libro de texto de cabecera de cobertura completa: * DUMMETT, Paul, HUGHES, John, STEPHENSON, Helen, (2013) “LIFE” — Upper Intermediate ~ B2, Student's Book, National Geographic Learning, Heinle, Cengage Learning. * DUMMETT, Paul, (2023), “LIFE” ~ Upper Intermediate - B2, Workbook, National Geographic Learning, Heinle, Cengage Learning. Material extra de lectura: Material de lectura y practica de la lengua inglesa extraidos de otras publicaciones relevantes seleccionado para la cdtedra. 4 Diccionaris Algtin diccionario monaiingtie en inglés, y de colocaciones a eleccién del alumno. Cuentos cortos seleccionados: “Waiting for the Police’, "Enovh’s Two Letters”, “ Pieces oi Silver”, “The Open Window” “The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen”, “Twenty Libros sobre escritura de lectura obligatori FOLSE, K., MUCHMORE-VOKOUN, A., Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, 1999. _ FOLSE, K., MUCHMORE-VOKOUN, A., VESTRI, E., Great Essays, 2" Edition, Houghton ea « 2004, TRI SOLOMON, E,, Great Paragraphs, Houghton npany, Boston, Ne\ oete or Mag, Prof. Marfa Rosa MarcOvechi §S cor\h rie rof, Titular Efectiva Lengua Inglesa |

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