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Q1: In a standard set of playing cards, which is the only king without a moustache??

a. Diamonds
b. Clubs
c. !Hearts
d. Spades
Q2: Which river flows through the Scottish city of Glasgow??

a. Tweed
b. !Clyde
c. Dee
d. Tay
Q3: What is the defining characteristic of someone who is described as hirsute??

a. Rude
b. Funny
c. Tall
d. !Hairy
Q4: What is the name of the very first video uploaded to YouTube??

a. carrie rides a truck

b. !Me at the zoo
c. Her new puppy from great grandpa vern.
d. tribute
Q5: Where does water from Poland Spring water bottles come from??

a. Bavaria, Poland
b. Hesse, Germany
c. !Maine, United States
d. Masovia, Poland
Q6: When did the website "Facebook" launch??

a. 2003
b. !2004
c. 2006
d. 2005
Q7: Who invented Pastafarianism??
a. Zach Soldi
b. !Bobby Henderson
c. Eric Tignor
d. Bill Nye
Q8: Which slogan did the fast food company, McDonald's, use before their "I'm Lovin' It" slog

a. Why Pay More!?

b. !We Love to See You Smile
c. Have It Your Way
d. Making People Happy Through Food
Q9: A statue of Charles Darwin sits in what London museum??

a. Science Museum
b. Tate
c. !Natural History Museum
d. British Museum
Q10: What is the full title of the Prime Minister of the UK??

a. !First Lord of the Treasury

b. Manager of the Crown Estate
c. Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition
d. Duke of Cambridge
9;m Lovin' It" slogan??

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