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Question 1

class B {
private String name;
public B(String s) {name = s;}
protected void finalize() {System.out.print(name);}
class E {
public static void m() {
B x1 = new B("X"), y1 = new B("Y");
public static void main(String[] args) {
m(); System.gc();

Which of the following could not be a result of attempting to compile and run the

a. Prints: XY
b. Prints: YX
c. Prints: XXYY
d. Nothing is printed.
e. None of the above

Question 2
void m1() {
Q q1 = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
q1 = new Q(); // 1
m2(q1); // 2
System.out.print("All done"); // 3

When the processing of line 3 begins, how many objects of type Q that were created at
line 1 have become eligible for garbage collection?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 9
d. 10
e. Indeterminate.
f. Compile-time error
g. Run-time error
h. None of the above
Question 3
class Q {
private int id;
protected void finalize() {System.out.print(id);}
public Q(int i) {id = i;}
class R {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Q q1 = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {q1 = new Q(i);} // 1
System.gc(); // 2

When the processing of line 2 begins, how many objects of type Q that were created at
line 1 have become eligible for garbage collection?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 9
d. 10
e. Indeterminate.
f. Compile-time error
g. Run-time error
h. None of the above

Question 4
class I {
private I other;
public void other(I i) {other = i;}
class J {
private void m1() {
I i1 = new I(), i2 = new I();
I i3 = new I(), i4 = new I();
i1.other(i3); i2.other(i1);
i3.other(i2); i4.other(i4);
public static void main (String[] args) {
new J().m1();

Which object is not eligible for garbage collection after method m1 returns?

a. i1
b. i2
c. i3
d. i4
e. Compile-time error
f. Run-time error
g. None of the above

Question 5
class I {
private String name;
public I(String s) {name = s;}
private I other;
public void other(I i) {other = i;}
class J {
private I i1 = new I("A"), i2 = new I("B"), i3 = new I("C");
private void m1() {
i1.other(i2); i2.other(i1); i3.other(i3);
i1 = i3; i2 = i3;
private void m2() {/* Do amazing things. */}
public static void main (String[] args) {
new J().m1();

Which of the three objects, A, B or C, is not eligible for garbage collection when method
m2 begins to execute?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. None of the above

Question 6
class I {
private String name;
protected void finalize() {System.out.print(name);}
public I(String s) {name = s;}
class J {
private static void m1(I[] a1) {
a1[0] = a1[1] = a1[2] = null;
public static void main (String[] args) {
I[] a1 = new I[3]; // 1
a1[0] = new I("A"); // 2
a1[1] = new I("B"); // 3
a1[2] = new I("C"); // 4

After method m1 returns, the object created on which line is not eligible for garbage

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. None of the above
f. Compile-time error
g. Run-time error

Question 7
class I {
private String name;
public String toString() {return name;}
public I(String s) {name = s;}
class J {
private static void m1(I[] a1) {a1 = null;}
public static void main (String[] args) {
I[] a1 = new I[3]; // 1
a1[0] = new I("A"); // 2
a1[1] = new I("B"); // 3
a1[2] = new I("C"); // 4
for (int i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) {

After method m1 returns, the object created on which line is eligible for garbage

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. Compile-time error
f. Run-time error
g. None of the above

Question 8
class A {
private String name;
private A otherA;
public A(String name) { = name;}
public void other(A otherA) {this.otherA = otherA;}
public A other() {return otherA;}
public String toString() {return name;}
protected void finalize() {System.out.print(name);}
class B {
public static void m1() {
A a1 = new A("A1"), a2 = new A("A2"), a3 = new A("A3"), a0 = a3;
a1.other(a2); a2.other(a3); a3.other(a1);
for(int i = 0; i<4; i++){System.out.print(a0 = a0.other());}
public static void main(String[] args) {m1(); System.gc();}

Which of the following could be a result of attempting to compile and run the program?

a. A1A2A3A1
b. A0A0A0A0A1A2A3
c. A1A2A3A1A2A3
d. A1A2A3A1A1A2A3
e. A1A2A3A1A3A2A1
f. A0A1A2A3A1A2A3

Question 9
class B {
private String name;
public B(String name) { = name;}
public String toString() {return name;}
protected void finalize() {System.out.print(name);}
class H {
static B ba = new B("Ba");
static int i = 1;
static B m1(B b) {return b = new B("B" + i++);}
public static void main (String[] args) {
B x = m1(ba); m1(x);
System.out.println(", " + ba + ", " + x);

Which of the following could be a result of attempting to compile and run the program?

a. Ba, B1, B2
b. B1, Ba, B2
c. , Ba, B1
d. B2, Ba, B1
e. BaB1b2, null, null
f. B1B2, ba, null

Question 10
class B {
private String name;
public B(String name) { = name;}
public String toString() {return name;}
protected void finalize() {System.out.print(name);}
class J {
static B bc;
static int i = 1;
static B m1(B b) {bc = b; return new B("B" + i++);}
public static void main (String[] args) {
B x = m1(new B("Ba")), y = m1(new B("Bb"));
System.out.println(", " + x + ", " + y + ", " + bc);

Which of the following could be a result of attempting to compile and run the program?

a. BaBb, B1, B2, B2

b. B1B2, null, null, Bb
c. , Ba, Bb, Bb
d. BaBbB1B2, null, null, null
e. Ba, B1, B2, Bb
f. Compile-time error
g. Run-time error
h. None of the above

Question 11
class I {
private String name;
public String name() {return name;}
public I(String s) {name = s;}
class J {
public static void m1(I i) {i = null;}
public static void main (String[] args) {
I i = new I("X"); // 1
m1(i); // 2
System.out.print(; // 3

Which of the following is a true statement?

a. The object created a line 1 is eligible for garbage collection after line 2.
b. A NullPointerException is generated at line 3.
c. The program compiles, runs and prints X.
d. The program fails to compile.
e. None of the above

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