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. How time flies, it all seems like yesterday when we met each other.

Your astonishing beauty caught

my attention, but I have seen more than that in you. In short, you are beautiful both in and out. We

were truly meant for each other because our love always stands the taste of time. I will love and trust

you at all times.

2. I can doubt every other thing in this life, but one thing that I can never doubt is my love and trust

for you. You not only made me to love but also to believe in love. You have won my heart and we

will stay together forever.

3. I thought you were perfect, then, I discovered that you are not which made me to love you more.

Our love is true and can only have a beginning but no ending. I love you so much because you have

never given me a reason to doubt it.

4. You are an Angel in human form. Everything about you is unique. You were created specially for

me. You are the woman of my dream and the only woman that I will love and entrust my heart to.

5. You are just like my shadow that I see in the sun. Everything can leave me but my shadow won’t. I

love and trust you because you are an indispensable part of me.

6. Having you in my life is like a dream come true for me. Falling in love with you is one of my

greatest achievements. Making you happy is one of the duties that I will never fail to carry out. I have

fully welcomed you in my life and there is no going back about it.

7. You are irreplaceable in my world. Thanks for bringing so much joy and happiness across my

way. My heart belongs to you and you will be mine forever.

8. You are my sunshine, your heart is my hiding place. We have come to stay permanently in each

other’s life. The love and trust that we have for each other will last till a lifetime.

9. No amount of words can be able to describe how I feel about you. Your love have taken over

every bit of me and I’m nothing without it. You can count on me at any moment of the day.
10. Thanks for proving to me that my heart is safe with you. Everything on this Earth can change, but

my love for you will never change. You will be the only woman that I will live to love and trust.

Nothing can ever change the love that I have for you. I love you with all that is in me. You will

continue to be that my Hero whom I will never regret loving with all my heart. I have more than a

million reasons to love and trust you.

2. Just a glance at your face reawakens my mind. My love for can never be quantified. You have

won a special place in my heart. We will continue to be the best lovers of our time.

3. There is something so special about you that I can’t resist. Our love keeps on refreshing everyday

as if we are on our first date. Thanks for proving to me that true love still exists.

4. You have captivated my heart with all that you and all that you say. I’m ready to love you till

eternity. Thanks so much for making to believe in love.

5. Your love is the light that leads me across my way. I have so many reasons why I have welcomed

you fully as the love of my life. You have won my trust by staying with me in thick and in thin.

6. Our relationship will continue to be an exemplary one. Our love for each other will continue to be

as strong as a rock. Thanks for always giving me so many unforgettable memories.

7. The fire of your love burns strongly in my heart. I can’t go a day without thinking of you. The bond

between the both of us can never be broken by any human. You are my favorite human and I will

always love and trust you.

8. Sending you lots of love across your way. You deserve the best for being honest and truthful. I

don’t have any reason to doubt your love for me because all that you do proves it.

. When I wake up each morning, the thought of you always fills my heart. Your words of love and

assurance to me revives my heart. I was meant to love you and nothing can change that.

3. I want to let you know that the more I think about you, the more my love for you grows and

becomes stronger. Our love for each other will always remain unshakable.
4. Realizing that you are a part of my life is strong enough to keep you close to my heart forever.

You maybe far away from me, but not far away from my heart. I still love and trust you no matter

where you are.

5. Your love runs in my arteries and veins. Though you may be far away from me, I’m glad to let you

know that I am fully aware that you love me because you always call to know how I’m feeling. I’m

hopeful because I believe that nothing can separate two hearts that are meant for each other.

6. Do not ever think that I will stop loving you because you are far away from me. You left me with

lots of unforgettable memories. You will be close to my heart forever.

7. Your kindness is one thing that keeps drawing me closer to you. We live within each other’s heart,

that I’m very sure of. Our love for each other is unshakable.

8. If to love is a crime, then, I’m ready to go to jail because of you. Nothing can ever change the fact

that you are the love of my life.

9. Thanks for filling my heart with a great joy that I can’t imagine. No need to worry because my love

for you will never die nor fade.

10. My love for you can turn around the hands of the clock. Even in my dream, I still see you as best

thing that happened to me.

. Accepting you in my life as a part of me is a decision that I can never regret. Thanks for sticking to

me through all these years.

2. You are my rainbow, you are my sunshine. For me, you are the most beautiful woman in the

whole world. I will always live to love and trust you.

3. Show me a happy man and I will show you a trustworthy and supportive wife by his side. My years

on this earth has been doubled because I made you my wife.

4. Thanks for proving to me that you are truly my missing rib. By not abandoning me in my difficult

moments is one of the reasons why I have entrusted my whole heart to you.
5. You have made me to love more, care more, trust more and I’m glad about it. Most importantly,

thanks for proving to me that you are the bone of my bones.

6. The world is such a happy place for me just because I have you by my side. I will always love you

for making me to put my whole trust in you.

7. I will always provide a shoulder for you to lean on for making me feel the best way that I want to

feel. My life is as sweet as honey because of you.

8. You are my One in a million wife. You are my incomparable. I will never get tired of loving and

taking care of you.

9. Thanks for giving me strength when my heart wants to faint. Knowing you is knowing peace of


he hardest thing to gain and the easiest to lose is Trust.

If you want to have a strong foundation in love, it is good to take

your time. Don’t rush things.

Once trust is broken, it can never be the same again.

You can take years building trust and lose it in a matter of


Trust is the foundation of love. You cannot love someone without

trust. The trust between you keeps the love growing.

When you trust someone, you completely trust them for life.

When you have confidence in someone, you ultimately believe in them for life. Earning
someone's confidence is priceless. It is not easy to earn, but losing it takes a snap.
Wise men put their faith in ideas and not in the circumstances. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Believing in someone is synonymous with loving them. If you want a strong foundation
in love, taking your time and learning if you can trust is good. Don't rush things. Fully
believing in someone is excellent, for you know you can be cared for. Believe in people,
but verify. – Ronald Reagan Assurance is vital and should always be treated with
respect. To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. – George MacDonald
Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone
else's.– Billy Wilder As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. – Johann
Wolfgang von Goet Read more:
relationships-life/Confidence makes a relationship more beautiful. Thank you, my
honey, for believing in me. I sincerely appreciate you. You are a faithful person, and I
value you a lot. Your honesty makes you a beautiful person. You turned my life into a
journey of love and happiness. I fall in love even more with you every second I spend
with you! My love and faith in you come as a package. Thank you for being the queen of
my life. Although many have failed, you have always continuously shown me the true
meaning of love, bonding, and trust. Thank you for everything. With you, I am at peace.
I believe you with all of me. Hey baby! I just wanted to take a second to say I am so
happy to have you in my love life, and I look forward to many years of love and passion.
You are the only person that I have chosen to cherish, love, protect, and believe in. I will
always be there for you, my darling. Thank you also for believing in me. I would also like
to assure you I am yours forever. You made it easy to believe you because you are
authentic. I love you, dear! Faith has enhanced our love and made it more beautiful. Let
nothing ever come between us, my darling. When we're back together, I know every
second of our being apart would have been worth it. I can't wait, sweetheart. I adore you
so much. I cherish you with my body, mind, and soul. I trust you to do the right thing and
never doubt how much I adore you. Thank you for loving me just the way I am and
making me a better version of myself. It is an absolute pleasure to love and trust you
with every inch of my heart. I am blessed to have you by my side, and I could never
imagine having anyone else in my life. I need you with me, always and forever. Every
time I see your gorgeous face and look into your amazing eyes, I fall in love with you
more and more, and it feels like heaven to know that we are together. No matter what
happens or whatever life throws at us, I promise never to stop loving you, and that's a
vow I don't see myself breaking. I love you beyond words, beautiful. Yes, I do! They say
you can love anyone but cannot trust anyone. Thank you for being the special one I can
love and trust unconditionally. You make everything so easy. I love you. Read more:

Thank you for taking care of me and not betraying my confidence. I appreciate you. I
value you and the difference you have made in my life. I believe you, my dear. I hope
you will say someday that believing me is one of the easiest things you have done. I
appreciate you, sweetheart. I will find a way to make you the happiest man on earth.
But, for now, please be patient with me. I trust my journey will lead me home. I trust you
will do all you say you will. My friends tell me that I am so lucky to have you, and I
believe them. I thank the universe for bringing us together every day. I've thought about
our life together and all the obstacles we have already overcome. I am ready to prove
my love for you in any way. I love you beyond words, handsome. Yes, I do! My man, my
dear husband, my better half. I will love you forever. At the best and worst of times,
remember that I will hold steadfast no matter what. I love you! You have brought back
my belief in the meaning of love accompanied by faith. You make me believe that true
love exists. My faith and belief in you will forever rem Read more:

True love and faithfulness are so precious and not easy to find. Finding someone
worthy of these two is worth keeping. Love and assurance are so rare to find nowadays.
When you find them, you need to hold onto them forever. A relationship without
assurance will fall short of love eventually. I hope this won't happen to us. I have faith in
you. Faithful people know how valuable having confidence in someone is. They will
never do things that will break it. You are truly a treasure to keep forever. I will have
faith in you forever. Confidence is earned when everyone's interests are considered and
respected. Communication is the key to doing this. The same goes for love. Love is
earned when you are true to every bit. Confidence is gained by people with integrity. It
is how you are when no one is looking. Read more:

Confidence is earned when your actions meet your words. Confidence lies at the core of
love; there can be no true love without belief. Trust is built over time through consistent
honesty, reliability, and open communication. Confidence is like a sticker; once
removed, it may stick again but not as strong as it was when you first applied. A lack of
trust can erode even the strongest connections, so nurturing and protecting it is
essential. Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for a relationship to work.
Assurance should be on both sides of a relationship. The relationship is as good as
dead when it comes from one side. Love alone cannot hold a relationship together. It
also needs certainty. Faith opens up unimaginable possibilities in relationships. Trust is
the foundation of any strong relationship. It's the unwavering belief that your partner has
your best interests at heart. Read more:
messages/1502923-trust-message-ideas-different-relationships-life /True love and
faithfulness are so precious and not easy to find. Finding someone worthy of these two
is worth keeping. Love and assurance are so rare to find nowadays. When you find
them, you need to hold onto them forever. A relationship without assurance will fall short
of love eventually. I hope this won't happen to us. I have faith in you. Faithful people
know how valuable having confidence in someone is. They will never do things that will
break it. You are truly a treasure to keep forever. I will have faith in you forever.
Confidence is earned when everyone's interests are considered and respected.
Communication is the key to doing this. The same goes for love. Love is earned when
you are true to every bit. Confidence is gained by people with integrity. It is how you are
when no one is looking. Every day, I fall in love with you all over again, and my trust in
you grows stronger with each passing moment. You are my forever. With you, I've
learned that love is not just a feeling; it's a choice we make every day. I choose to love
you deeply, and I trust that you'll always choose me too. Your guidance and support are
a testament to the love and trust that defines our family. I cherish every moment we
spend together. With you, I've learned that true friendship is about love and trust. Thank
you for being a constant source of both in my life. I really appreciate all the support and
trust that you are giving me. Thank you so much! I have tested your personality, and I
can see how authentic you are. I believe in you because of who you are. I have deep
trust in you because of how much you work hard at your dreams. Your charming smile
blows my heart off its balance; your adorable face fills my heart with passionate waves.
The rain is the sign of the countless love I have for you. It is the impact of the flow of the
bond between you and me. No amount of words can be able to describe how I feel
about you. Your love has taken over every bit of me, and I'm nothing without it. You can
count on me at any moment of the day. Your unwavering trust in me has been a beacon
of light during my darkest hours. I'm forever grateful for your friendship and love. I don't
need a million reasons to feel special. All I want is for you to reside in this world. You're
the sunshine of my life. Thanks for loving me for who I am and believing in me even
while I couldn't. I will love you with everything I've! You are my future, my life, my
everything. My world revolves around you and will continue to spin around you forever. I
cherish you. Read more:
message-ideas-different-relationships-life/Confidence is earned when your actions meet
your words. Confidence lies at the core of love; there can be no true love without belief.
Trust is built over time through consistent honesty, reliability, and open communication.
Confidence is like a sticker; once removed, it may stick again but not as strong as it was
when you first applied. A lack of trust can erode even the strongest connections, so
nurturing and protecting it is essential. Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for
a relationship to work. Assurance should be on both sides of a relationship. The
relationship is as good as dead when it comes from one side. Love alone cannot hold a
relationship together. It also needs certainty. Faith opens up unimaginable possibilities
in relationships. Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship. It's the unwavering
belief that your partner has your best interests at heart. In a trusting relationship, you
can share your deepest fears and vulnerabilities without fear of judgment. When trust is
present, you know that your partner will always be there for you, no matter the
circumstances. Trust means having faith that your partner will keep their promises and
follow through on their commitments. Trust allows you to feel secure and safe in your
relationship, knowing that your partner has your back. To maintain trust, it's crucial to be
transparent and address any issues or concerns as they arise. Trust isn't just about
being faithful; it's about being emotionally reliable and supportive as well. Remember,
trust is fragile. Handle it with care, and your relationship will flourish. Read more:

2. Having you in my life has brought peace to my soul. I have nothing to worry
about since the day I met you. You are the physical representation of peace and
tranquility in my life. I love you so much and I can’t do less.
3. For many years I was looking for someone I can trust but I could find none.
You came and changed my whole life. Your presence and partnership with me
have been a blessing. I trust you and I believe in you with all of my heart.
4. You are precious and lovely. You are gentle and kind. You are peaceful and
friendly. You are an embodiment of peace and love. Knowing and having you has
made me learn so much about the significance of trusting a partner.

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