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Being a celebrity: a dream or a nightmare?

We all some time in our lives have wanted to become a celebrity,

however, It is a win-win, or perhaps it is more like a win-lose?

Becoming a celebrity has a lot of advantages. The main advantage is

salary benefits. For example, Kylie Jenner is a celebrity with the highest
benefits just for posting something about his life or a brand on
Instagram. Another advantage is having the appreciation and
admiration of your fans. Furthermore it means being a source of
inspiration, which could help grow as humans.

On the other hand there are also some important disadvantages.

Although you have the support of many people, you might feel stressed
because of the cruel comments of the haters. In addition, sometimes
you could feel so observed by them and the paparazzi that you could
feel that you need more privacy in your life.

To sump up, being a celebrity have both advantages and

disadvantages. Whether they suit you or not depends on your level of
mental condition, your personality and how much you want to be

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