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Before The Coffee Gets Cold

Summary and Analysis

In the initial part of "Before the Coffee Gets Cold," we are introduced to a basement café in Tokyo. A
couple, a man, and a woman are sitting there, and the café has a unique feature: it can send people back in
time. The woman, Fumiko, is heartbroken as the man is leaving for the United States, effectively ending
their relationship. Fumiko is frustrated with his lack of explanation and passiveness. A week later, she hears
about the café's time-traveling ability and asks to go back in time to fix things with her ex-boyfriend, Goro.

However, there are strict rules attached to time travel in this café. It's impossible to change the present, and
there's a time limit. Fumiko becomes determined to use this opportunity, even if it seems impossible. She
also learns about the presence of a ghostly woman who occupies the only chair that allows time travel.

Desperation leads Fumiko to a confrontation with the ghost, resulting in a curse and the need for a solution.
Fumiko eventually manages to travel back in time to her final conversation with Goro. There, she realizes
that although she can't change the present, she can influence the future.

During this conversation, Goro opens up about his insecurities and asks Fumiko to wait for him. Fumiko
returns to the present with newfound hope and understanding that, even if she can't change the past, she can
shape her future. The story ends with a sense of possibility and optimism.

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