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My favorite writer

Charlotte Brontë was a 19th century English novelist and poet who is best
known for her novel "Jane Eyre." Born in 1816 in Yorkshire, England. She
was the third daughter of Patrick Bronte and Maria Branwell. After his wife’s
death, his father sent four of his eight children to Pastor Wilisons School for
Women, where they trainded educators for wealthy familes. While at this
school, Charlotte’s older sisters got sick with smallpox and died. Charlotte
had a hard life and started writing poems and novels an early age.

The novel ‘”Jane Eyar” tells the story of a young, strong woman who was
orphaned at a young age. Left alone, Jane lived in the house of a wealthy
uncle, But the cruel aunt and her children were treated badly.At the age ten,
the intelligent and disobedient girl was sent to a charitable school, where
she also had a hard life. After finishing school, Jane starts working as a
governess at Thornified Hall, which belongs Mr. Rochester, and this is
where her love story begins. However a young woman with a free nature
was many difficulties on the way life. This work is still so popular that are
many screen versions of it.

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