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What is an article? -Is a piece of writing usually intended for publication in a newspaper mageine orjoumal -Is written for a wide audience, so its essential to attract and retain the readers attention. -May include amusing ported speech and descriptions -can be formal or informal ding on the target audience -Should be written in an in or entertaining manner -Should give options and thi well as facts -is in a less formal style then An article can -describe an experience, event, pers present an opinion or a balanced ar compare and contrast -Provide Information -Offer suggestions A realistic article should consist of 1-an eye catching title which attracts the reade and suggests the theme of the article. (think about why you read a maga ine or a news paper articl /-what made you read it?) Articles can also have sub headings before each paragraph. 2-An introduction that clearly defines the topi ‘and keeps the readers attention. 3-The main body of two to five paragraphs i is further developed in detail 4-The conclusion-summarising the topic mendation or comment. xamples Figures As per the Survey conducted by the loc: iE eae @S, around 13.8% students at school wetbily ENGL LISH FORMAT. Se termarkly 4. Headline Sof Indirect u— The reader has lit t the topic. é Tip >Try not to use major words 5. First Paragraph; @ Would immediat adline to the topic. e Bullying stop bulbs ‘at schoo)? = sere? iLISH by Jamie Field School days should be a happy time in a young person‘s life. \WAS® In my opinion, there is one word which answers this question - bullying. @ Watermarkly You are advised to write between 200 and 300 words. Total marks for this section: 30 You will be awarded up to 15 marks for following the task instructions. You will be awardedwup to 15 marks for the language you use. Question 4 Your cousin, a successful formerstudent at your school, has justifeturned from living in another country. Your Principal asks you to write anvarticle for your school magazine about your cousin's experience. Write your magazine article. You must include the following: + what your cousin achieved at school + where your cousin went and what your, cousin didithere + why your cousin is a role model for other students. Coverall three points above in detail. You shouldimake your magazine article interesting and informative. Start your magazine article with a suitable headline. “XAAID From deep tolshallow ENGLISH by Sameer Ali Being in a difficult situation may Sound a very bad idea to Some,but for a few, they thrive in such conditions. My cousin, our a former pupil of School, was once rock bottom in life but with his handwork reached the sky. @ Watermarkly From frustration to motivation by Durdana Shakoor Frustration makes even the best struggle in the easiest of situations. The higher the level of frustration, the more difficult it is to\come back from it's effects, My cousin, a former pupil of this school, rose back from the ashes of frustration andadversities to self motivate himself to greatness. Was the struggle everlasting? Rasheed Jabbar During the phase of Struggle, several times a question arises in one’s mind as to when this Struggle would end3 when would the agony be over, At times it ends quickly, other times not So. One thing is for sure that it doesnot last forever, Such was the belief of my cousin, a former pupil of this School,whorkept knocking on the door of success until the door flung wide open. @ Watermarkly XAHIDAN WER O LEVEL ENGLISH @ Watermarkly

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