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1. After reading Peter N.

Stearns's "Why Study History," describe three reasons he lists as to

why we study history. No, you can't just write the title of the subsections bolded in black.

- History is the database of human behavior as it records what happened in the

past, and can acknowledge past studies, behaviors, inventions, laws, and
philosophies that can be used and studied in the future. It can be used predict the
future by identifying patterns which allows humans to avoid making more
mistakes in the future. It also brings back a person back to their identity to
strengthen patriotism.

2. King's Academy has five guiding principles that sum up what we expect you, as King's
students to embody:



Global Citizenship

Love of Learning

Integrated Life

You need to connect what Stearns wrote (why study history) with ONE of the guiding principles
and describe how it connects.

- Some of the key factors that form identity are nationality, religion, hobbies, etc…
Studying the history of their ancestors, students can foster a genuine love of
learning for their own sake and a desire to acquire knowledge in and for
themselves. Studying history can cure students’ curiosity and allow them to
understand the evolution of how they became who they are now, allowing them to
love the subject they are learning about more.

3. King's Academy's Mission Statement states: "King's Academy develops and empowers
young leaders from diverse backgrounds who will cherish one another and drive change
towards a shared future of peace and opportunity." Just as in question 2, now you need to
connect the mission to the Stearns reading (why study history) and again, describe the

- Learning from past leaders can allow students to avoid making the same mistakes
which will strengthen their leadership skills to make them confident leaders
allowing a better chance of making decisions that will lead to a future of peace
and opportunity. Also, studying the history of their peers’ backgrounds can grow
a stronger bond between the students diffusing their culture and tradition.

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