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Axiai 1. Introduction During the development and initial operation of commer Giel Jet transports, the aircraft industry was geatly com cemed with the take-off exhaust acise probiem. As commer cial operations grew aad incorporated procedures for reduc- lng this iakeolf noise, the airport veiphbors becape it creasingly more disiurbed by the compressor inlet noise os approach. Meanwhile, Pratt & Whitney Alrcraft was devetop= ing fan engines which gave ax exhaust ooise reduction of about 10 db. However, the quality and intensity of the com- pressor soise remained essentially anchanged so thet the exhaust noise reduction, while obviously beneficial for the take-of! condition, had the effect on approach of lowering the relatively moderate backgiound against which the com pressor was heard. Fron the staadpoiat of quality, the disc crete-fequency compressor whize is more objectionable thas, ‘oad band exhaust noise, Thereiore, reduction of exaust noise alone does not inprove matters for the listener as the airplane approaches - in fact, it results io « stronger re- sponse. ‘Thus, the spotlight was focussed on the compressor noise problem mote or less simultaneously by two fecters: 1. The airport neighbors’ reaction to the landing epproach of the Gist jet tansperts. 2. The farther uamaskiog of the compressor noise by the ‘quieter exhaust of the faa eagines. Recognising the increasing importance of conpresser soise as exhaust noise is seduced, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft embarked on @ major sescerch aad development progam to obiain # better understanding of this whole problen. Exteasive facilities were developed for use ia iavesti- sting the mochasisms of noise generation aad taneniesion within the compressor. Several outside stands were used for measuring the noise radiated from full scale engines with TASS Flow Compressor Noise Studies J. M. Tyler and T. G. Sofrin Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Div., United Aircraft Corp. ‘This paper received the 3901 Manly Memorial Awaré and without sound-ebsorbing inlet and discharge ducts. Also, full scale compressor rigs were used for studies of many special aerodynamic and acoustic problens related to compressor noise. Many interesting papers could be writtea ‘about the discoveries made io these studies. We have ‘chosen to write aboat 2 portion of this whole area of study ~ the wansmission of a pressure [ield fom = compressor to the Listener's ear. ; In one sense We regret thet so auch space bas bees tekea to cover but a suall portion of the entize subject. However, the inclusion of relevant backgrousd material is istesded to help make the picture clear to engineers who nay not be familiar with the language and nethenatics of acoustics. of compres 308 Giaenization of Study AAs « eulde to te ortaaizaon of the conprestr noise epwicd ke, Pip as bend epee Thee ge svens of sty il Be need necting Nechenisns ~The naire of the scurces of veod in an axial flow compressor is treated in this area. It rar to coaster fet the case ol rotor aloe, and to tile ap te toueen de to malar interaction, In 1 coses I ound tat the sures pace eating Soe core patterns called spinning nodes. fea temaauas nie Raa oe spingiendes they are tansmitted in a cylindrical duct enclosing the ‘ole is examined in this area, Depending spos the speed 2 which the generated spiasiag mode sweeps the duct eee a function of distenco ffom the rator, vari ‘Seance, giving tise to the term “exponential decay, ietply, “decay.” Io maay ‘npugh to lower the intensity to @ segligible value wi Cont length of duct. —Wiea the tip apeed of the generated pattern is sulicenly Nigh, however, the pressure Duct {Spe propagate ia the duct as a vave of sndininished in “Sosity. It thes Becomes isportast to consider topics ia- caded inthe third sr of study. Radiation - In the coco of propegating modes th loz song fluctuating presoure field at the face of the duct. TRe_semes_is which this Geld radiates_sosed “While the foregoing azeae adequately partition the etady ito logical categories, a complete treatment of each in tum >defore proceeding to the next is probably aot the best way to present naterial iavolving terms aad concepts that aay be familiar only to specialists. A more direct route to under. Standing the basic points of the study was considered to 2 sequential selection of topics from each area, illustrate by reference to experimental techniques and results. Be cause the basic physical problems are intrinsically technical (one, for example, is the propagation of a polarized field in a ‘Fave guide), it is act possible to avoid aathematical de scription. Wherever possible, however, such material has ‘been relegated to Appendixes so as act fo appear to stand in the way of those seeting caly a brit loot at the subject. For convenience, syobols intoduced is the text are col- lected and defined in Appendix A. During the course of the following preseatation, an cccasional reference t9 Fig. 1 aay be helpful for orientation, 3. Generating Hechonisms ¢ Sasa) ‘This study is concerned with line ela ea ee are pects ea ae ie of ssoarranie oi fareaeneieeie a J.M. TYLER AND T. G, SOFRIN tweatest importance ate effects due to stezdy aerodynanic blade loadicg and to blade thickness. Of less immediate concem ate effects associatec with vortex shedding, trar- The nature of the pressure fielé associated with steady aerodynanic and thickness effects is aow considered in y tone detail, Fle, 2A isa developed view showine (7pical pressure contours areund «rotor Bade asseably at a0 aib- Wary radius. If there are B blades jn the rotor, they are speced 2/3 radians apar, and the associated presture Cor tours also rpont In this lateral, Fig. 2B is a plot of the prose datetion as « feaction of angular postion at 5 fied distance forward ofthe blades. This dstibtion nay a af lp vl ters, but to requreneats mua lvays be ne se oe sap iy, CaM, The form 7, 9~FO-9 in standard for a eevoling wave and says cly that the prose © — sure at a particulat place and tine amives at ancier locs- paced 2n/B radians apart, the eat distribution, with this period. Recalling that a periodic Tanction can be represented by @ Fourier series, it is ceen that at a fixed sadjus and sxial location the function of angle and tine is given by 6 2@,0=)° ee Ga) here a, and gj, are amplitude and phase parameters re- ee | “By means of this equation the pressure fielé in front of ~ the rotor can be visualized in a manner that is both simple _ SH ana Iytieal work, Suppose ¢ bypothetical photowarh be takes at spiel a 2 — Rotor pressure field characteristics FLOW COMPRESSOR NOISE ot 5 008 GEO cane Gemekbred Ene. superposition feted paltry sch slang a salt speeds Tus comecpt in shew the Ue ted dpe Fig, llntated lee 8 (B=4) Bind role. Notice tnt the suaber of lobes ia cach pate es alegee emilee) a) SE el mate of me ee coeplevericy cepa ot tes Ochi a cotee by ceanining its tine carintion ata fzed sngilr position. Hove 7(@, 1) sadaces to p(@) = cos (9B Ot~ da). The His npc ers oe form and ita resletion info pue tones of hemenicaly-e- lated feqencion EN cps (sdanestal), ZEN (Gist ae clea fee Gene eres se care te tenily obsined experinetally by aeaae of a poke oi crops aed Deas pees Tey opi the scale model coapreseor rigs on which extensive tex foomation has been obtained. These vga ave equipped with probe tversing copay in a yliniical comdiete oye tem which, together with euttsble clectoalc gear, peaite the preeeue Geld to be completely determined os a ation of thee #pacecotcint is ad Hoe. As an illusion of the way thie equipment is used to sap the pressure fied, suppose it ie desined to obtain ot vetily experinentally the inforntion shown in Fig. 3, cot- ee ee eee eal e eeee ale erties es woe Saree eis tee Ghee ated ke treed te the deaised rail ond exial loation nd eet to = Eee eee emer e ses Fig. 4 shows some of Fig. A—Pr Fig. 38 — Pressure distribstion rae lene a tical signal proportional to p(0), has the wavelorm shows in Fig. SA. Her image by means of an adjusteble narrow band-pass filter ic analysis of this signal is conveniestly svencies observed to be_msiiples of blade ; filter ouiput at these succesBive pais concsponds jo the presen anpligds corliciens “iy ty and v0 Gr. A let of theww coetilcits an a fe Fig, 4C — Inlet bellmouth, cylinder, and As. filter tuned Gequency is slowly swept, ils ovtpat rises — _——_aXiAt FLOw COMPRESSOR NOISE STUDIES fof « revolution, thus identifying From siz Srobe patter, esis oo severe rotors it as bees vetitied that the Tolor pressure field consisis of « Jobe patteras all wzsiag with rior spe Guertal Uladepassage Gieqacoey, BN, cps, is sseciated with 2 Belobe patisra, and the harmonics, 2 “and so forth ae associated with patteras Saving 2, 2 ‘sofort tines this auaber of lobes, Te (oregoing description of Ue circunfereatiel structure of the rotor field may well appear repetitious sarily detailed. However, since @ sharp picture of these paticular featues is cuciel to an understanding of all that follows, it is believed tht the less of brevity is here worth the price. only tie! mestion of two renaining points. The radial pressure distibution from hub to tip may have 2 variety of forms depending on dotale of individvel com pressor design end operating conditions. This variation be incorporated into the nathemstical desciption of ‘by allowing the Fourier coeliciests , and & 31 to depend on radius, eat now be conpletely specified in come reference. __nesr the rotor by: where the radial distribution functions a. (t) and dy (t) car Be experimentally obtained by taversiag the lield radially "A TinaY Comment may be of special interest to those con- ‘cerned with the aunerical evaluation of these coeificients ix terms of compressor and operating characteristics. For rea- sons to be disclosed in the following sections, i tars out that farther specification of the steady-state rotor field is uuasecessary at this time. Independently of this fact, other Iinpertant conclusions are more clearly derived aed high- lighted if the rotor field is specified in the simplest, aost general way. sand id unneces- Is compensation, this section is concluded with ot od Sy of Ea. 1 Transmission - General - From « prectical view poist, the pressure at the face of the compresser is of nost_ KD ROE RIN # RUN tJ coe wt [Ee ore Event Fig, 6A— pressure disrvibu Tie, the pressure (luctotions BUST waved WHEN ay let : Frisia a ois Ron cn fe edited into es space. I fs with i, SBN cps, The fluctuating prezeure field 8 ae (0) cos [2B (-91) +e, (0) @, ») by tn observer on the the features of duct cermsé. ‘The problem can be concisely formulated: Given that io fuie nediun bounded by two coscentric cylinders, the pres sue is specified on « referonce plane nornal to the axis in the forn of a spinning lobed patter; find the pressure dist bution thoughost the cylinder so that the radiation from the fend can in turn be evaluated. ‘The shortest soate to an understanding of the results by those ‘ith limited experience in this area is probably Sy means of digestion I order to introduce some escentis! concepts, we first consider a simpler related problem = thin rectangular duct. Theve next foliows 2 discussion of a special case of the cylindrical problem - + narrow annalar duct. Results of this case can be inierpreted in a strsight- forward way and provide a satural bridge to the general cyljacgical duct, the last stew inthis section. jt Transmission - Thin Rectangular Duet - By thin, two-dimensional, 5 BERRI a duct in which the (Biciness ss-section dimension 1s segigtly small compan the width and thus allows representation as shown LOA, Here the width extends is the Yaris divectioa, the x ‘axis is aligned lengthaise, and the coordiaste origin is con- venieatly taken at the intersection of the y axis with the boiton wall. The pressure at each point sn the relerence plane x= 0 oscillates at frequency { cps with an intensity that is @ function of location. Thus, in the reference plane the pressure is siven by p|9, 1)=pG) cos at. (w=279. It ray be imagined that this 1s accomplished by 3 membrane vibrating in an arbitrary way o by means of several loud- speakers driven at a comnos frequency but with abiverly ferent amplitudes. Fig. 64 shows such 2 distibttica. ‘The problem is to find the pressure at aty point in @ opical plane distant x from the refereace. Waile it may be guessed (corectiy) that this pressure varies in time with the sane fequency, { eps, as the input, it is clearly outside the province of conjecture to determine the associated y-disti- butios function. There is a suaightforward 3-step procedure for ersving at mission that this section is con ransmissiot of sound in fects the mise seccived — this pressure distribution in cross-sections removed from the reference plane: 41. The distribution py) at x= 0 is resolved into « prop- ‘ly weighted sum of simple modes or characteristic farc- uoas. 2, The canner in which these modes are nodiied ia ‘amplitede aad phase by trevel in the dic is analyzed, ==). The nodified modes are reassembled with the original “rcighting o give the resultant field. The terns modes” and characteristic “functions” refer respectively tothe simplest ways in which te pressure cap, ‘be distributed and their corresponding mathematical expres- ‘Any_physically realizable pressure disiibulioe eat te expressed as a weighted san of theso nodes, They are (ke) Van) * int epee eae eee eect Sata tes cocspontg amc aches oe ree Ha Gs rae ee +f m4 noted that, apart from the lane wave, they have the form of cosine waves with an‘ntegrat munber of hall cycles 9, = walt the plare wave, the tangent to each cuve at the top and bottom of the section 1) ie erent te aber Sat, cling taent of no aiiflow through the walls. For this reason, (Called a boundary condition) the equally simple nathenati- be The waxis pressure dependence is now mathemstically studied for a single representative modo: fq eed hy is a real number, whereas be- low cutoff kz becomes ineginary. It wosld be surprising if the reoults did sot have essoatic! difference in the two ceses, The conplote proseure field is given by: “case 2 - decay - <6 els cog tye coset 4.2.1) ( sae b - propagation - > f, Pie y, Dm ages Ty c08Oy x= wt) (42.2) By examination of these equations snd Fig. 7 it can te seea that the following rematks apply’ A. In each case, the ydietibution i a cosine wave of the came shape ar the input with » plus or minus maxiaum at the walls. ‘erepence pure Fig. 7A — First clos mode = dex eying fields hy pint eee Bye wee JP AXIAL FLOW COMPRESSOR NOI: STUDIES — 2. Tho variation of pressure with s-distance and tine takes different forms depending of the retic of diving fie- ‘quency to cutoff frequency for the y-istribstion mode, 3. For dui has cutoff, the tensi tude of the pressure fluctuations falle off exponce- ‘Be pressure fctuations are nepligible only when cuisf is closely appseached, le this necligible | a et ected “peighbortood the pressure intensity paraliel to the walls is ‘essentially the same througheut the leagth of the duct. — 4. When cutoff frequency is exceeded, true wave motion Propagates in the duct, af indicated by the cate b factor, 05 (k, x —cot). Just above cutoff, the x-wavelength is ap. preciably greater than would be the cate in freefielé ané the phase velocity in the x-direction is correspondingly high, a requited to satisly the relation {= c/d=c,/I, = const. Farther above cutoff 2, and c, rapidly approach their free space values. ‘Two additional comments are needed. First, no reference to the vaiue of the ieagtt of the duct has beer made. This intentional omission was based on the desire to defer un- essential complications until the basic ground had beer Covered. That the duct length is indeed imelevant, except possibly for a nartow range of frequency, can certaialy be seen in the case of decay. If the ceiving frequency is rea- sonably far below cutoff, the decay parameter: wo go 7 vi? is well epproninated by 2nf,/c=2z/hy. The x-depesdeat factor is then p(s) = cxp~2rx/A,, This implies tat is 2 length of duct egal to one y-wavelength the ressare wil drop ty an anount equal to 20 log (exp 2) or roughly 50 db. Thus, cely in a duct of extremely short leagth is the pressure a Fiving at the ead suflicieatly high to justily coosidering its leckward reflection fiom the end temination, Although itis sot equally obvious, it turas out that at Gequencies ree sonabl cstolf backward seflectioas Trou the (open) ead of the duct can also be ignored, Consideration Ppa) LA sas aT mateo ote mal Cr nye ey ents Fig, 7B — First cross mode pogating field: > fy a *—exciting it are either lacking of can be eliminated. 315 cof the effect of end boundary conditions in the neighborhood cof cutoff tas been deferec. The concluding remarks for the rectangular duct concern fan exceptional case: the plane wave, g = 0. This is the only “tase of waves in tubes usually covered in an introductory course i acoustics, but it is tly excepticnal in 2 study of ‘axial-liow compressor noise since the nechanisms for 1 may also be considered exceptional in having a cutoff frequency of zero, Thus, 2 plane wave will always propagate, The velocity of propagation in the duct and the wavelength are the same as in free-field, ané, in addition, the length of the duct and its manner of termination are extenely important vasiages of considering Uansmission of sound in a narrow ‘anrules of the form shown in Fig, 8 are —1. The problem involves but 1wo space coordinates, as ‘with the thin rectangular duct, and employs essentially the sane characteristic functions for specification of the input pressure distibution, —2.A simple, pictorial, and easily recallable method of describing the complete pressure field is available in terms of velocity vectors and mach rumber, 3. Most important, the essential properties of the general problem are closely simulated by the annular case, and can Nerrow ennular dvet Input spinning mode Fig. 8A pls) =plss2%n) Fig, 8B —Developed view of annulor duct, periodic bowndary conditions se Fig. # shows the dect crose-cectie, ia which the anauler eee ts aoe gene eee ete 2, The cefereace plane excitation is lobed partem spinning at (0 mdinas/aee, which ofall precvurs avalon extend tcoued the peinetnt. ‘This presame weve, which may be grerated by m rotor, for example, sweeps bythe duct walls at velocity cy = ftp, At any fixed location Be effect Ea Emraoaie presstw finctantion at cieuler Goquency idea “Forlani at representation, the thin annular duct is re ec erecoe creer ie stees tet tive curmture is reall, the wave Gil bes the same be ests as eee fe ic reclame ee wh cto exception that the boundary conditions in the editection a0 Gales bo Hee esting when adic ae pees ae ee eet et le cette et Pts eae lee ec a fag eral pees ts nae tee, oe pressure and pressure adient must be the same. The pres- ‘sure distribution in the s-direction is accordingly given by ee fo 0- sae pls thay y in the above representation, and Gy are amplitude and phese confine, snd), te wavleng ine cee: ferential diction, is evidently equal to ——*. Since are longth ond angle are related by © ~ 106, this last expressioe, when. substituted in the p(o,£) equation gives the use fal. representations: p(6, )~ am cos (nests du of (6, t) = ag cot [n(6- Ot) +d]. tate, SoeeWeree cect ache satarally interpreted as an m-obe patter rotating at angular Gelocity radians per second and generating at every point ‘lactating pressure with Hequency f= mO/2r = aN eps It willbe unefal to introduce the circuferetial velocity at which the patter sweeps the annales wall, c= fg, i Sound in tee space, c, thre the relation €, =Nac. Thet, te cucu wavelength and leit ce lated to frequency by f= c,/A,. In free space this frequency w ith a wave of length X; taveling at lations, T= c/K=c./K,, require ine of decaying field, My <1 J. M. TYLER AND T. G. SOFRIN that if ¢y is related 10 ¢ by ay = Mae As ia the case of the rectangular duct, the pressure dis tribution is the x-direction depends critically on whether the driving frequency is higher ot lower than cutoff frequency for the driviag mode. The came parameter, Iq, 20m given by | 50 also Ay is given by ee 4,222 VHGA, is involved, and it will be useful to mod- ify this expression to the extent of taking the absolute valve | — 4,2], of tue quantity inside the radical, with the under- standing that the pressure equation involving k, takes the form of a decaying exponential if {< {,, and a harmonic rela- ‘on whea {> By intoducing the various connections among wavelength, frequency, speed of sound, and Mach number, k, can be expressed ia the following ways: 2a Ke —Vir-7l @3.18 az | 43.0) Qe eS | = Ie | 43.10) Qn = paeeil 4340, =— Vasil sie) | From the last form it is seen that the criterion for propa- {ation can be phrased very simply. In order that the pres- laure fil of 2 spinning lobed pattern propagate in the duct, the circanferential Mach aumbor, M,, at which it eweepe the [annulus walls, must equal or exceed unity | discussiog of the two types of transmission follows: (4.3.2) Fig. 9B — Properties of propagating field, Ma AXIAL FLOW COMPRESSOR NOISE STUDIES ‘This field is illustrated in Fig 9A. Lines of constant phase extend parallel to the x-axis and move purely ia the Ccircunferential direction at speed c,. Along any suck line the amplitude of the pressure decays according to the factor t= Io a length Ax, the pressure level falls by 20 Logie 4%. The decay rate, using Eq. 4.3.14, can be expressed decay co Mam / 245 TRE 433) (decibels per circumferential wavelength) of, using Eq, 43.le: tore 1a [22009 ai «se Gecibels per radins) Starting at @ marimam value for low circumferential velocity, the decay rate is seen to fall with incressing M,, a5 shown in Fig. 9A. At any fixed Mach aumber the pressure from the reference plane to the duct ext varies directly, GRGE aaa ioe ite etme re ferential potters. A tabulation of the pressure drop over 2 length equal to the radius in a thin annular duct made for selacted values of m é M, is piven in Table 1. AEN, =1 the decay rate becomes zero, and a pressure Held of constant intensity in the x-direction rotates in the duct as shown in Fig. 9B. Above this cutoff speed wave mo- ‘don will propagate. Case b._Propagation M, >1- The pressure field of the nth mode is given by sees] 70, x, = tq cos [m0 + ke x- ot + gual wap coe fn (0-29+ by x + gu) (4.35) Figa, 9B-9D portray the propertios of the propagating old better thas words. Starting at cutoff in Fig, 9B, the subsequent Figs. 9C and 9D, show the effect of increasing n7 circumferential Mach aunber, In cach case, the field com sists of wave patter moving in a spiral path ia the esnulus. In the developed views shows, the field appears as parallel wave train propagating in a direction inclined to the co ordinate axis. Sections of the field are taken along the ‘axes and in the propagation direction. Notice that in the propagation dizectiog, the wave velocity and wavelength are those cbiaiaing is free field. The wavelength decreases in the sequence, due to the successively higher frequescies being generated by the m-lobe pattem as its rotation speed is increased. ‘These cossiderations allow the annular duct field of co rmlobe rotating pressure pattem to be mapped without using say mathematics: 1. Toa convenient scale lay out a series of parallel ines spaced 2 freefield velength apart. ( == ergs wang wate pen) 2. On the right hand edge of another sheet of paper place @ series of marks spaced one circumferential wavelength Table 1 - Tabulation of Pressure Drop Number of Lobes Circumferential Mach Number, My 2 ie 025 os 0.75 1 oa 8a 1& 6a 2 7 16 15 3 4 35 3 » 7 8 69 7 60 3 16 139 134 0 106 2 278 269 233 206 \ \ 1 Age SOR aaa we SN \ vee so sete Me ate AA >> 318 — 3. Orient the second sheot on the parallel Lines so thet the lines and marks coincide, = 4. The line of marks is sow in the conect developed osi- tios of the circumfereatial direction ond the x-exie is per pendicular thereto, This construction is possible, of course, only when M,>1. Viewed thus, ae an inverse problem of fitting the duct to the field, the direct analytics! approach may appear to have been unnecessary. However, in the case of decsy, it is the most convenient method and, in the problem to be considered next, i is essential Gaye Tasaaisen -Cmcastle Cyt Dut ‘The air passageway in an axial flow compressor i= boarded 0 the outside by the case wall and on the inside by the hub ‘oF spizner. Accordingly, this section considers the propagae ton of waves in a medium bounded by two concentric cyl- inders, (See Fig. 10.) As described in Section 3, the input pressure distribution in the reference plane has the form af a spinoing lobed pattem, If the behavior of a single typical Bode is determined as a function of the relevent parameters, the fleld of any input distributior can be obtained by super position. Consider en mlobe pattern rotating at ©, radians per second and this generating © sinusoidal pressute fluctuation With (circular) frequency @=2rf=nQ,. In the thin ane aular duct problen of 4.3 the pressure anplitude is sensibly ‘constant across the ennulus. Whea, as in the present case, the annular gep is not neglivibly smell, the racial variation. of pressure must be taken into accoust. This variatioa caa be represented by the following expression for the reference plate pressure: Patt 6 = pat) cos 2O—Oa)+ oul (44.2) where pg (0) is the radial distribution function, Generally, as in the case of the field of a rotor with cix cunfereatially swept blaces, for exanple, the phase angle, Sm is also a function of radius, 1 turas out that no es- catial differences result from supposing Gm constaat, and ‘his will be done here for simplicity. — The only physical resiriction oo pa (t) is that its radial dient aust be zero ot the bounding walls, i order to co staie airflow. A constant radial pressure will meet this ‘coaiition, a8 will any of the cosine-waves wich were intio Seetion-AA 1O—Annalys formed by twe concentric eyli Got pate Te J. M. TYLER AND T. G. SOFR duced in the rectangular duct section (Fig. 6) Therefore, a ouitably weightod cum of such fusctions could certainly bo selected to fit any physicelly realizable radial prosture distribution. If this were done, however, in- nediate technical difficulties woulé be encountered on st tempting to determine the resulting field in the «-directicn. ‘There is a simple oxplaration of this difficulty. The ex pean cot ay, of 42 cle chet tions Hecause they follow fron the physical characteristics imposed on the medium by the bounding geometry. In alittle nore detailed terminology, the cosine function 1s the charac. teristic function. Its argument, or independent variable, ce cosine table entry, is ¢ = ey, isa The y-multiplier, ¢ 7, is called a characteristic nunber and ney de considered az a scale factor which serves the rurpose of fitting 4 cosine-wave betweer boundaries d uate spat Fer a region hounded by concentric cylindrical walls, the ‘comesponding characteristic farctions turn out to be an in- frequently used combinatioe of Bessel functions, They are referred To here simply @s Etinctions, Fig. 11A summarizes their detintion and Figs. 1IB-L1F illustrate these ‘orn. It vill be noticed that their lorm depends ca several parame- ters. Wheteas, in the rectangular duct, a single function. cosine die the job, hete the very pe of function depends on 2, the eiscunferestial lobe number, and an g, the 3UDAip ralio, o ratio of inner to outer cylinder radii, For any fixed pair of (a, 0) values there is 2 sequence of E-functons Exe, Eri, Eu of increasing waviness which is roughly analogous to the successive cosine waves, cos — = a cos 7 ¥, ofthe rectangular case. It may be in- teresting and reassuring to notice that a¢ the ratio, ¢, is ine creased, so that the ansular gap becomes narrower, the E. functions increasingly take on the appezrance of cosine waves. The value of the index, y, gives the number of nodes, for crossings of the zero pressure axis in the radial direction, as does q in the rectangular case. A complete anslysis of this cylindrical duct problem is given in Appendix B. For the present, it is sufficient to summarize the reference plane input pressute distzsbution by meant of Eq. 4.4.1, together with the radial variation ferc- tion fa (6: PaQ=) > eeu reG) o a) ouput) (4.2) hese py) ate EXunctions and the agus of ay are weighting cosificients, by means of which on erbitery distibution cxa be composed ‘As in the previously considered duct cases, the variation of the pressure field is found to depend LATA LATS CAV ADEN veh - 7 C- TAN eS ° ene ti penn coe ge ee ee re 2=€ AXIAL FLOW COMPRESSOR NOISE STUDIES ITZ EE istribution, m= 1 g ‘yoeaal grees th ee ret i May j grzes , Pcs i bez Mice ee 20 critically on whether the parameter, k,, :8 teal of imaginary Here, i, turns out to have the form: k, 2n nee ER where {4 is the cutoif frequency for the mode with an m: lobe circuaferoatia! pressure distribution aaé a ingle pyle) ‘characteristic E-fonction rads] distribution having. pres ‘sure nodes across the anaulas. Since kay has different values for p at well ac m, the field properties upstream ftom the reference plane must be obiained by assembling the results for the transmission of each of the single modes which synthesize the input disti- bution. With this understanding, the following discussion applies to 2 single term of Eq. 4.4.2, denoted by Pays Recalling that k, is used in different ways, depending fon whether { is smaller or larger thar fa, and denoting by M.. the circumferential Mach umber with which the mlobe pattern sweeps the outer wall, r= b, the following forms can be evolved in the manner of 4.3. (4.4.38) (4.4.30) “ETRE osm EVIE asa Teyersss, | esa ae LS, ie s characteristic onnbet, associated with the functions describing the rediel pressure distribution, and, as the clutter of subscripts suggests, its valve depends on hnubstip ratio, (0), aumber of cixcumfereatial lobes, (n), and the nunber, (), of aedes ot points of zero proweure across the annulus igs 1G —Charecteristic F fume ditibetion, wd mete Kaa AL AC mas be ane wre CeO ered ANG. NTL - J. M. TYLER AND T. G. SOFRIN ‘The transition (rom decay to propagation secure when the circumferestial tip Mack umber, Ma, equale the value of ‘kgu/t. By comparing Eq. 4.3.1d with Eq. 4.4.34 it is seen that whereas, in the thin annular duet the criterion for propa~ gation is simply M, 21, here the requirement, Ma 2 rust be farther examined. Consider a pair of fixed values for m and o. Thea, the successive values of =, I, 2,..-represent mote compli= cated radial pressure distributions. By recalling the results of the rectangular duct problen, it is to be expected that here also the higher cross-nodes will have successively higher cutoff frequencies. Coasequently, the tip speed at ‘which an arbitrary radial distribution will just begs to propagate is governed entirely by the critical Mach nunber for the lowest radial mode ia its makeup. Therelore, the ‘wansnission characteristics can be sunmed ap as follows: for decay Meus Me = MS for propagation My >My at cxtoff Te eel amin tp Mach ome at he ter ara ablated in Tble 2 fx ealerad welteater I enel, te rocmn ld can fm vein by 1 fesiog to the srerpntog gts or he now sta ite ig 5B. ithe pneu ne, snl kelopd vis : eis Tip ah Raptr ei Clay pes) onan 1 1.84 | \ 138 {1s iis (iy i is te | tie i oan io | tae eee iw] ue 2 is J tos ere oc 12—Critical Mach No. Mz in plein cyline LEE MELT NUMBER U cx Ween NC Fee AXLAL FLOW CONPRESSOR NOISE STUDIES locations ‘sith the estential difference that now the wave velocity varies with radial position, be- coming MZ c at the outer wall. Attention chovld be directed to three interesting fee: apply at al = 1. The critical tip velecity Mc is always cupersonic, — 2. Fors fixed hub-tip ratio, the critical speed approaches ME = ae a inen — 3. For fixed sumbar of lobes, M-—*1 as o is increased. ‘The propagation recuisemont of supersonic tip speed nay be made to appear lee sizange by dizeussing 2 few details. In the fret place, since the circemforentis] velocity of the pinning patters varios lineatly with radius, the eupersasic. les poeta gan ies ec coe lem ies epee eet oa | dip velocity were required, for then virtually the entire | pic cowl popes’ a omic speed eitten | Ghch weld be dest coal wil te lrstin ot [cee a Fae a ple gig a el pee cc Wee (ie @a0 gti eee ane o These cscbationsmgaet, by aalgy ith the concept See See ee ict fa cee ot arettget gaeces ay 60 eden ge eee re ae li eel ere a et i oucttie Gemeaa ee eer aces ye eee ie ee a alee fees ones laa freer, cents cre) ny thon apn move pasate a eee ee eee eee eres ee ee elect oeerere pare ame eceae ae ee eee eset ees tees leas te earprereeea as Fea tee eas eee ee Set ae ene Teeter el eet octyl piece Biase ere eee meal a pe Cr eee a ee elie SAU eminra uae are eae ae ai Haas ee mete Oe fer (ue gare ees Selsey te fare ee reece eee Taree heat le eset ioe ee eet Te ees ee ee problems, #0 elaberstion will be neoded aow. Ya

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