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In the realm of shadows and fleeting dreams,

Where echoes linger in silent streams.

A tapestry woven with threads untold,
Whispers of tales in a realm so cold.

In the dance of time, a mysterious waltz,

Where illusions shimmer and reason halts.
A symphony played on the strings of air,
Notes lost in the void, a cosmic affair.

Mountains stand tall, their peaks in the sky,

Yet, their silence speaks, a muted reply.
Rivers meander, a serpentine art,
Reflecting the emptiness, tearing apart.

Stars above twinkle, distant and bright,

Igniting the canvas of the boundless night.
But in their brilliance, a vacant stare,
A cosmic ballet in the vast nowhere.

A moon, a lantern in the velvet gloom,

Casting shadows in a desolate room.
Yet, its face conceals the secrets deep,
A void of meaning, where illusions seep.

Meadows of green sway in a breeze unknown,

Whispers of purpose in a monotone.
Yet, the grasses murmur a tale untold,
In a language that the void will hold.

A canvas of words, painted in gray,

A portrait of nothing, fading away.
A poetic dance in the void's embrace,
A full page echoing a vacant space.

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