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source - sap,df mdm,pim,aem

faB(data fabric)

athena data only in fab developer

point in time delivery - esp

cumulative data delivery - proxy int(salsify and cona_) -

mdm to df

schduler lambda only trigger poller lambda

poller lambda 2 min,2 hour,24 hour(count record and fetch to consume)
consumer lambda - consume data (read yaml file,fetch json record and send into

df to esp

when data change in dynamodb ,it trigger

data-change-legacyacn lambda check update record to esp or not
prodsubscriptionmmdeEspAcn lambda uses mmdeEspIntegration.yml (newEqualsOld-not
push,if some change(other than validation)
((Then next lambda(ccna-fab-prod-subscription-MmdeEspAcn) will collect the query
from Dynamdb(ccna-fab-prod-type-subscriptions) for validation and then sends to esp
if validation is passes.))
publisheresp lambda - publish data to esp)

ccna-fab-core-test-subscription-hierarchyCustomer lambda- send data to downstream

(testing purpose)

esp to downstream

esp-deliveryservice-prod-httpmessenger- send data to downstream using


esp-subscription-prod(dynaodb)- new subscription(take endpoint and api)

aws appSync> setting > new api key

dmix replace by pim---------
pim sending upc data to aem via df
aem create publiclink and (asset data(4 types-preview,original,coke1,coke2
) and sending back to df and then to downstream

aem>pim (only send preview image) (only jpg extension)

inbound lambda- just count number
dmex-pim-outbound-proxy lambda - fetch record from sqs
dmex-pim-failures- sns (deadletter queue)
nat proxy - take data from outbound and put into plz as csv

aem>cona(all 4 type of data-preview,original,coke1,coke2

(all type of extension)
via plz>spice integration

historical data
#fab-prod-aem- asset
pim-inbound-api - lastupdatedate change (fetch only count
then trigger sqs below
(send msg)
then we will get count

pim-outbound-api - fetch actual data


salsify integration

from df to salsify-
subscription lambda : salsifyaemasset

prod publisher salsify

fab-prod-salsify-inbound-api lambda
dynamodb -ccna fab qa salsify debounce table
(product data+assetdata sent to salsify)

outbound-inbound api : whitelisted table(product(if data come from pim and asset(if
data come from aem) and syndication error table(various types of error)

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