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Feb 1, 2011

F- Difficulty of breathing related to productive cough and presence mucous

production as manifested by increase respiratory rate.


S: “Hirap ako uminga dahil ditto sa mga plema na to.”

O: tachypneic; labored breathing

 Positioned the patient on a high back rest.

 Provided o2 via nasal cannula at 4LPM inc.
 Advised Deep breathing exercise.
 Advised CBP with BRP.
 Side rails up for safety at all times.

 Monitored clearly for signs of respiratory distress.

 Free from injury.
 Patient can breathe comfortably with O2 support.
Feb. 2, 2011

F- Ineffective airway clearance related to excessive secretions and

mechanical obstructions. ( Patient biting the ET )

 Patient is biting the ET.

 Presence of purulent mucous secretions per ET and oral.

 Positioned patient on high fowler.

 Applied improvised tongue guard.
 Secured ET placement with proper ET tie.
 Suctioned secretions per ET and oral as needed.
 Advised patient or watcher to call for nurse’s attention when
mechanical ventilator is alarming.
 Secured connections of mechanical ventilator to ET with appropriate
mechanical ventilator setting.

 Maintain patent airway.

 Patient’s watcher understands the purpose of tongue guard.

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