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YKUI Maskumambang
Se-JAWA TIMUR Dukun Gresik
the Power of Young Generation Tahun 2019

Petunjuk Pengerjaan Soal Babak Penyisihan Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris

Tingkat SD/MI se-Jawa Timur
Tahun 2019.

1. Sebelum mengerjakan soal, telitilah terlebih dahulu jumlah dan nomor halaman yang terdapat pada
naskah soal;
2. Isilah identitas Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan sesuai dengan petunjuk yang diberikan
3. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang dianggap paling benar dengan memberikan tanda silang (X) pada
lembar jawab yang disediakan;
4. Soal babak penyisihan terdiri dari 50 soal pilihan ganda;
5. Waktu mengerjakan soal babak penyisihan adalah 90 menit;
6. Sistem penilaian jawaban adalah sebagai barikut :
 Benar :+5
 Salah : -2
 Kosong : -1
7. Selama waktu mengerjakan soal, peserta tidak diperkenankan bertanya ataupun meminta dan
memberikan jawaban kepada peserta lain;
8. Selama mengerjakan soal peserta dilarang menggunakan alat bantu hitung dalam bentuk apapun;
9. Apabila terdapat soal yang kurang jelas peserta langsung bertanya kepada pengawas;
10. Sebelum lembar jawaban dikumpulkan, peserta diharapkan mengecek kembali lembar jawaban

Selamat Mengerjakan !!!!!

MATSAMASFEST#10 MTs. YKUI Maskumambang
Se-JAWA TIMUR Dukun Gresik
the Power of Young Generation Tahun 2019
1. The loosing rooster slunk away and hid itself in a quiet corner. The winner flew up to a high wall,
flapped its wings and crowed its victory, as loud as it could. Suddenly, an eagle came sailing through the
air and carried it off with its talons. The loosing rooster immediately came out of its corner and ruled the
farm yard from the on.
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. Paws
B. Claws
C. Beak
D. fangs
2. This natural phenomenon flies our mind to a world where it’s same as strawberry milk exists. The cause
of the flamingo-pink color. Though it is assumed that the reaction between its natural salts, sodium
bicarbonate and red halophilic bacteria are responsible for the bright pool of pink.
What is the name of the natural phenomenon above?
A. Fly Geyser, USA
B. Sea of starts, Maldives
C. Lake Hillier, Australia
D. The Danzia Landform, China
3. Doraemon is one of the characters in a Japanese manga series created by Fujiko Fujio. Doraemon is a
robotic cat. He has small body and white hands and feet. Although he can hear perfectly well, Doraemon
has no ears. Doraemon possesses a large pocket that can produce many gadgets from the future. The
pocket is called yojigen-pocket, or fourth- dimensional pocket. Doraemon’s favorite food is dorayaki, a
Japanese treat filled with red bean paste. This robotic cat has the tendency to panic during emergencies.
In an emergency situation, he will frantically pull out every unnecessary gadget from his pocket.
Nevertheless, Doraemon is a good cat. He always helps Nobita.
―… he will frantically pull out every unnecessary … ―
The underline word can be best replaced by …
A. Worried
B. Scruffy
C. Seriously
D. grumpy
4. It is a traditional Indonesian games played by using two thin bamboo sticks with 30 cm and 15 cm long.
Other tool that is used in this game is two bricks that are used to support the bamboo stick. This game is
commonly played by boys. It is played by two teams. Each team consists of 3 to 4 players. This game
only can be played on large field. Then, in this game, one team will throw the bamboo stick and the other
team will try to catch the stick.
What is the name of this game?
A. Jacks
B. Patil lele
C. Marbles
D. Engklek
For number 5 and 6.
Nana's family
Nana is ten years old. She is from London. Her hair is short and blonde. She has blue eyes. She also has got a cat
and a dog. Their names are Catty and Fluffy. The dog has got a small house in the garden. Nana's cat is 3 years
old. Nana's mother is Angelina. She is a teacher. She's thirty-five years old. Her hair is long and blonde. Her
nose is pointed. Her husband is Nicole. He is thirty-seven. He works at hospital and examines patients. He has
brown hair and blue eyes. They have three children Nana, Sean and Jack. Sean is six and Jack is twelve years
old. Sean's hair is blonde, Jack's hair is brown. The boys have got blue eyes. Jane hasn't got a pet. She has a
friend. Her name is Laura. Nick has a horse. Nick's friends are bus drivers. They are Tom, Charles and John.
Jack's pet is a hamster. Its name is Miccy. Sean has a goldfish. Its name's Bunny.

MATSAMASFEST#10 MTs. YKUI Maskumambang
Se-JAWA TIMUR Dukun Gresik
the Power of Young Generation Tahun 2019
5. What is Nicole’s occupation?
A. A teacher
B. A nurse
C. A student
D. A doctor
6. How does Angelina look like? She has . . .
A. Black hair, blue eyes, long hair
B. A teacher, blonde hair, pointed nose
C. Brown hair, blue eyes, a doctor
D. Black eyes, short hair, pretty

7. 207.386 = ... How can you read this number?
A. Two hundred seven thousand three hundred and eighty six
B. Two zero seven thousand three hundred and eight sixty
C. Two thousand seven thousand three hundred and eight six
D. Two zero seven hundred thousand three hundred and eight six


Could you show me the Bank from the Hospital?

A. Go a head to second street. Then turn right to the crossroad. Turn left. Straight to the main street.
It is next the police station. It is also located in the corner.
B. Turn right to Central avenue. Then go a head to second street. Turn left. The bank is in the right side.
C. From the second street, turn left to main street. Then go a head 200 m. It is on the right side.
D. Go a head to the restaurant. Walk to main street. It is in front of the post office.

The Bear and the Two Friends
Once, two friends were walking through the forest. They knew that anything dangerous can happen to
them at any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would remain united in case of danger.
Suddenly, they saw a large bear approaching tern. One of the friends at once climbed a nearby tree. But the
other one did not know how to climb. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground
breathless, pretending to be a dead man.
The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt his ears and slowly left the place. Because the
bear did not touch him, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend on the ground, "Friend, what
did the bear tell you into your ears?"The other friend replied, "He advised me not to believe a false friend.

9. What can we infer from the story?

A. We have to save ourselves
B. We have to respect others
C. We have to be confident
D. We have to be there for our friend

MATSAMASFEST#10 MTs. YKUI Maskumambang
Se-JAWA TIMUR Dukun Gresik
the Power of Young Generation Tahun 2019

10. Seller : Good afternoon!

Buyer : Good afternoon, do you have a best product of computer and speaker ?
Seller : Sure, this is ―Intel Inside‖ and ―BMB‖ the best product from USA
Buyer : How much do they cost?
Seller : The total of cost are Rp. 8.000.000
Buyer : ………?
Seller : I’m sorry the price is fixed!
Complete the blank space using the right sentence!
A. Is the price expensive?
B. Do you give me discount for them?
C. How many products do you offer here?
D. How is the specification of the products?
11. It is a type of traditional vernacular house of the Javanese people (Javanese omah). In the highly
hierarchical Javanese culture, the type of the roof of a house reflects the social and economic status of
the owners of the house; The house is traditionally associated with Javanese aristocrats. The roof can be
implemented to a dwelling (omah) or a pavilion (pendopo). The roof is the most complex of all Javanese
roof types. Different with the other type of Javanese roof such as the limasan and kampung roof, it does
not use king posts. It consists of columns that become higher as it go to the center. The four innermost
main house columns are often the tallest, while the outer columns are the lowest. These four innermost
house columns support a roof that is the steepest of all type of Javanese roof; almost forming a pyramid,
except that it comes to two points rather than a single one. These four innermost main house columns is
surmounted by a unique structural element known as tumpang sari..
Based on the description above, What is the name of the traditional house?
A. Limasan
B. Gadang
C. Joglo
D. Panggung
12. I know a woman ….. husband speaks 6 languages.
A. Who
B. Whose
C. Whom
D. Which
For Number 13 and 14.
A cactus (plural: cacti) is any member of the plant family Cactaceae, native to the Americas. They
are often used as ornamental plants, but some are also crop plants. Cacti are grown for protection of
property from wild animals, as well as many other uses. Cacti are part of the plant order Caryophyllales,
which also include members like beets, gypsophila, spinach, amaranth, tumbleweeds, carnations,
rhubarb, buckwheat, plumbago, bougainvillea, chickweed and knotgrass. Cacti are unusual and
distinctive plants, which are adapted to extremely arid and hot environments, showing a wide range of
anatomical and physiological features which conserve water. Their stems have adapted to become
photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have become the spines for which cacti are well known.
Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The tallest is Pachycereus pringlei, with a maximum
recorded height of 19.2 m, and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputiana, only about 1 cm in diameter at
maturity. Cactus flowers are large, and like the spines and branches arise from areoles. Many cactus
species are night blooming, as they are pollinated by nocturnal insects or small animals, principally
moths and bats. Cacti range in size from small and globular to tall and columnar.
13. Why do cacti mostly bloom at night?
A. Because their flowers are small and unique.
B. Since cacti are unusual and distinctive plants.
C. Since cacti are pollinated by nocturnal insects.
D. Cacti range in size from small and globular to tall and columnar

MATSAMASFEST#10 MTs. YKUI Maskumambang
Se-JAWA TIMUR Dukun Gresik
the Power of Young Generation Tahun 2019

14. Boby : I'm very tired of having non - stop walking for an hour. I feel thirsty.
Fika : ...
Boby : That's very kind of you.
A. Can you give me a bottle of milk?
B. Do you like to have a cup of coffee?
C. Would you like some mineral water?
D. Do you want to have some cake?
15. They are severe winter storms characterized by heavy snow and strong winds. When high winds stir up
snow that has already fallen, it is known as a ground blast. It can impact local economic activities,
especially in regions where snowfall is rare. It affected the United States, when many tons of wheat crops
were destroyed, and in Asia, 2008 Afghanistan and the 1972 Iran were also significant events. The 1993
Super storm originated in the Gulf of Mexico and traveled north, causing damage in 26 states as well as
Canada and leading to more than 300 deaths.
What is the name of the disaster above?
A. Hailstorm
B. Solar flare
C. Tornados
D. Blizzards
16. … have one elder brother. … is Andy, a junior high school student. … celebrate … birthday at the same
date, 17th February. Last year, Mom and Dad gave … different gifts. … prepared a racket and a toy car
as the gifts. The racket was for Andy and the toy car was …
The suitable pronouns to complete the passage are …
A. I – he – we – ours – we – he – my
B. I – he – they – our – us – them – ours
C. I – he – we – our – us – they – mine
D. I – he – we – our – we – their – my
Read the conversation below.
Stranger : Excuse me? Can you help me, please?
Bima : What can I do for you, Ma’am?
Stranger : I lost my daughter. She’s with me when I was in the book store. Did you see her?
Bima :…
Stranger : She’s about 130cm tall. She wears a blue T-shirt, grey trousers, and black shoes.
She has long black hair.
Bima : …, but I didn’t see her.
Stranger : That’s okay. Oh, poor Dina! She is not a confident girl.
Bima : I’ll keep an eye out for her and tell her you are looking for her if I see her
Stranger : Thank you.
17. Which is the best expression to complete the conversation?
A. Is she tall? – I beg to differ
B. Would you like to invite me? – Good information!
C. What does she look like? – I’m so sorry
D. How does she look? – You’re right
From : Elsa Safitri
To : Alisya
Sent : January, 20th 2019
Subject : Meeting
Hi, Alisya
I’m so happy you are finally coming here to see me. I can’t wait to meet you. I’ll pick you up at
the airport around three in the afternoon. I’ll be waiting at the arrival hall. If you see a fat girl with
a pink shirt and a blue jacket, that’s me. See you soon.

MATSAMASFEST#10 MTs. YKUI Maskumambang
Se-JAWA TIMUR Dukun Gresik
the Power of Young Generation Tahun 2019

18. The correct statement based on the text is …

A. Elsa and Alisya will meet for the first time
B. Alisya will take a train to go to Elsa’s region
C. Elsa will pick up Alisya at 3 a.m.
D. Elsa is not pleased to meet Alisya

19. student – write – present – each – at – class – a paper – it – to – and – has – the seminar
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The best arrangement is …
A. 4-1-11-9-3-7-10-2-8-5-12-6
B. 4-1-11-9-2-7-10-3-8-5-12-6
C. 4-1-2-9-7-10-11-3-8-5-12-6
D. 4-1-11-7-9-2-10-3-8-5-12-6

20. My friend and I will go to Yogyakarta next Monday. We will visit a place that converses a collection of
artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific importance. The items are available
for public viewing through temporary or permanent fairs.
What tourism object will we visit?
A. Town square
B. Port
C. Museum
D. Savannah
21. Last week, my family and I had dinner in an oriental restaurant. The dishes were so yummy. That We ate
the food in a short period of time. Thirty minutes after the dishes were served, a person who served
food and drink in this restaurant gave us a statement of money owed.
The bold words have the meaning as …
A. waitress – bill
B. staff – appetizer
C. manager – dressing
D. teller – gratuity

22. Rio has a favorite place. He usually spends his weekend there. It is the main symbol of a city in
Indonesia. It is dedicated to the people who died during the battle on November 10, 1945. It is 41.15
meters tall and has phallus-shaped. It is a venue used for the commemoration of the event of 1945
What is Rio’s favorite place?
A. Heroes Monument
B. National Monument
C. The Red Bridge
D. Mpu Tantular Museum

23. It is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by the reflection of light in water droplets. It results a
spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It can be full circle. However, we normally see only an arch.
What does the passage tell us about?
A. Rainbow
B. Storm
C. Landslide
D. Lightening

MATSAMASFEST#10 MTs. YKUI Maskumambang
Se-JAWA TIMUR Dukun Gresik
the Power of Young Generation Tahun 2019
Pandas have a distinctive black and white coat, with black fur around their eyes and on their ears,
muzzle, legs, and shoulders. Their thick, wooly coat helps them to keep warm in their cool mountain homes.
Adult pandas are about 150 cm from nose to rump, with a 10—15 cm tail. And, they can grow up to
90 cm tall at the shoulder. An adult panda can weigh up to 150 kg, with males 10% larger and 20% heavier
than females.
They have two unique physical features that help them hold, crush, and eat bamboo; broad, flat molar
teeth and enlarge wrist bone that functions as an opposable thumb.
24. After reading the text, we can conclude that …
A. female pandas are usually bigger than males
B. the thick fur helps pandas to survive in cool weather
C. an adult panda can be taller by increasing 10—15 cm tall
D. pandas have tiny molar teeth that makes them easy to crush bamboo
To: my beloved grandparents

Congratulations on your golden anniversary.

I wish you have a happy life together.


25. Sam sent the card two days ago, 25 th January 2019. When did his grandparents get married?
A. 1969
B. 1970
C. 1971
D. 1972
26. The following are the correct statements, except …
A. the gardeners are watering the plants now
B. some students did not returned the books to the library last week
C. the cook has cooked the meat for three hours
D. my little sister consumes one egg everyday
Jack : Good morning, David. How are you doing?
Professor David : Good morning, Jack. I am in the pink of my health. And you?
Jack : I’m great. Thank you. This is my friend Tina. She is thinking about applying to this
school. She has a few questions. Would you mind telling us about the process, please?
David : Hello, Tina! It’s great to meet you here. I’m more than happy to speak with you.
Please stop by my office next week.
Tina : It’s a great pleasure to meet you, Mr. David. Thank you so much for helping us.
David : It’s OK. Hopefully, I will be able to answer your questions!

27. …..I am in the pink of my health…..

From the statement above, we know that the professor is . . .
A. In bad condition
B. Sick
C. Ill
D. Healthy
28. A person who can’t reed and write is an iliterate.
How many words are misspelt in the sentence above?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

MATSAMASFEST#10 MTs. YKUI Maskumambang
Se-JAWA TIMUR Dukun Gresik
the Power of Young Generation Tahun 2019
29. Your father is about to pay the bill in after filling the gasoline in a gasoline station but, he realizes that he
has not got his wallet. How will he feel at the moment?
A. Happy
B. Surprised
C. Embarrassed
D. None of these
30. Your teacher is dictating notes so fast that you miss a line. What would you say?
A. Pardon
B. Tell that again
C. Repeat ma’am
D. None
31. Mom lit the candle and the . . .filled the room
A. Scent
B. Sent
C. Cent
D. Scan
Name of the magazine Description Price
A Chef’s Delight A monthly magazine for Rp. 120.000
international chefs
B Teen Trumpet A fortnightly magazine for boys Rp. 60.000
and girls
C The Green Warrior For the eco-friendly people Rp. 40.000

32. What number of magazine would Mrs. Erna need to adolescent her children
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. None
33. Listen to, talk to, think about, look up
The option that can be used with all of the verbs above is . . .
A. The radio
B. The weather
C. A book
D. A friend
34. I am an indicator of weather. I don’t have wings, but I can fly. I don’t have eyes, but I will cry on you.
What am I?
A. Dust
B. Fog
C. Cloud
D. Smoke
35. You must have me in your room. You hardly leave me without facing me. I do not speak, I cannot hear
or speak anything, but I will always say the truth.
What am I?
A. Bolster
B. Comb
C. Mirror
D. Wallet

MATSAMASFEST#10 MTs. YKUI Maskumambang
Se-JAWA TIMUR Dukun Gresik
the Power of Young Generation Tahun 2019
36. I have a river, but do not have water. I have dense forest, but no trees and animals. I have cities, but no
people live in those cities. You can find me easily in your classroom or library.
A. Map
B. Shelf
C. Compass
D. clock
37. Deny comes from a big family. His parents have 5 children. They are Didin, Dadang, Dudung and
What is the other child’s name?
A. Danang
B. Dudung
C. Didin
D. Deny
38. Information that is being received and broadcast about an event that has just happened or just begun is
the meaning of … .
A. Hot News
B. News Paper
C. Breaking News
D. Run News
39. They are mammals of the order Chiroptera; with their forelimbs adapted as wings, they are the only
mammals naturally capable of true and sustained flight. They are more manoeuvrable
than birds, flying with their very long spread-out digits covered with a thin membrane or patagium. This
paragraph talking about …
A. Bats
B. Rats
C. Insects
D. Bees
40. It is a type of pedestrian crossing used in many places around the world. Its distinguishing feature is
alternating dark and light stripes on the road surface. Typically gives priority to rights of way to
pedestrians. Commonly laid down by a road marking machine. The paragraph tell us about …
A. Zebra Cross
B. Trotoar
C. Traffic light
D. High way
41. People who study insects are called …
A. Scientist
B. Nutritionist
C. Entomologists
D. Neurologist
42. ‘It would be wise to download your program to another computer before testing it’. The underlined word
has closest meaning to …
A. Scan through a text, website, or collection of data
B. Copy data from one computer system to another, typically over the Internet.
C. Fix equipment or machinery in position ready for use.
D. Received and broadcast about information.

MATSAMASFEST#10 MTs. YKUI Maskumambang
Se-JAWA TIMUR Dukun Gresik
the Power of Young Generation Tahun 2019
43. It is a board game in which players roll two six-sided dice to move around the game board, buying and
trading properties, and developing them with houses and hotels. Players collect rent from their
opponents, with the goal being to drive them into bankruptcy. Money can also be gained or lost through
Chance and Community Chest cards, and tax squares; players can end up in jail, which they cannot move
from until they have met one of several conditions.
A. Monopoly
B. Chess
C. Clash of clans
D. Go back to door

44. My aunt is suffering from a disease. She is lying down on the bed in a governmental hospital. She looks
so weak that I can’t stand seeing her. The diseases is involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to
invade or spread to other parts of the body. It is a …
A. Tumor
B. Influenza
C. Dizzy
D. Cancer

45. It is a two-player strategy board game played on a board, a checkered gameboard with 64 squares
arranged in an 8×8 grid. The game is played by millions of people worldwide. It is believed to have
originated in India sometime before the 7th century. The game was derived from the Indian
game chaturanga, which is also the likely ancestor of the Eastern strategy games xiangqi, janggi,
and shogi.
A. Table Tennis
B. Chess
C. Badminton
D. Boxing

46. A place beside a large road where a vehicle can stop and where toilets and sometimes food and fuel are
available. This sentences describing about …
A. Game Zone
B. Fuel Station
C. Rest Area
D. Center Park

47. It is a place to get on and off line buses or trams. This place suitable with …
A. Zebra Cross
B. Halte
C. Sidewalk
D. Grab

48. Usually we can see this phrase in modern mall or other shopping place. This phrase has same meaning to

A. It is free for us to charge our hand-phone
B. It takes a lot of time
C. It does not take a lot of time
D. It does not cost anything


MATSAMASFEST#10 MTs. YKUI Maskumambang
Se-JAWA TIMUR Dukun Gresik
the Power of Young Generation Tahun 2019

49. You can easily find this word in many shopping places or modern markets. This word has meaning …

A. Doing one appointment with someone in term buy and sale one goods
B. A reduction made from the gross amount or value of something
C. A thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event.
D. Is the sale of goods by mail order where payment is made on delivery rather than in advance

50. The sale of goods by mail order where payment is made on delivery rather than in advance. This way
well known with …
A. Reseller
B. Salesman
C. Cash on delivery
D. Credit card



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