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with the thickened skin on our hands and

our feet and even with our nails we find

that it's important to trim our feet

quite often in my case I trim my feet

almost every day sometimes maybe every

other day Sam my boy here I don't trim

quite as much but I do help him and I

probably trim his feet maybe every two

weeks what he's doing right now is he's

soaking both his hands and his feet

because we want to make the cows as a

little bit softer because we're gonna

use a razor blade so what he's doing is

he's gonna soak his feet in his hands

for about ten minutes and then we'll

trim Sam's been soaking his feet for

about ten minutes now I was just going

to ask you Russell how often do you it's

soaked and trim your feet I have to do

it about twice a month but I have to

soak my feet at least two to two and a

half hours to get them so baths would

not work for me I just have to do it for

two and a half hours in a unit like this

now Sam I'm going to trim his in just a

second he's only been soaking for about

ten minutes why two hours is why would

does it take a miner probably a lot

thicker and harder and so it takes it a

lot longer to get them soft again nice I

can tell when they're done

just like we look at a cake in the oven

I can tell when they're really white

they're soft no I can't really okay okay

Sam let's have you come on out here

we're just gonna have Sam step out his

feet are probably a little tender

because of this I am just he's being a

good guy I am actually Sam can I have

you turn the other way please and Sam is

still young and so yeah we're just gonna

get later Sam is still young and so I'm

gonna trim his feet I trim my own as

rest as he is but when Sam's older just

so you'll know I've got a sterile razor

blade and I am just gonna take his feet

and and they're soft and I'm just gonna

start stay on the heals I'm using a

towel right here at home I sometimes

will just get a big piece of cardboard

and I'm just gonna start I'm actually

more self-conscious now a lot of times

we'll just start whacking away I


just kind of trim and doctor leaching in

this close by and if I do anything that

looks totally unappropriate medically

please let me know I've never had a

doctor actually meet Ram there's no real

systematic way but I'll just start going

along here I try not to get the boys ins

let them grow too thick because it just

feels like rocks in their shoes and our

shoes I think when we let our calluses

grow too thick

that's how I'll explain it to people

when they've asked me or does it hurt to

walk they said well give me a shoe and

I'll pour sand in it then you put it

back on exactly

thick sand or not the exam but pebbly

sands right let's see actually this is

plenty soft and Sam's being really good

the fine line is my right now it's not

he's not hurting at all if I did this to

my skin I would I would find blood

because I just can't trim like this

anymore I used to but for some reason

like my blisters have changed in the

last couple of years and so trimming for

me is a little bit different than this

is right now but Sam is are you hurting

at all Sam you know this is all just sam

says no he's not hurting at all in fact

this is a little soggy and I'm probably

not doing the best job yeah fit and this

end right here he's got some I'm just

gonna set this down here for a second

he's got some little pieces that kind of

hang and what I'll do with that I've got

a little trimming box here that I just

keep my tools in is I'll just take big

Clippers like this and I'll just clip

them off to make them softer like this

he's actually almost too soggy and like

so I'm not doing a very good job but um

if you ever have something that just

hangs and I can't quite get it with the

razor blade I'll use the Clippers so how

about you wrestle do you do anything I

have what they call a little wire nipper

I've got from Radio Shack now what is a

wire name they're just like a pair

fired that only there's shards like

they're sharp for cutting work small

yeah like wire cutters we ain't got any

small pieces of wire I need Sam to hold

still because I'm gonna one that swert

one sword that's a little bit trickier

always for me and this is why I always

use a very sharp razor blade as soon as

it starts to feel dull it just goes

right in the garbage can I mean I just I

just used these I just flick them out as

easy as possible they're cheap because

dole is more dangerous in my opinion is

that right dr. Leachman at least for me

and also another reason to have them

soft is because you have to work harder

if it's harder the calluses are harder

you have to work harder and then you end

up going like this and with mine I have

noticed when I trim them that it's like

there's a green to it if the blade

starts I use a single-edged blade and as

I trim sometimes it like the blade wants

to go down into the foot and so I got to

back it out and come from the other

direction to take it off and then I've

I've got that little hanging part there

that is like a cut but it's not it

doesn't hurt because I stopped soon

enough and so I have to be extra careful

me it's like there's a great like a wood

green yeah one thing I do when I'm

trimming at least on my feet I haven't

really done it much on Sansa Nate's but

as you notice I trim but we kind of get

all this little extra jaggedy stuff and

sometimes I'll pull this off but another

tool that I've really enjoyed you can

see it's well used is my pumice stone I

don't really use it much on the kids but

if I see it just laziness but I don't do

it much with the kids but I definitely

do it online and they can do it on

theirs but I like it because for some

reason it gives my foot a little massage

I'll just do that like that and it also

gives it a nice smooth feeling and I I

tend to do that too when I can't trim

well but my feet get really dry and

because I've got the blood vessels is

that right the blood vessels sticking up

sometimes if I use the pumice stone I

can I can sawed off just very gently

pieces of skin

without hurting myself anyway I'm gonna

go ahead and go on to and just do a few

toenails it's too irresistible to see

these toenails are not trim them I will

just be I'll just start on this one

because it's kind of sticking out quite

a ways I try not to tick all the boys

now I can't just start whacking off

right now if I did that if I just took

this clipper and just or the razor

blades sometimes they use the razor

blades as well if I just started

whacking I would Sam would be bleeding

right now and so I can't do that I have

to just kind of be careful because I am

his mom and I can't feel see he lets me

know he let me know that I went just a

little too deep and he wasn't in a a

little too far on the light skin he lets

me know and so we just be really careful

and we just kind of Whittle around we

find that if we let them grow too long

they'll they'll get really infected a

big trick is this big toe right here I

will not ever trim this big toe unless

unless his feet are really nice and

moist because and and sometimes I'll use

a combination between those these or the

razor blade so this one's not too bad

we got that one pretty well I was just

gonna ask Russell if you um how you trim

your toenails are you able to trim your

I have to use a rate flat razor blade

single edge and I have to go towards the

end of the toe okay some of the smaller

toes I can use my little wire nipper

okay and just like you said take a

little bit off at each time if you take

off too much you'll know it okay is it

just because I was just gonna ask okay I

promise I won't touch your toes trust me

if I took my razor blade I couldn't just

whack that off right now no because it's

just it's too hard but if it were soft

would it be able to come off of what I

draw blood

no and you would grow blood on on any of

them the only place I draw blood is on

these this side one and right now you

can see this one is got a little

infection in it uh-huh see the redness

on there yes but you can see the white

it's got

a little infection in it and right in

there on that foot and on this one the

blood vessels are in there so there's no

way I could just take that razor blade

into the right black I have to leave it

a little bit more growth on it than I do

the other because I've even done it to

her I've even caught flesh underneath

it's like the foot has blown out farther

than what it should be and then you

can't walk for two days yeah well it

just goes to show us all interesting I

mean it's all different


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