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Experienced AI developer skilled in developing 1 T ariq Block New

Garden T own, Lahore cutting-edge algorithms and machine
learning models. Passionate about leveraging technology "I am an
accomplished AI Data Science Developer with a proven track
record of developing advanced machine learning models and
optimizing algorithms for scalability. My expertise lies in
implementing predictive analytics solutions and harnessing big
data technologies like Apache Spark and Hadoop. I have
successfully deployed AI solutions to production environments,
including applications of deep learning techniques such as
convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and reinforcement learning
agents. My proficiency in natural language processing (NLP) is
evident through tasks like sentiment analysis and text
summarization. Collaborating cross-functionally, I have ensured
data privacy and security while optimizing hyperparameters and
creating efficient data pipelines. Moreover, I have mentored junior
data scientists and contributed to AI research with publications
and conference presentations. My commitment to continuous
learning keeps me at the forefront of the ever-evolving AI

Years of exp. 3 year(s) of experience

Technical Skills You will be matched for these following skills:

Years of

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Additional skills:

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Work History

AI Python Developer January 2021 - Present

2 yrs 10 mos
Expert System solution
NLP-based and Computer Vision project

AI Python Developer January 2021 - Present

2 yrs 10 mos
Expert System Solutions
Achievements/T asks
Work on NLP-based and Computer Vision project
Work on a Data Science project Yield Predicton

AI Developer Machine Learning February 2021 - Present

2 yrs 9 mos
Expert System Solution

ht t ps://git ab=reposit ories

T hat's the project based on Computer vision and Machine learning

in that project train the models of dif f erent vendors' invoices
and af ter that take the prediction f rom the side
and most of the classes predict
vision side and at the end Merge pipeline run and predict both classes f rom one f ile
in that project train the models of dif f erent vendors' invoices and af ter that take the prediction f rom
the side most of the classes predict the vision side and at the end Merge pipeline runs and predict
both classes f rom one f ile

Computer Vision Python Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence

Data Science developer October 2020 - Present

3 yrs 1 mos
Yield Prediction/Python
Data Science project f or prediction of an area yield

Yield Prediction
ht t ps://git ab=reposit ories

T hat project uses area data of weather f or Forecast and soil type
and predicts the crop yield of a year how much wheat or Rice or maze outcome f rom in that area's
Scientif ic Innovation: Researchers and scientists are continuously innovating in the f ield of crop yield
prediction, pushing the boundaries of data science and agricultural technology.
T hat project uses area data of weather f or Forecast and soil type and predicts the yield of a year
how much wheat or Rice or maze outcome f rom in that area's soil
Precision Agriculture Advancement: T he integration of area data, weather f orecasts, and soil type
inf ormation is driving a new era of precision agriculture, allowing f armers to make data-driven
decisions to optimize crop yield.
Data-Driven Insights: T he utilization of advanced analytics and machine learning on this diverse
dataset equips f armers with actionable insights, enabling proactive decision-making f or crop

Machine Learning Data Science Python Artificial Intelligence

Developer Computer Vision January 2021 - August 2023

2 yrs 7 mos
Expert System solution

Classification Of Flowers
ht t ps://git ab=reposit ories

Classif y the types of f lowers

that project is based on Computer vision T hat will predict things like f lower-types
Python is the primary programming language f or this project.
Common libraries and f rameworks used include T ensorFlow, Keras, PyT orch, OpenCV, and scikit-
Jupyter Notebooks are of ten used f or experimentation and analysis.

Variability in Flower Appearance: Dif f erent types of f lowers can have a wide range of appearances,
making accurate classif ication challenging.
Data Quality: Ensuring a clean and well-labeled dataset is crucial f or model perf ormance.
Overf itting: Preventing the model f rom overf itting the training data is essential.
Model Interpretability: Understanding why the model makes certain predictions can be important,
especially in applications where interpretability is crucial.
Data Collection: Gather a dataset of f lower images with labeled categories. T his dataset should
include images of various types of f lowers, and each image should be associated with the correct
f lower type label. Data Preprocessing: Prepare the dataset f or model training by resizing images,
normalizing pixel values, and splitting it into training and testing sets. Feature Extraction: Extract
relevant f eatures f rom the f lower images. Common techniques include using pre-trained
convolutional neural networks (CNNs) like VGG, ResNet, or Inception, which can automatically learn
and extract meaningf ul f eatures f rom images. Model Selection: Choose a suitable machine learning
or deep learning model f or image classif ication. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are the most
common choice f or this type of task due to their ability to handle image data ef f ectively. T he
project's outcome is a trained model capable of accurately classif ying f lower types f rom images.
T his model can be integrated into various applications, f rom automated plant recognition apps to
botanical research tools.
Model T raining: T rain the selected model on the training dataset. T his involves adjusting the model's
parameters to learn f rom the image f eatures and the associated f lower type labels.
Neural Network Design: PyT orch provides a f lexible and dynamic computational graph, making it
easier to design and train neural networks. In the f lower classif ication project, you would design a
deep neural network, possibly a convolutional neural network (CNN), to process and classif y images
of f lowers. PyT orch's high-level neural network module, torch.nn, allows you to def ine the
architecture of the neural network with ease.

Automatic Dif f erentiation: One of the standout f eatures of PyT orch is its ability to perf orm
automatic dif f erentiation, which is crucial f or training neural networks using techniques like
backpropagation. PyT orch's torch.autograd module keeps track of operations perf ormed on tensors,
allowing the f ramework to compute gradients f or gradient-based optimization algorithms like
stochastic gradient descent (SGD).

Data Loading and Augmentation: PyT orch provides tools and utilities to load and preprocess data
ef f iciently. You can use the torchvision package, which is part of PyT orch, to load and preprocess
image data. Data augmentation techniques, such as random cropping, f lipping, and resizing, can be
applied to increase the diversity of training data, ultimately improving model perf ormance.

Loss Functions and Optimizers: PyT orch of f ers a wide range of loss f unctions and optimizers f or
training machine learning models. In the f lower classif ication project, you would choose an
appropriate loss f unction, such as cross-entropy loss, and an optimizer like stochastic gradient
descent (SGD) or Adam to update the model's parameters during training.

GPU Acceleration: PyT orch seamlessly supports GPU acceleration, which can signif icantly speed up
the training of deep neural networks. You can move tensors and the model to a GPU device using
PyT orch's cuda f unctionality, making it easier to leverage the computational power of modern GPUs.

Model Evaluation and Inf erence: Once the model is trained, PyT orch makes it easy to evaluate the
model's perf ormance on a validation dataset and use it f or inf erence. You can use the trained
model to classif y new images of f lowers and make predictions.

Jupyter Notebooks Python Computer Vision Data Science Data Analysis Machine Learning Keras

Tensorflow Scikit-Learn PyTorch Deep Learning OpenCV Torch Optimization

Screenshots (1)

Customer Churn
ht t ps://git ab=reposit ories

T he project is based on Artif icial Intelligence that uses the data of a company and predicts and
analyzes the data which thing best f or customers to come to overstore or increase over-sale
Build a recommendation system to suggest products or services to customers based on their
pref erences and past interactions.
Provide an overview of the project's goals and signif icance.
Explain that the project aims to analyze company data using Python and AI to enhance customer
engagement and boost sales through data-driven strategies.
Data Visualization:

Create data visualizations to communicate insights and f indings ef f ectively.

Use tools like Matplotlib, Seaborn, or T ableau f or visualization.
T he project is based on Artif icial Intelligence that uses the data of a company and predicts and
analyzes the data which thing best f or customers to come to over-store or increase over-
sale Business Impact: - Present the potential business impact of AI-driven strategies, such as
increased revenue, customer retention, or improved customer satisf action. Conclusion: -
Summarize the key f indings and outcomes of the project. - Emphasize the value of data analysis
and AI in enhancing customer engagement and sales. Future Directions: - Suggest f uture directions
or enhancements f or the project, such as incorporating additional data sources or expanding into
new markets.16. Ref erences: - Include ref erences to data sources, libraries, and research papers used
in the project. T his structured outline provides a f ramework f or your project on using AI and data
analysis to optimize customer engagement and sales f or the company. It covers data preparation,
analysis, modeling, and business impact assessment.

Data Science Data Analysis Python Tableau Matplotlib Artificial Intelligence

Screenshots (1)

Cars_Price _Prediction
ht t ps://git ab=reposit ories

T his project uses the data set of cars and makes it on Data Science For the Prediction of the price of
cars checking condition, model, brand type
using Artif icial intelligence
- Use the trained model to make price predictions f or cars.

13. Visualization:
- Create visualizations to illustrate the predictions and insights using Python libraries like Matplotlib
and Seaborn.
T his project uses the data set of cars and makes it on Data Science For the Prediction of the price of
cars checking condition, model, and brand type - Summarize the key f indings and outcomes of the
project, emphasizing the value of data science and AI in car price prediction f uture Directions: -
Suggest f uture enhancements, such as incorporating more f eatures, expanding to dif f erent car
types, or ref ining the model f urther. Ref erences: - Include ref erences to data sources, Python
libraries, and research papers used in the project. T his structured outline provides a f ramework f or
your project on car price prediction using artif icial intelligence, Python, data science, and data
analysis. It covers data collection, preprocessing, modeling, evaluation, and deployment while
emphasizing the role of Python in each step.

Python Data Analysis Matplotlib Data Science Artificial Intelligence

Screenshots (3)

Human Resource Management System

ht t ps://git ab=reposit ories

T hat is the University f inal Year Project this project complete the requirements in 2021 but af ter that
dif f erent modules to it
like ticketing system
Event management
every task and complete everything in an organization that is required
T hat is the University f inal Year Project this project completed the requirements in 2021 but af ter
that dif f erent modules to it like the ticketing system Event management every task and completing
everything in an organization that is required

Machine Learning Data Analysis SQL Python

AI python Developer October 2020 - Present

3 yrs 1 mos
Machine Learning NLP Project
FYP(Final Year Project)
Inter Sof t
06/2020 - 06/2021,
Achievements/T asks
Human Resource Management inf ormation System

Price Prediction of Houses (Python)


Library Management System (Java )


Developer University project January 2020 - May 2022

2 yrs 4 mos
Web based project in university Final year project

Side Projects

Object Deduction model

Object detection model that is a computer vision project

that is detect the objects
in front of the camera and also speak about what things in front of the camera
using Yolo model v7

Artificial Intelligence Computer Vision

Education October 2017 - May 2021


Bachelor Of Computer Science

Other certifications & 2022

awards Data Science




Python For Finance


Python Core

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