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Luban, Realyn B.


BEEd 2-A Date: October 06, 2023


The Class will be divided into two (2) groups . First group will be for activity 1

and group 2 will be doing situation number to. Fill up the table below. Your output will

be sent to my personal messenger.

This Activitiy is a form of visualization and memory training. It can help improve your ability to recall
visual information and enhance your overall memory skills. Here's a step-by-step guide to following the

1.Find a quiet place where you can relax and focus without distractions. Make sure you have the photo
you want to work with readily available.

2. Take a moment to prepare yourself mentally. Clear your mind and let go of any external thoughts or

3. Open your eyes and look at the photo you've chosen. Take your time to observe all the details,
paying attention to objects, buildings, people, colors, shapes, and any other elements present in the

4. Engage your senses as you look at the photo. Try to imagine the texture, sounds, and smells
associated with the scene. The more senses you involve, the stronger your mental representation will

5. After you've spent a few minutes studying the photo, close your eyes. Try to recreate the image in
your mind based on your memory. Visualize the details, colors, and shapes as vividly as possible.

6. Maintain your focus and concentration on the mental image. If at any point the image becomes
blurred or difficult to recall, you can open your eyes and briefly look at the photo to refresh your

7. After glancing at the photo, close your eyes again and continue visualizing. Strive to rely on your
mental image as much as possible, minimizing the need to open your eyes and refer back to the photo.

8. Repeat this process for a few minutes, alternating between visualization and brief visual references
to the photo.

By practicing this exercise, you can train your brain to improve its visual memory and recall abilities. You
may find that you can retain and recreate visual images with greater clarity.

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