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Name: Nicolás Palacios Class: United States History - A

Similarities and differences between the Covid-19 and the Flu pandemic of 1918


COVID-19 is caused by a novel The 1918 flu pandemic was caused by an

coronavirus, whereas the 1918 flu pandemic H1N1 influenza virus, while COVID-19 is
Rapid spread of the
was caused by an H1N1 influenza virus. caused by a novel coronavirus. The 1918
viruses, overwhelming
COVID-19 has a higher transmission rate healthcare systems, flu pandemic had a higher mortality rate
and a longer incubation period, and the and the use of public among younger adults, while COVID-19
asymptomatic spread is a significant health measures such has a higher mortality rate among older
factor. The COVID-19 pandemic has also as social distancing
adults and individuals with underlying
and quarantine to
occurred in a much more interconnected health conditions. The 1918 flu pandemic
slow the spread.
and globalized world, which has facilitated Both pandemics also occurred in a less interconnected world,
its spread and posed unique challenges for highlighted the and there were no antibiotics or vaccines
its containment. Finally, COVID-19 has importance of
available to treat or prevent it. Finally,
scientific research
disproportionately affected older adults the public health response to the 1918 flu
and the need for
and individuals with underlying health global cooperation in pandemic was often fragmented and
conditions, while the 1918 flu pandemic had responding to inconsistent, while the response to
a higher mortality rate among young infectious diseases. COVID-19 has been more coordinated and
adults. global.

1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus) | Pandemic Influenza (Flu) | CDC. (s. f.).

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