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Milo Obrzut

I read an article that was about 9 Women being elected to the Navajo governing council.

This goes against what has been commonplace in recent years as prior to this there were only 3,

and they were constantly being interrupted by their male counterparts.

This article focuses a lot on traditional roles of Women in the Navajo Nation, specifically

as leaders within their families and communities. What’s interesting is that this development is

outside of this tradition, as traditionally women have been leaders within the family or

community, while men have been so outside of it.

That said, all these women have been nominated by their communities to lead in the

council, giving the mandate to break this tradition, which is arguably very patriarchal, although

in many ways empowering and serves the matrilineal culture present within Navajo culture.

The title of the article is that “behind every good man is a strong woman”, a translation of

a traditional saying in Navajo culture that really embodies these traditions.

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